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I swear to fucking God...

Wise Master Buehrle

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I can't believe there are people so sick out there. I'm so disturbed right now. I WISH I HAD A f***ING BUTTON RIGHT NOW THAT KILLED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. ALL f***ING DROP DEAD. ALL OF THEM. What a waste to humanity. Their lives are worth nothing at all, devil's spawn is all they are. Death sentence is all they deserve. Their lives are too measly to spare.




You should all just ignore this. I'm am deeply hurt, saddaned, and disturbed that such vile people exist.


And no, I'm not talking about Cubs fans :lol:


I recently found out that my girlfriend had been raped by her stepfather multiple times, while her mother acted like she didn't know, but in reality she didn't care. It's disgusting. This was back 4 years ago when she lived in New Hampshire. A trial will be occurring this summer. I hope to God they sentence him and her mother to death. If not that, then life in prison. I know it won't happen, but that's what they deserve. My heart is with her and the hope they find them both guilty and sentenced to something so horrible, so wrong, more wrong then what they did to her. Jail isn't enough. Torture them. Feed them to rabid animals. ANYTHING. I DONT CARE. Just something so awful, so vile, that it would make the hardest of men cringe in fear. Why bother putting such scumbags in jail. WHY? WHATS THE POINT?


THERE IS NONE All they get to do is live. And we don't need them living at all!!!!!!!!


Utterly disgusting. :puke

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Hopefully he gets what's comin to him and what he deserves. There are sum really, really sick ppl out there. Damn Yahtzee, our thoughts are with u and ur girlfriend, hope everythin works out for da best.

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Mr Z, the more one goes through life, in my experience, the more one experiences how sleazy it is


love those who are hurt who are near you


never expect much of anything from people


judge not

trust not

love those who hurt

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Thank you all, it's wonderful to have true friends that you can vent to. My words in the previous post may have seem a bit rash, but it's still firmly what I believe people such as those deserve.


All of you are wonderful people. :)


I wish this trial was sooner, to wait till the summer seems like it will be forever until those sickos hopefully get their due.

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I can't say I know how you feel cause i don't. I just hope that you and your girlfriend can overcome this because justice could never be served, no matter what the outcome of the trial is, on something so terrible. My thoughts and prayers are with your girlfriend and you and everyone involved, because the offenders are the ones that really need help.

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Mr. Zero, my condolences to you and your girlfriend. She's going to need a lot of love and understanding in the next few years and probably some counseling as well. Good luck to both of you and try to help her put this behind her as soon as possible.

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I wish this trial was sooner, to wait till the summer seems like it will be forever until those sickos hopefully get their due.

The waiting is nothing. Wait until she has to relive everything at the trial and you have to "live" it for the first time. That's when it'll get tough. Her stepdad is a sick sonofab****, but I think the Mother deserves a tougher sentence. To stand by while someone does this to her own child just makes me want to cry.

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The waiting is nothing. Wait until she has to relive everything at the trial and you have to "live" it for the first time. That's when it'll get tough. Her stepdad is a sick sonofab****, but I think the Mother deserves a tougher sentence. To stand by while someone does this to her own child just makes me want to cry.

It's terrible what she went through and the fact that she will have to 'relive' it again. But if our justice system works, he will get what's coming to him. At least this one is facing the music for what he did. Not all of them ever get this far in the judicial system, if the wheels of justice start at all.

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