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Big 10 Awards

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The Big 10 has released their award winners. Devin Harris won both the Media and Coaches POTY and Kris Humphries was named Freshman of the year by both. Kenneth Lowe was named defensive player of the year by the coaches. All of these guys are very deserving, the coach of the year I have to question. Bill Carmody won the coach of the year per the media. I don't understand this selection one bit. Why reward mediocrity? Basically they're saying, since NW went from crappy team to a mediocre team who may not even qualify for the NIT he is the coach of the year. WTF? Obviously my choice would have been Bruce Weber, UI was outright champs, he had to deal with disciplinary problems as well as the team not buying into his system. Steve Alford (who I despise), would also be more deserving as he coached a team with a lot of injuries to a better conference record than NW.



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Illinois underachieved for the first half of the year. For Weber to get COTY would be rewarding mediocrity in a sense also. I also think Humphries got the shaft as well. The guy led the Big 10 in scoring and rebounding while being the only decent option on a bad team.

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I dont know, I mean, I wanted Weber to get the award of course, but you got to think Carmody did more for Northwestern this year than anyone could have expected. They finished .500 in the conference for the first time in like 35 years i guess, so i think he rightfully deserved the award.

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Illinois underachieved for the first half of the year.  For Weber to get COTY would be rewarding mediocrity in a sense also.  I also think Humphries got the shaft as well.  The guy led the Big 10 in scoring and rebounding while being the only decent option on a bad team.

Yep 22-5, #12 team in the country, and BT outright champs sure seems mediocre to me. :rolleyes: But I'm sure the coach who's team has a losing record is more deserving. Carmody did a good job but its not like NW has no talent this year.

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Yep 22-5, #12 team in the country, and BT outright champs sure seems mediocre to me. :rolleyes: But I'm sure the coach who's team has a losing record is more deserving.  Carmody did a good job but its not like NW has no talent this year.

Read the whole post. THE-FIRST-HALF-OF-THE-YEAR. This team should have been 22-5, at least. They have way more talent than anyone in the Big10 Wisconson included. Comparing UI and NW talentwise is a joke. I think the only guy from the Wildcats who might start for UI was Jitim Young. Its not like Illinois has done anything surprising this year. COTY is supposed to be for the guy who does the most impressive job with the troops he gets. And 22-5 isn't that impressive for a preseason Top 10 team.

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Bruce Weber is the third coach in the history of the conference to win a title outright in his first year and he doesn't get Coach of the Year?! I don't care how much talent he has to work with, they had lost Brian Cook, had only one senior on the team, Jerrance Howard who never plays. How can he not get the award?


I'm sure none of this will matter to Bruce if the Illini are cutting down the nets at the end of the tourney. :headbang


Go Illini!!!

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Bruce Weber is the third coach in the history of the conference to win a title outright in his first year and he doesn't get Coach of the Year?! I don't care how much talent he has to work with, they had lost Brian Cook, had only one senior on the team, Jerrance Howard who never plays. How can he not get the award?


I'm sure none of this will matter to Bruce if the Illini are cutting down the nets at the end of the tourney. :headbang


Go Illini!!!

You make a good case, but haw about a little love for Bo Ryan. Undefeated at home again.

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Carmody deserved it. Going into the season I thought that this was one of the worst NU teams in recent years. That says something. They turn it around in Big Ten play. Carmody did the most with his talent. Illinois merely matched expectations, at best.

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Carmody deserved it. I thought that this was one of the worst NU teams in recent years. That says something. They turn it around in Big Ten play. Carmody did the most with his talent. Illinois merely matched expectations, at best.

i agree, bruce weber has a better situation then Carmody does player wise and to take his team from where they were to having a mediocre season is well deserving. Illinois had much higher expectations and they didnt really meet all of them. i think illinois has top ten talent but they didnt play like it all year.

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i agree, bruce weber has a better situation then Carmody does player wise and to take his team from where they were to having a mediocre season is well deserving. Illinois had much higher expectations and they didnt really meet all of them. i think illinois has top ten talent but they didnt play like it all year.

