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"Sopranos" Premiere


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I can't wait.  I hope that russian guy that escaped in the woods comes back and plays a role in this season.

I just finished watching season four the other day and was surprised to see that the Russian guy thing wasn'teven discussed.


He did get shot in the head lol :lol:

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Wait, they didnt kill the guy that Carmella had a crush on, the russian guy? Is that who you guys are talking about? I forgot his name, but I didnt think they killed him, did they?

It's been so long since the last show!


I'm pretty sure he moved to Italy, or something of the such. I'd guess there will be some sort of recap from last season to refresh everyone tonight.

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Wait, they didnt kill the guy that Carmella had a crush on, the russian guy? Is that who you guys are talking about? I forgot his name, but I didnt think they killed him, did they?

The guy that Carmela liked was Furio, who had no connections or anything to do with the Russian guy that may or may not be dead from the Pine Barrens episodes.


Showtime is right, Furio moved back to Naples.

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