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"From Jesus to Christ"


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I was flipping through the channels and ended up on this program. It was an incredible look at the history of the "Jesus Movement" immediately after the death of Christ through the writing of the gospels, up to the conversion of Emperor Constantine.


Incredible program. I learned a lot. Has anyone else seen this before???

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I just checked out the website on the PBS site--looks interesting. A lot of it overlapped and was really similar to what we learned in my theology class ("Jesus"). I love the historical side of Christianity; I think it's intriguing and I think it's so fascinating how the canon was formed and the order the NT was written and the context it was written in. Sounds like a good show--but we might watch parts of it in my Ethics class ("The Ethics of Jesus").

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But the whole premise was to be the most realistic portrayal of the crucifiction...  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad or anything.  Just inaccurate from my point of view.

It was portrayed as Gibson choose to portray it. Since none of us left on this plant were there and can give an eye witness account.. every way it's portrayed is wrong to someone.. JMO.

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It was portrayed as Gibson choose to portray it. Since none of us left on this plant were there and can give an eye witness account.. every way it's portrayed is wrong to someone.. JMO.

Yeah, I guess anyone who was on this plant at that time is dead now, huh :D

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