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Kerry/McCain 2004?


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If McCain were the Presidential Canditate, I would vote for him in a heartbeat. As it is looking at the guys record, voting for Kerry is going to be like voting for a leftwing version of Bush. The guy looks like he will (and has in some respects) lie, cheat, and steal with the best of them.

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I assume he would have to run as a Democrat or else it would be chaos in the event Kerry died or was removed from office. McCain would also have to caucus with the Dems.


I would have been a lot closer to voting for Bush of he had made a switch of VP running mates. He may be making the same mistake Bush the first made.


I was just signing a song

The Phony King of England




Oh the world will sing of an English King

A thousand years from now

And not because he passed some laws

Or had that lofty brow

While bonny good King Richard leads

The great crusade he's on

We'll all have to slave away

For that good-for-nothin' John


Incredible as he is inept

Whenever the history books are kept

They'll call him the phony king of England

A pox on the phony king of England!


He sits alone on a giant throne

Pretendin' he's the king

A little tyke who's rather like

A puppet on a string

And he throws an angry tantrum

if he cannot have his way

And then he calls for Mum while he's suckin' his thumb

You see, he doesn't want to play


Too late to be known as John the First

He's sure to be known as John the worst

A pox on that phony king of England!


While he taxes us to pieces

And he robs us of our bread

King Richard's crown keeps slippin' down

Around that pointed head

Ah! But while there is a merry man

in Robin's wily pack

We'll find a way to make him pay

And steal our money back


The minute before he knows we're there

Ol' Rob'll snatch his underwear

The breezy and uneasy king of England

The snivellin' grovellin'

Measly weasely

Blabberin' jabberin'

Gibberin' jabberin'

Blunderin' plunderin'

Wheelin' dealin'

Prince John, that phony king of England


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Lincoln, last I can recall offhand, for his second term

Do you actually "recall" that? I knew you were old, but wow! :lol:



Yes, actually it's happened a lot. The Presidential candidate did not always pick his running mate. The VP slot went to the second place finisher on the final ballot when the Electors voted.

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