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I don't think I ever heard a liberal say there is a media bias slanted towards the right.....that is a new one for me.

No the GOP gets major kudos for coming up with the discredit the media stategy. They repeat liberal media bias often enough and the "ditto heads" start to repeat it and get a pat on the head from the talking heads, and soon they start to believe it. Nice way for politicos to control what people believe.


This was one of the final factors in my split from the GOP after 12 years of almost faithful service.


I believe (opinion ahead) that partisan politics is the biggest problem with out system. If you want to get funded, survive your primary, etc. you have to toe the party line. If you want to get a decent committee assignment, you have to follow the party line. In my case as soon as the GOP wanted me to vote to drill for oil in the ANWR, I would be at odds. As soon as the Dems wanted to cut off access to the ANWR to walking only, I would be at odds.


When the GOP wants to execute another citizen I would vote against it, when the Dems want to expand abortion rights, I would be at odds with them.


Instead of following their individual beliefs, our leaders sell their soul to their party and try and do as much good as they can, knowing it is a flawed system.

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SS2K4, read the chapter of Mein Kampf on war propaganda.




And the Goebbels photo wasn't a knock at Bush because there's no equivalence between Bush and Hitler.  I concede that especially because Hitler fought on the front lines and won the popular vote but I digress.


It's fitting to discuss Goebbels with our mass media: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."  It's a condemnation of the mass media conglomeration going on and the fellating of the Bush administration is just a byproduct of such conglomeration.


And fascism is not just Hitler's Reich...Fascist Italy, Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal, Papadopoulos's Greece, Pinochet's Chile, and Suharto's Indonesia.  It was easiest to post the Goebbels photo since he is one of the most synonymous people with the idea of government propaganda outside of Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf.

The Goebbels = propaganda machine reference was not lost on everyone, and is entirely appropriate here. His propaganda machine really revved up in 1933 and had its actual origins even before this, so it speaks to the incomphehensible rise of very bad people to power, NOT of what they did to the Jews while in power.


Especially given the earlier very inciteful post of Tex pointing out that the first thing to go in a society being stripped of it's liberties is freedom of expression and of the press to present dissenting views, I thought the Goebbels reference was on the mark.


Now, if you wanted to get the point across without striking raw nerves you could have put up a picture of America's version of Goebbels - one Karl Rove.

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The media is only as liberal as its conservative corporate owners.

You might get away with that statement with Fox News but dont even try to tell me that media outlets like the Communist News Network or the NY Times or the Washington Post are not simply mouthpieces of the American Left cause we all know better.

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So how is using a picture of Hitler in reference to Bush not degrading the memories of all of the Jews who died in the concentrations camps?  That is hypocracy.

When he starts with that he's making himself look silly. People like Rush and Hannity etc.etc. dare to not toe the leftist party line and even commit the sacrilege of disagreeing with people like him so he drags out the tired old argument that they are Nazi propogandists.


There's a reason why these right wing commentators are as popular as they are and thats because conservatives in America, contrary to Sideshow's delusions, are not just some small noisy fringe movement.

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Nuke, when Rush says that detox is something everybody should go through the first day he gets back on the air then that's a big problem. But conservatives telling the truth in the media? Don't make me laugh and fall off the goddamn chair I'm sitting in.


"Oh, you're one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better than to put me down you piece of garbage? How have got nothing to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it."

-Michael Savage


"God says, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

-Ann Coulter


"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity!"

-Ann Coulter


"It is true that if you are poor and can't afford a good lawyer, your odds of going to prison skyrocker. But you know what? Tough."

-Bill O'Reilly


"They're a bunch of gutless, spineless cowards."

-Sean Hannity


Also, perhaps you've heard of SpinSanity www.spinsanity.org It's a site that fact checks books and comments by right and left wingers. Oddly enough, they tear apart the right wing books with things like facts being made up (looking at Hannity) and events occuring in the wrong year (yeah, go Coulter!)


When you have Coulter saying that a Silver Star awardee is not a patriot because he dared to call Bush out about his lack of military service or putting him in commercials with bin Laden in order to win a Congressional election for the Republicans is deeply sickening. Or when you get Michael Savage calling the 3rd world "turd world nations". When there is a Republican in the White House waging pointless wars against dictators, the left is supposed to be silent and fellate the President. But it's perfectly alright for the Reich Wing to call out Clinton and smear him while he had troops in the s***. The hypocrisy of the right wing is insane.


