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MVP 2004 in a few days!


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I'm assuming you will all be the white sox in franchise mode? But are you all going to play all the games or simulate some? What about your minor league games? and your minor league rosters. I will play 1 game of every series and I may play some minor league games just for fun. I am going to rename the minor leaguers to fit our real minor leaguers. I can't wait!!!!!!! :headbang

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Speaking of on line, how much is the equiptment to go online?

for ps2 alls you need is the network adapter which is like 40 bux...for xbox there is no online sadly, and that is the version im buying cuz my ps2 died :angry: but the graphics and gameplay are crisper for xbox...either way :headbang

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Actaully guys, ok I just got the roster from the Knights, can someone just tell me like if these guys are White, Black, Dominican, Korean, ect.. just for the custom editor. I cant find pictures on the Knights site, on the Barons they have all there pics. Just like next to there name put what they look like. Ill start with the ones I know.

some of em you can tell by their names but others just run a GIS on them and you might find somethin

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Actaully guys, ok I just got the roster from the Knights, can someone just tell me like if these guys are White, Black, Dominican, Korean, ect.. just for the custom editor. I cant find pictures on the Knights site, on the Barons they have all there pics. Just like next to there name put what they look like. Ill start with the ones I know.


Arnaldo Munoz

Brian Cooper 

Clay Eason

Danny Wright

Dave Sanders-White

Doug Nickle 

Felix Diaz

Gary Majewski

Jon Adkins-White   

Jon Rauch-White 

Josh Stewart-White

Mike Porzio-White

Ryan Kohlmeier-White

Tom Jacquez



Jamie Burke-White

Mike Rivera



Jorge Nunez

Ross Gload-White

Ryan Hankins




Armando Rios-Hispanic

Joe Borchard-White

Mario Valenzuela

Nate Murphy

Scott Morgan

You don't know what Danny Wright looks like? :rolleyes:

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Anyone know if the game will be in stores on Tues or will I have to wait until Wed? I usually order online but I have Gift Certificates I'm gonna use and have to go to the store.

I called my local EB Games and it won't be available til Wednesday. Your best bet is probably to call the store you buy from first before wasting time if it's not there Tuesday.

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My gamestop said if you pre-order, its tueday, but wednesday if you dont. I already preordered so it better be here by tuesday.

That's what I was told when I ordered it. The 10th, unless you preorder. Mine will be here in the mail Tuesday. I'm also on spring break and the campus is deserted, guess what I am going to be doing the entire week.

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That's what I was told when I ordered it. The 10th, unless you preorder. Mine will be here in the mail Tuesday. I'm also on spring break and the campus is deserted, guess what I am going to be doing the entire week.

they tell you that so you will preorder it, i think it saves them money. when madden came out i didnt preorder it and they said i wouldnt be able to get it until the next day, but what do you know, i went to circuit city and there it was. thats were i will probably get MVP too because it is really close.

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Wait, you can edit minor leaguers??? f***ing awesome!! Also, where is Neal Cotts on that list, was he not in enough games? :(


When I get mine, I'm gonna start the Sox in Dynasty. It will probably be difficult since the Sox aren't as hyped as they were in previous games, so it'll be a fun challenge. I'll probably customize the minor leagues too.


Also, I have internet capabilities on my PS2.

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Wait, you can edit minor leaguers??? f***ing awesome!! Also, where is Neal Cotts on that list, was he not in enough games? :(

i dont know where i heard this but i know it heard it somewhere. Its that the minor leagues will be the real teams with some real players. Players with at least 1 game of MLB service will be themselves and on whatever minor league team they are on but others will be made up players. Dont quote me on it, but i know i read it somewhere, how reliable i dont remember.

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