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From da Cubune,


TUCSON, Ariz. -- The mystery behind the "dead" White Sox dugout in the final innings of Thursday's exhibition loss was solved Friday. It was Sandy Alomar Jr.'s fault.


"I was there for five innings," Alomar said. "I wasn't supposed to be there, but I stayed to watch our guys and everything was fine. When I left, I guess the energy was gone."


One day after he voiced his first criticism of the Sox, manager Ozzie Guillen was in a better frame of mind after Friday's 12-9 victory over the Anaheim Angels, even though the Sox saw an 8-1 lead disappear and had to rally with a four-run eighth.


"If we played five innings every spring training [game] we would be undefeated," Guillen said. "I talked to them this morning. I'm not going to be the type of manager who is going to blast any of my players in the papers. I just told them we have to do the little things and play with enthusiasm."


Friday's victory halted a four-game skid in which Guillen said his team lacked energy. The Sox had been building up leads with their regular lineup. But in exhibition games things tend to get a little out of control once the minor-leaguers take over.


"We're all a part of the team, but we have guys who end up in the game with a lot less experience," shortstop Jose Valentin said. "I feel good with the way the regular guys are doing their job."


That was case again Friday when the regulars unloaded on Anaheim starter Jarrod Washburn for four runs and six hits in two innings. The Sox led 8-1 after three innings when Guillen started making his substitutions.


Even though most of the recent losses have come with young players who won't be heading north, Alomar said Guillen was right to crack the whip early.


"You can't wait until the last week of spring training," Alomar said. "That's what he was trying to say. Because if you start getting an attitude like that, it's like turning a switch on and off. You can't do that."


Sox bits: Scott Schoeneweis had an impressive four-inning outing with two runs, four hits and seven strikeouts. The strikeouts were out of character for Schoeneweis. "I don't expect them," he said. "I like to be much more economical in my pitches." Schoeneweis is throwing mostly changeups and cut fastballs and isn't featuring his sinker yet. …


Joe Crede's infant daughter, Anna, was hit in the head with a foul ball Friday. Medical personnel on the scene checked the baby and Crede and his wife, Lisa, took her to see a physician. "You don't want anyone to get hit," said Guillen, who accompanied Crede into the stands to check on the girl. "Right now I think she's fine." …


Saturday will be Guillen's first crack at the Cubs as a manager. "To me it's another game," he said. "I'm happy to go see Dusty Baker. I'm going to see Derrek Lee and Todd Hollandsworth. They were with me last year and I'm looking forward to seeing those guys."

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I hope Joey's little girl is ok.... that would be a tragedy that this stand-up young man shouldn't have to deal with.

Seriously, how stupid can you be if you have an infant within the first couple rows at a baseball game? At least a 5 or 6 year old kid can withstand something like that, but an infant?


If this is any indication, Crede is a f***ing idiot. And nobody can defend him.

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Joe Crede's infant daughter, Anna, was hit in the head with a foul ball Friday. Medical personnel on the scene checked the baby and Crede and his wife, Lisa, took her to see a physician. "You don't want anyone to get hit," said Guillen, who accompanied Crede into the stands to check on the girl. "Right now I think she's fine." …


God that's got to be a scare for Crede. That can really lose a guy's focus from the game cause of someone they deeply love. I hope the little girl is fine.


Btw, I made sure my 1,000th post was where I 1st posted at here at Pale Hose. :cheers to 1,000 :cheers :notworthy :snr :headbang

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Seriously, how stupid can you be if you have an infant within the first couple rows at a baseball game?  At least a 5 or 6 year old kid can withstand something like that, but an infant?


If this is any indication, Crede is a f***ing idiot.  And nobody can defend him.

I'm sure that was the first thing on Joe's mind whenever his daughter comes to his games. Where does it say in the article that Mrs. Crede and the girl were in the first 5 or 6 rows? People get hit by foul balls all the time, in all different areas of the ballpark everyone knows that. It doesn't make him a f***ing idiot at all.



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I'm sure that was the first thing on Joe's mind whenever his daughter comes to his games. Where does it say in the article that Mrs. Crede and the girl were in the first 5 or 6 rows? People get hit by foul balls all the time, in all different areas of the ballpark everyone knows that.  It doesn't make him a f***ing idiot at all.



Look. Anyone who sits in the lower level on the 1st or 3rd base side with an infant is just asking for trouble. You can't deny that. And what's worse? His wife was probably day dreaming or some s***. If that kid would have died, I'd lose sleep over it. All thanks to some f***ing airheads that don't know any better.

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And if anyone ought to know better, it would be a baseball player. This ranks right up there with Steve Irwin dangling his infant son in front of crocodiles. If someone like Big Frank were to hit a foul laser beam with all of his weight, and it happened to hit an infant in the head, is that kid still breathing? HELL f***ING NO.