And the NY Times and Washington Post are liberal? BWHAHAHAHAHA. **cough cough catches breath** BWHAHAHAHA. They're at least as "fair and balanced" as FOX. It's a provable fact that 6 companies own the major US media and they have owners who are huge donators to the Republican party because they get things like tax cuts in return. If the media was so liberal then why did Donahue, Arnett etc. get fired? If they were so liberal then shouldn't they have been given a raise? And what about the Reagan miniseries. If the media is so liberal then shouldn't that have been aired and the MoveOn.org ad would have made the Super Bowl etc.


And Nuke, most conservatives are uninformed about a lot of issues. When you actually *gasp* do the research and find out things, people become more leftist. Look at the studies on capital punishment...as people find out that it's actually not a deterrant then support drastically decreases. Rush, Dr. Laura, O'Reilly et al. prey on suckers. So does Moore at times. They spout their propaganda and people lap it up. Not that every word out of their mouths are lies but they have a tendancy to lie like douchebags at times if it suits whatever point they are trying to make. If f***ing Americans would get off their ass and inform themselves about stuff instead of being like, for example, those lazy ass poor people! I don't wanna give them my money! They should actually find out that the vast majority of people on welfare have jobs and work full time and actually have graduated from high school. It's US corporations like Wal-Mart etc. paying them s*** wages with no benefits that they can't make it and with the downward move of wages in this country (if the jobs even stay in the US anymore) more people are getting f***ed.

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When he starts with that he's making himself look silly.  People like Rush and Hannity etc.etc. dare to not toe the leftist party line and even commit the sacrilege of disagreeing with people like him so he drags out the tired old argument that they are Nazi propogandists. 


There's a reason why these right wing commentators are as popular as they are and thats because conservatives in America, contrary to Sideshow's delusions, are not just some small noisy fringe movement.

Interesting that the right would be worried about the NY Times when every major media talk show is conservative. I find most of the network news too conservative for me, you find them too liberal, well maybe they are down the middle? Nuke, if you agreed with them then wouldn't they be conservative? And tell me with all those popular shows, with none on the liberal side, can the GOP, with a straight face, complain about a liberal bias in the Media? Or is Rush, Hannity, etc. just entertainers and not offering facts and analysis?


Cry me a river that there is too much liberal reporting. The GOP takes a selected quote, passes it too their ditto head media analysis and spentd hours giving their slanted opinions on a 2 minute report.

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Interesting that the right would be worried about the NY Times when every major media talk show is conservative. I find most of the network news too conservative for me, you find them too liberal, well maybe they are down the middle? Nuke, if you agreed with them then wouldn't they be conservative? And tell me with all those popular shows, with none on the liberal side, can the GOP, with a straight face, complain about a liberal bias in the Media? Or is Rush, Hannity, etc. just entertainers and not offering facts and analysis?


Cry me a river that there is too much liberal reporting. The GOP takes a selected quote, passes it too their ditto head media analysis and spentd hours giving their slanted opinions on a 2 minute report.





And that is where more Americans listen and get their news.  It's all MEDIA.







Why do you think that is the case? Maybe people are sick of the liberal bent coming out of outlets like the NY Times or the Washington Post so they turn to conservative talk shows to get their information.

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And that is where more Americans listen and get their news.  It's all MEDIA.

That's their fault. It's not meant to be news. It's the Rush Limbaugh Show. The Sean Hannity Show. Geroge Will is a syndicated columnist. These people are not News Anchors.

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Interesting that the right would be worried about the NY Times when every major media talk show is conservative. I find most of the network news too conservative for me, you find them too liberal, well maybe they are down the middle? Nuke, if you agreed with them then wouldn't they be conservative? And tell me with all those popular shows, with none on the liberal side, can the GOP, with  a straight face, complain about a liberal bias in the Media? Or is Rush, Hannity, etc. just entertainers and not offering facts and analysis?


Cry me a river that there is too much liberal reporting. The GOP takes a selected quote, passes it too their ditto head media analysis and spentd hours giving their slanted opinions on a 2 minute report.

You just refuse to get it! Radio talk shows are not news!

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That's their fault. It's not meant to be news. It's the Rush Limbaugh Show. The Sean Hannity Show. Geroge Will is a syndicated columnist. These people are not News Anchors.

Just to add on to that point. A news anchor or a newsprint journalist is supposed to present a balanced view of current events. That is clearly not happening.


A talk show host or a columnist presents his/her own personal view of what is going on in the world. There is your difference.