:rolleyes: What expectation hasn't been met up to this point in the season? No bad out of conference losses and outright Big 10 champs. I'm not sure what expectation could have been met. Maybe I'm the only one that feels the Big 10 is to good of a conference to have its COTY be from a team with a losing record. Carmody did a great job and I won't say he didn't, but COTY should never come from a team with a losing record that unless they win two BTT games won't even be in the NIT.

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:rolleyes: What expectation hasn't been met up to this point in the season?  No bad out of conference losses and outright Big 10 champs.  I'm not sure what expectation could have been met.  Maybe I'm the only one that feels the Big 10 is to good of a conference to have its COTY be from a team with a losing record.  Carmody did a great job and I won't say he didn't, but COTY should never come from a team with a losing record that unless they win two BTT games won't even be in the NIT.

Illinois met expectations, at best. It depends on who you ask. This team did well in a poor Big Ten. If this was a better year in the Big Ten they would have struggled more early when the team was still adjusting. I just don't see how you can't acknowledge that Carmody did a far better job than Weber. I honestly don't even see Weber as a candidate for coach of the year. He did about what he was supposed to do with the talent he has. Meanwhile Carmody did much more with his talent. That's how you judge a coach. What they did with what they had.

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Illinois met expectations, at best. It depends on who you ask. This team did well in a poor Big Ten. If this was a better year in the Big Ten they would have struggled more early when the team was still adjusting. I just don't see how you can't acknowledge that Carmody did a far better job than Weber. I honestly don't even see Weber as a candidate for coach of the year. He did about what he was supposed to do with the talent he has. Meanwhile Carmody did much more with his talent. That's how you judge a coach. What they did with what they had.

I keep reading that UI met expectations "at best". What the hell would you have liked the team to do that they didn't. Go undefeated? And I also feel Bo Ryan and Steve Alford are more deserving. UW isn't loaded with talent (though they do have the league's best player) and they competed for the title. And even frickin Alford is more deserving, Iowa had injuries, finished ahead of NW in the league and Iowa actually has a winning record. No coach who's team has a losing record should win coach of the year plain and simple. Sorry if I feel that a coach who took a team that was supposed to be bad to simply being very very mediocre isn't deserving of coach of the year. So next year is Dan Monson (Minnesota) or Ed DeChellis (Penn St.)the COTY if they take their teams to around .500 records in conference? According to you guys they would be. Why don't we just forget the coaches who win Big 10 Championships or compete for them and just look at which team that was supposed to be crappy did decently.

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:rolleyes: This seems to be your favorite icon to show somebody that you think they are an idiot. So I'll use it here.

No, I don't know anyone on the board well enough to say if they are idiots or not. I used it twice when people said we met expectations "at best". If they would have said that merely meeting expectations isn't good enough is fine. But to say a team that won the outright Big 10 Champs despite having a key player get in trouble with the law and having the players not buy into the coaches system early in the year is meeting expectations at best is ignorant.

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You know what screw it.  I just realized I am arguing over an award that is completely arbitrary and doesn't mean s***.

But just for the hell of it I'll continue 'cause I'm bored and have time.


Illinois lost Brian Cook, their leader in basically every sense, and Sean Harrington, their 6th man who single-handedly won a few games with his 3-point precision. Oh, and their coach, who was supposed to be there for the long term, up and left for Kansas causing some players, notably Dee Brown, to consider transfering. Dee even admitted that he wouldn't be the same this year without Self. Add this to the fact that Luther Head get and Rich McBride get in trouble of the court and Charlie Villanueva takes back his verbal commitment to Illinois to attend UConn. Deron Williams, who I believe made the All-Big Ten Team misses a few weeks of non-conference games due to injury.


After all of this Bruce somehow gets this team to win the first outright conference title for Illinois in 52 years, becomes only the third coach to do so in his first year in Big Ten history, and gets this team to go on its longest winning streak since, I believe, the '89 season, and the longest road winning streak in some time too, can't remember.


Carmody did a great job, as did Bo Ryan and Steve Alford who were also mentioned. Hell Carmody did a terrific job taking the cellar dwellar of the Big Ten and getting them to be respectable. But is that all someone needs to do to win Coach of the Year, be respectable? Even in a down year for the conference?