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67,630,052 Fans visited a major league stadium last season... Of that numer, NONE were killed by batted balls or anything related to the play on the field.


To call attending a baseball game a dangerous activity is f***ing ridiculous. Comparing it to dangling your own child infront of wild animal is asinine.


Is there a risk involved? sure. But it's far less than your chance of getting struck by lightning. Should Infants not be allowed outside because they might get hit by lightning? :huh




How many infants die becuase thier parent don't operate thier car seats properly?

How many die because of other accidents, strollers, high chairs, shopping carts, plastic bags, etc.?


If you're such a child safety advocate you should spend less time worrying about something that has such a remote chance of happening, and more on something that is a legitimate risk. like window blind cords, chocking hazards, etc.

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Is there a risk involved? sure. But it's far less than your chance of getting struck by lightning.  Should Infants not be allowed outside because they might get hit by lightning?  :huh

Uh, hello? Am I alone in this world?


For Christ's sake, Crede's infant child just got hit in the head this afternoon!! Are you kidding me with this "struck by lightning" bulls***?


And all of that other s*** that you're talking about is AVOIDABLE, just like what happened this afternoon. If you're an intelligent parent, you won't leave plastic bags lying around by an infant. Obviously, a car accident, given the circumstances, might not be avoidable, but most are. All I'm saying is that you have to minimize risks in this life. It's what intelligent people do. I will always hold this against Crede, or any other schmuck who would bring his infant child into the lower level. I might trust a male who was into the game if he held the infant, but 9 times out of 10 it's a female who is holding the kid, and this is not to say that all females dislike baseball, which is obviously not the case, but the vast majority do. They're not watching the hitter. They ain't paying attention to jack s***. Think about it.

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I saw a small child hit at a Road Runners game last year. Mom and baby were sitting in the 15 row about 30 feet past the 3rd base line. Dad was visiting the Skybox I was in for a couple minutes to say hello.


Mom tried to dodge but didn't understand the aerodynamics of a baseball and it continued to slice foul (lefty batting) and she ducked into the ball. It clipped the mom's shoulder and nailed her baby. Scary, scary moment.


People should always be alert at games. Even if you are seated away from the field, you could get trampled by people running for a foul ball. I think we all know the "red zone" for hard hit foul balls. I would question her judgement * If * she was sitting in that area with a small baby. So far we really do not know where she was seated.

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Seriously, how stupid can you be if you have an infant within the first couple rows at a baseball game?  At least a 5 or 6 year old kid can withstand something like that, but an infant?


If this is any indication, Crede is a f***ing idiot.  And nobody can defend him.

The ball ricocheted off a wall and hit the little girl. Instead of calling someone an idiot for letting that happen you should be thankful she wasn't seriously hurt. It was a fluke. She will be fine.

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Uh, hello?  Am I alone in this world? 


For Christ's sake, Crede's infant child just got hit in the head this afternoon!!  Are you kidding me with this "struck by lightning" bulls***? 


And all of that other s*** that you're talking about is AVOIDABLE, just like what happened this afternoon.  If you're an intelligent parent, you won't leave plastic bags lying around by an infant.  Obviously, a car accident, given the circumstances, might not be avoidable, but most are.  All I'm saying is that you have to minimize risks in this life.  It's what intelligent people do.  I will always hold this against Crede, or any other schmuck who would bring his infant child into the lower level.  I might trust a male who was into the game if he held the infant, but 9 times out of 10 it's a female who is holding the kid, and this is not to say that all females dislike baseball, which is obviously not the case, but the vast majority do.  They're not watching the hitter.  They ain't paying attention to jack s***.  Think about it.

Yeah, and they'd better not put the kid in a crib cuz the crib might collapse, and they better not put the kid in a car cuz the car might crash, and they better not feed the kid cuz the kid can choke on food.....get off it.

You may not be alone on this, but I'm not on board with your argument.


No matter how hard you try to "minimize risk", there's a certain level of risk in anything you do. What happened to Crede's daughter is called an ACCIDENT - blaming Mrs. Crede for sitting where the ball landed is as stupid as blaming the batter for hitting the ball there or blaming the pitcher for throwing the ball where the batter could only hit it foul, or blaming the managers for putting that pitcher and hitter in the game at that time. ALL of those scenarios of blame, including yours, are asinine. Do you know the trajectory or the speed of the foul ball? Do you know where the Credes were sitting exactly? Are you sure that she was "daydreaming" and THAT's why the kid got hurt?


Heaven forbid that the family goes to see Dad play ball. Mrs. Crede should keep the kid in the house until WHAT AGE? When is it SAFE for kids to attend sporting events? The girl who died at the Columbus hockey game was 13 - is THAT too young to attend games? Were HER parents "daydreaming" and therefore to be blamed for her death? Are we going to bar children from attending sporting events until they're old enough to assume responsibility for getting in the way of a batted ball or errant puck?


