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Valentin will bat left handed only this year:


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Apparently, Valentin said this on Mike North's show yesterday. That's probably a good thing, since he couldn't hit his weight on the right side. Sorry if this has already been reported.

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Apparently, Valentin said this on Mike North's show yesterday.  That's probably a good thing, since he couldn't hit his weight on the right side.  Sorry if this has already been reported.

I haven't heard anything officially about Jose going lefty exclusively. Most southpaws will agree that they are left out of the right world, but in Jose's case it might be good to hit from that side all the time. No doubt he doesn't hit well from the right side, but there have been a few ocassions he ripped it from the RH side. I think he did try going only lefty in the winter leagues though.

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Wow, i hope this is true, I always find myself questioning why he never just batted left against southpaws, because it seemed like when he batted right handed, it felt like it was going to be an automatic out. I wonder how much this will affect whether he'll be in the starting lineup when a lefty is pitching.

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Apparently, Valentin said this on Mike North's show yesterday.  That's probably a good thing, since he couldn't hit his weight on the right side.  Sorry if this has already been reported.

Let's hope it is true.


Here's a piece of free advice for you (all)...DON'T LISTEN TO MIKE NORTH IF YOU VALUE YOUR BRAIN CELLS! That man is sooo stupid that it can only rub off on listeners.


You've been warned!

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Let's hope it is true.


Here's a piece of free advice for you (all)...DON'T LISTEN TO MIKE NORTH IF YOU VALUE YOUR BRAIN CELLS! That man is sooo stupid that it can only rub off on listeners.


You've been warned!

I didn't listen to North's show, I heard it on their overnight update. :P

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I heard the interview and Hose said the only reason he kept on doing it was to stay on the field. He didn't want to have his PT cut down. That's not selfish at all...Is it? I would have rather had Tony G. out there instead of Hose.

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i would much rather see jose hitting lefty, as long as he hits fine against lefty pitchers. If he cant hit lefty pitchers from the left side then its not much of an improvement from not hitting from the right side.


i think it would be wise to think that uribe will play when theres a south paw on the hill.

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