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CBS News' Andy Rooney, discussing Bernard Goldberg's book Bias, which argues that the dominant media are biased in the liberal direction, on CNN's "Larry King Live" in June 2002: "There is just no question that I, among others [in the media], have a liberal bias. I mean, I'm consistently liberal in my opinions. And I think...Dan [Rather] is transparently liberal. Now, he may not like to hear me say that....But I think he should be more careful."


Journalist Charles Krauthammer: "The nonpartisan Center for Media and Public Affairs found...that TV coverage of the new GOP Congress in early 1995 was overwhelmingly negative: 68 percent negative evaluations versus 32 percent positive. (Dan Rather, on CBS, offered this typical description of the House GOP agenda: 'to demolish or damage [not, to fix] government aid programs, many of them designed to help children and the poor.')"


Even Dan "Mr. Liberal" Rather, in a moment of candor, has admitted that "American journalism...is increasingly straying from its mission of public service and from its standards of fairness, accuracy and integrity."
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I never got the impression that the 'news' is liberal or conservative. It's all about ratings and which stories and how you tell them will get you ratings. Which is probably why I stopped watching nightly news, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, etc.

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I never got the impression that the 'news' is liberal or conservative.  It's all about ratings and which stories and how you tell them will get you ratings.  Which is probably why I stopped watching nightly news, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, etc.

It's very subtle. If you know what to look for you'll see it everywhere.

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You just refuse to get it! Radio talk shows are not news!

So the GOP worries if the 45 second spot on ABC News isn't to their exact point of view, when they will spend hours and hours and reach a greater audience with their talk shows?


Give me a break.


The Media, the radio and tv stations that are beamed into our homes is conservative. Hours and Hours of radio programming is from conservative talk show hosts.


And what is the GOPs answer? Telling people not to believe the NEWS media. Again, isn't that cozy? Do not believe the group that is watching over us. Believe the talk show entertainers who have no journalistic duty to report fairly or even tell the truth. They cannot be sued for reporting lies if it is labeled as opinion.


They want you to believe Rush, who you are saying doesn't have to offer fair and balanced reporting or even tell the truth, because he isn't the NEWS media. And y'all think that is better? The GOP is saying "do not listen to CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. Listen to talk show hosts with a conservative agenda for information?"


You aren't getting it. The GOP wants to control what you believe. If anyone disagrees with their actions, they are labeled as the "liberal media" out to get conservatives. That is exactly why the USSR took over their news agency. You could not trust the newspapers, etc. to report the truth. So the Communist Party must take over the newspapers and tell you what to believe. Because, of course, if the GOP ran the news it would be fair and balanced reporting.


Do you listen to these commentators and form opinions based on what they ae saying? Dittoheads?

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That's their fault. It's not meant to be news. It's the Rush Limbaugh Show. The Sean Hannity Show. Geroge Will is a syndicated columnist. These people are not News Anchors.

Show, of course it is all made like Friends or Seinfeld only not as funny. Is it suppose to be fiction? Isn't Rush and the others providing information? When he comes on and talks about what was reported, then tells you what to think, isn't he having more influence than the original?


The GOP wants to stop judges from protecting us from unconstitutional laws and stop the NEWS media from reporting their mistakes. I will not let them destroy America that way.


I picture the GOP elephant cowering on a chair with a mouse at it's feet.


I find it amazing they laugh that a liberal talk show won't make it, in the 24 hour, round the clock conservative talk show, world. Then cry if George W isn't painted with a halo. Add up the hours and hours of news and commentary time and see if the MEDIA isn't conservative.

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So the GOP worries if the 45 second spot on ABC News isn't to their exact point of view,

And what is the GOPs answer? Telling people not to believe the NEWS media. Do not believe the group that is watching over us. Believe the talk show entertainers who have no journalistic duty to report fairly or even tell the truth. They cannot be sued for reporting lies if it is labeled as opinion.


They want you to believe Rush, The GOP is saying "do not listen to CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. Listen to talk show hosts with a conservative agenda for information?"


The GOP wants to control what you believe. If anyone disagrees with their actions, they are labeled as the "liberal media" out to get conservatives. That is exactly why the USSR took over their news agency. You could not trust the newspapers, etc. to report the truth. So the Communist Party must take over the newspapers and tell you what to believe. Because, of course, if the GOP ran the news it would be fair and balanced reporting.

Show me where the GOP says all this. I must have missed the memo. :huh

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