I have a question for you - WHY are you going to "always hold this against Crede "? Why does it matter to you??? It's HIS kid, it's HIS problem if she's injured, and forgive me if I assume that he cares about the well-being of his kid more than you do. And before you repeat the "intelligent parent minimizing risk" thing, I don't agree that having your child fall victim to an ACCIDENT ( however avoidable YOU deem it to be ) makes Joe or his wife unintelligent, negligent or bad parents. I just don't buy it. s*** happens sometimes, and that's all there is to it.


It's real easy to lay blame on other people. Too easy.

I just hope DCFS doesn't come for me when I take my 4-year-old to the lower level of USCF this year.....she's pretty crafty, so I THINK she can get out of the way of that SCREAMING LINER....

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From Todays Suntimes:

CLOSE CALL: Joe Crede left Friday's game in the fourth inning after hearing his 4-month-old daughter Anna was hit with a foul ball.


Crede's wife Lisa was walking on the Tucson Electric Park concourse when a foul ball rebounded off a wall and struck the child on the head.


Anna was treated and released by stadium paramedics. The Credes took their child to a pediatrician for further evaluation.

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Uh, hello?  Am I alone in this world? 


For Christ's sake, Crede's infant child just got hit in the head this afternoon!!  Are you kidding me with this "struck by lightning" bulls***? 


And all of that other s*** that you're talking about is AVOIDABLE, just like what happened this afternoon.  If you're an intelligent parent, you won't leave plastic bags lying around by an infant.  Obviously, a car accident, given the circumstances, might not be avoidable, but most are.  All I'm saying is that you have to minimize risks in this life.  It's what intelligent people do.  I will always hold this against Crede, or any other schmuck who would bring his infant child into the lower level.  I might trust a male who was into the game if he held the infant, but 9 times out of 10 it's a female who is holding the kid, and this is not to say that all females dislike baseball, which is obviously not the case, but the vast majority do.  They're not watching the hitter.  They ain't paying attention to jack s***.  Think about it.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:



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I was at that game yesterday, as was jason, and Crede's wife wasn't walking on the concourse, she was sitting in the last row behind the net, off to the right, underneath the canapy. the ball was a popup and it richocheted off that canapy, which is just bars, and hit the baby in the head.


the baby wasn't in the second row, wasn't down the base lines, wasn't on the concourse ... s*** like that happens.

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My major problem with his whole argument is the fact that he would place the blame on anyone in this situation. Accidents happen all of the time. Even had the girl been sitting in the front row, you don't go calling someone an idiot, especially when a small child's health could be in jeopardy. How about offering your wishes for the child to be alright instead of blaming Crede and calling him an "idiot." Totally uncalled for and ridiculous.

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Seriously, how stupid can you be if you have an infant within the first couple rows at a baseball game?  At least a 5 or 6 year old kid can withstand something like that, but an infant?


If this is any indication, Crede is a f***ing idiot.  And nobody can defend him.

I was sitting basically a section away from the incident. Crede's wife was sitting with either her mom or Crede's mom and holding the baby. Their seats were the 2nd to last row (It may of been the last) and they were under a canopy. The ball went behind them and hit the canopy and bounced back.


It clipped the baby on the head on the bounce and Crede's wife immediately jumped up and took her out of there. You could see the baby was crying, but from my view I thought the baby was more scared then anything.


I think the baby will be fine, but they were in a spot where you don't have to worry too much usually.


And to add, she was behind home plate, so she wasn't on the 1st base or 3rd base line. It wasn't directly behind home plate, but one section closer to the Sox 1st base dugout...still safely behind the net.

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i agree with the fact that going to a baseball games isnt that dangerous of a situation. How many people know when s*** like this is going to happen? exactly no one thats why there called accidents...you dont walk into the ballpark fearing for your life because oh no u might get hit in the head with a foul ball...dont get me wrong it could happen but im just saying.

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From Todays Suntimes:

CLOSE CALL: Joe Crede left Friday's game in the fourth inning after hearing his 4-month-old daughter Anna was hit with a foul ball.


Crede's wife Lisa was walking on the Tucson Electric Park concourse when a foul ball rebounded off a wall and struck the child on the head.


Anna was treated and released by stadium paramedics. The Credes took their child to a pediatrician for further evaluation.

Yeah, she was just asking for that baby to get hit. Some negligent parent out under a canopy with an infant when she knows perfectly well what the chances are of a ball carroming off a wall and ending up right where she is!


Guess it helps to have the entire story before spouting off. Agreed, mumetyfour is out of line, but assume he will admit it.

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Look.  Anyone who sits in the lower level on the 1st or 3rd base side with an infant is just asking for trouble.  You can't deny that.  And what's worse?  His wife was probably day dreaming or some s***.  If that kid would have died, I'd lose sleep over it.  All thanks to some f***ing airheads that don't know any better.

:fyou :fyou

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