It's going to be tough for NU to compete next year because the league will be reloading. I hope that he does but it will be difficult. Right now, I think Carmody overachieved with a team by taking advantage of his chance while the rest of league, minus Wisky, State, and U of I, was down. Call me when Carmody takes this team next year and gets them to contend for a Big Ten title, while losing their star Jitim Young, and gets NU into the tourney and then I'll say he deserves this award.


Sorry this was so long. And I know that this award really doesn't mean much in the end cause all that matters is whether or not you win the last game of the year.


All I'm saying is...


Go Illini!

Go Wisconsin!

Go State!

Go Big Ten!


...after this weekend of course for those last 3.

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But just for the hell of it I'll continue 'cause I'm bored and have time.


Illinois lost Brian Cook, their leader in basically every sense, and Sean Harrington, their 6th man who single-handedly won a few games with his 3-point precision. Oh, and their coach, who was supposed to be there for the long term, up and left for Kansas causing some players, notably Dee Brown, to consider transfering. Dee even admitted that he wouldn't be the same this year without Self. Add this to the fact that Luther Head get and Rich McBride get in trouble of the court and Charlie Villanueva takes back his verbal commitment to Illinois to attend UConn. Deron Williams, who I believe made the All-Big Ten Team misses a few weeks of non-conference games due to injury.


After all of this Bruce somehow gets this team to win the first outright conference title for Illinois in 52 years, becomes only the third coach to do so in his first year in Big Ten history, and gets this team to go on its longest winning streak since, I believe, the '89 season, and the longest road winning streak in some time too, can't remember.


Carmody did a great job, as did Bo Ryan and Steve Alford who were also mentioned. Hell Carmody did a terrific job taking the cellar dwellar of the Big Ten and getting them to be respectable. But is that all someone needs to do to win Coach of the Year, be respectable? Even in a down year for the conference?


It's going to be tough for NU to compete next year because the league will be reloading. I hope that he does but it will be difficult. Right now, I think Carmody overachieved with a team by taking advantage of his chance while the rest of league, minus Wisky, State, and U of I, was down. Call me when Carmody takes this team next year and gets them to contend for a Big Ten title, while losing their star Jitim Young, and gets NU into the tourney and then I'll say he deserves this award.


Sorry this was so long. And I know that this award really doesn't mean much in the end cause all that matters is whether or not you win the last game of the year.


All I'm saying is...


Go Illini!

Go Wisconsin!

Go State!

Go Big Ten!


...after this weekend of course for those last 3.

Good post.


But you will never get me to root for a Bo Ryan coached team (although I do think he is a good coach), he just rubs me the wrong way. I will be rooting for State though. The other team in the Big 10 I would never root for is Iowa, to much bad blood, plus Steve Alford is a dick, not to mention Pierre Pierce.


Edit: I won't root against UW either I just don't care about them either way. Iowa on the other hand.....

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I think I've made my case and I can't change your opinion, but I will add that I think the voters know more than you guys and they are voting more on the Big Ten season instead of the whole season.


In response to bones saying NU won't be able to compete next year I feel that they will have a chance. Yes Jitim Young will be gone, a major blow no doubt. They have 2 freshman guards coming in and 2 big men transferring in adding depth. One of the big men is Michael Thompson, a McDonald's All-American, who came from Duke. I also think that the Princeton offense and Carmody's defense will help NU pull a couple big wins. Of course this doesn't mean anything because they have to play the games.

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I think I've made my case and I can't change your opinion, but I will add that I think the voters know more than you guys and they are voting more on the Big Ten season instead of the whole season.


In response to bones saying NU won't be able to compete next year I feel that they will have a chance. Yes Jitim Young will be gone, a major blow no doubt. They have 2 freshman guards coming in and 2 big men transferring in adding depth. One of the big men is Michael Thompson, a McDonald's All-American, who came from Duke. I also think that the Princeton offense and Carmody's defense will help NU pull a couple big wins. Of course this doesn't mean anything because they have to play the games.

I'm done arguing, but its the media that voted and time and time again they prove that they don't know s***. And the criteria for Big 10 coach of the year is not just based on the Big 10 season just so you know.

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