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From Today's Star Tribune


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An interesting take on Ozzie and the Sox--from a Minnesota paper...



Baseball Insider: Guillen hopes to bring out the best in White Sox

Jim Souhan, Star Tribune


March 10, 2004 INSI10




TUCSON, ARIZ. -- Even as the Twins won consecutive American League Central titles, they perceived a lack of deference from the Chicago White Sox.


Ozzie Guillen promises to change that. In fact, the White Sox's rookie manager promises to change just about everything about the team that, in terms of market size, pedigree and star power, should be the division's 300-pound gorilla.


Sitting behind his desk at the White Sox's spring training complex in Tucson, Guillen wore his cap askew and cracked jokes about his children, his players and himself.


Asked by a Minnesota reporter what it was like to observe the White Sox and Twins from his position as third base coach for the Florida Marlins last season, Guillen became serious, even reverent.


"I'm a White Sox fan all my life," Guillen said. "I grew up here, and I'm good friends with [White Sox boss] Jerry Reinsdorf. I feel for this team.


"I think it was a shame they didn't win last year. It was a shame they didn't win for their manager, Jerry Manuel, because I think they've got a good enough team to win.


"But the Minnesota Twins -- we played against them a couple of years ago, and I told [manager] Ron Gardenhire, I feel proud of what he has on the field. I went right to the dugout and said, 'I've never seen a bunch of kids go out and play the way they've played, go about their business the way they did during the game.


"I told Ronnie, 'That's not easy to do.' That's the best team we played against that year -- meaning the way they handled themselves on the field. I told Ron, 'That's something I want to bring here, to bring fun to the ballpark and always play hard.' "


Guillen said he will insist the White Sox play up to their capabilities, something they haven't done since winning the division in 2000.


"Right now, I think we have a good team, almost the same team we had last year," Guillen said. "These players have played so many years together, it's time to go out and perform the way they should."


The White Sox have lost Bartolo Colon, Carl Everett, Roberto Alomar, Tom Gordon, Scott Sullivan and Tony Graffanino from the team that said "No mas" to the Twins last September.


Remember? Everett, sensing his team's lack of competitiveness as the Twins surged past, actually told Twins first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz on the basepaths: "We're done. Good luck in the playoffs."


And this was when the division title remained in doubt.


Manuel was a kind man but a poor match for an underachieving and sometimes lackadaisical team.


Guillen's personality promises to remake the Whities in his own aggressive, upbeat image.


"I don't believe in good managers," Guillen said. "I believe in good players who have chemistry. If the guys play good for you, then you get called a good manager."


But "managing" is exactly what he will need to do with Frank Thomas' ego.


When Guillen was introduced as the White Sox manager, he made Thomas an example of the kind of selfishness he won't tolerate. Then Thomas refused to return phone calls all winter from White Sox management, setting the stage for an explosive opening to camp.


Instead, Thomas and Guillen have praised each other.


"You can ask Frank -- I don't have any problems with him," Guillen said. "A lot of people thought we were enemies, but people forget that when I was his teammate he won three MVPs.


"What I heard about Frank in the past, I didn't like it -- that he was moody, that he didn't play hard every day. This year he's been great.


"To me, Frank is the biggest key on this team. You can see in spring training, everybody's happy, because Frank's having fun. Everybody thought it was going to be a war between us, but I talk to Frank more than I talk to anybody."


Of course, Guillen talks to everybody, all the time, which has always been his charm. On a recent day at White Sox camp, he continually circulated through the clubhouse, taunting, yelling, cajoling, needling.


"I think we have a good team, almost the same team we had last year," Guillen said. "They've played so many years together, it's time to go out and perform the way they should and take it to the next level. It's time for this team to try to win the division."


If they don't, they will hear from Guillen.


Of course, even if they do, they will hear from Guillen.

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Remember? Everett, sensing his team's lack of competitiveness as the Twins surged past, actually told Twins first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz on the basepaths: "We're done. Good luck in the playoffs."

That's why ppl loved Jurassic Carl around here, I'm not suprised he said sumthin like that. That's exactly why a change was needed, and all signs at the moment point to us being very competitive under Ozzie.

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So it was Everett that made that comment? Every board I read had people saying Konerko said it.  Good riddance to Jurassic Carl.

The problem with that was that in that series that it happened, Konerko didn't get on base much, if at all. Around here, a few thought it was PK, but there were more that thought it was Everett.

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So it was Everett that made that comment? Every board I read had people saying Konerko said it.  Good riddance to Jurassic Carl.

I'm with you on that.


That comment should not have been made to a Twins player by one of ours/

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