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Wright and Cotts Pitched Well Today


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Both were very impressive. Darrensbourg ticketed himself to Charlotte with his lousy outing today.


Cotts was throwing a ton of strikes and no one was hitting him hard. He gave up just two hits in that inning and I noticed one thing about Cotts, he has an incredibly deceptive delievery.


Not many guys will steal off him because his motion is a lot like Pettites in the sense that you have no idea if he is going over or pitching.


Wright looked good as well. His delivery looked a lot more consistent and he got himself into a few jams, but he wasn't hit hard.


Sweeney was pretty impressive during BP. The guy swings so easy and you don't even think he's hitting it far and then you look and the ball is going over the fence.


Also flashed a very nice arm.

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Exactly the type of performance Neal needs to have in spring training if he wants that 5th starters jobs. The most important thing for him is to throw strikes and not give up many walks, and he did that very well today.

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Cotts made 2 bad pitches all day, the one where he hit Jackson, and the hanging curveball to Goodwin(I'm pretty sure that's the pitch Goodwin got the hit on).  Otherwise, I was very pleased with both of their performances.

If Neil could pitch like that everytime out, I'd be thrilled. If Miguel was behind the plate, 2B never gets stolen... Or even if they steal 2nd off of Sandy, he never gives up that passed ball that moved the runner over to 3rd.

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Rivera made a good throw on the first stolen base. He threw it from his knees and the base was stolen off of Wright.


Then Cotts had a real close eye on Jackson and Jackson broke back to 1st (cause Cotts delivery is that deceptive) and then took off for 2nd. Rivera's throw was absolutely awful.


I should also check msyelf, Cotts only gave up one hit..I forgot he drilled Jackson. I saw in the trib they thought he may of been going at him for his slide on Harris.


Oh ya, I don't know who watched the game, but if you did you may of saw that jackass wearing the ivy costume covering his shirt. Oh my god, now I know why people call Cub fans stupid. How the hell could you look any dumber.


This dummy walks up to the Sox dugout about an hour and 45 before the start of the game, when the Sox players are doing the stretches and starts yelling at Sox players that they can't do anything about the ivy.


The White Sox players all bust out laughing. This guy was a complete goober. I'm laughing my ass off too, cause he looks so damn stupid. He made Ronnie Woo Woo look like the coolest person to ever live.


Also, Sweeney and Anderson seem to be really good buds. They were joking around a ton. Early in the game when Sweeney lined a shot right over teh Sox dugout...Anderson stood up and was yelling at Sweeney and pointing in the direction of the field.


I'm thinking those two have awesome futures. Both showed themselves well in the two games I saw.

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Also, Sweeney and Anderson seem to be really good buds.  They were joking around a ton.  Early in the game when Sweeney lined a shot right over teh Sox dugout...Anderson stood up and was yelling at Sweeney and pointing in the direction of the field. 


I'm thinking those two have awesome futures.  Both showed themselves well in the two games I saw.

They both are making huge impressions in their first training camp. I can't wait to see them in Chicago.

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Rivera made a good throw on the first stolen base.  He threw it from his knees and the base was stolen off of Wright.


Then Cotts had a real close eye on Jackson and Jackson broke back to 1st (cause Cotts delivery is that deceptive) and then took off for 2nd.  Rivera's throw was absolutely awful.


I should also check msyelf, Cotts only gave up one hit..I forgot he drilled Jackson.  I saw in the trib they thought he may of been going at him for his slide on Harris. 


Oh ya, I don't know who watched the game, but if you did you may of saw that jackass wearing the ivy costume covering his shirt.  Oh my god, now I know why people call Cub fans stupid.  How the hell could you look any dumber.


This dummy walks up to the Sox dugout about an hour and 45 before the start of the game, when the Sox players are doing the stretches and starts yelling at Sox players that they can't do anything about the ivy. 


The White Sox players all bust out laughing.  This guy was a complete goober.  I'm laughing my ass off too, cause he looks so damn stupid.  He made Ronnie Woo Woo look like the coolest person to ever live. 


Also, Sweeney and Anderson seem to be really good buds.  They were joking around a ton.  Early in the game when Sweeney lined a shot right over teh Sox dugout...Anderson stood up and was yelling at Sweeney and pointing in the direction of the field. 


I'm thinking those two have awesome futures.  Both showed themselves well in the two games I saw.

Steve Bartman trying to redeem himself? :lol:

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Jason, tell me you weren't one of the idiots that just had to walk down the stairs right behind home plate while talking on their cell phone so they could wave to someone watching at home on TV? ;)

Rex, I saw that too. I was going insane. It happened every damn inning too, at least one moron would wander down there on his cellphone and wave at the camera...it really was getting on my nerves.... :angry:



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It didn't really bother me when the guys came down to get on tv, but I don't see the obsession that people have with being on tv. I mean, tons of people are shown on tv during sporting events every day. It's not that big of a deal, but it seems like some people (like the guys today) think it's really cool.

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Jason, tell me you weren't one of the idiots that just had to walk down the stairs right behind home plate while talking on their cell phone so they could wave to someone watching at home on TV? ;)

Never mind that. How about when WGN showed the fan cam, and they showed the one lady who waved who had quite a bit of flab on her arms. I had to leave the room to :puke.

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Never mind that.  How about when WGN showed the fan cam, and they showed the one lady who waved who had quite a bit of flab on her arms.  I had to leave the room to :puke.

HAHAHA.... Did you make it?? :D It could have been worse, she could have worn a tank top :) .

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Rex, I saw that too. I was going insane. It happened every damn inning too, at least one moron would wander down there on his cellphone and wave at the camera...it really was getting on my nerves.... :angry:



Yeah...This seems like it's becoming the new "craze." I remember them talking about this on PTI last summer. Seriously though, why are people talking on their cell phones, when they're at a game?

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Jas, what do you think Willie's problem is?  Or could you not tell from the little you saw of him...

I can give MY opinion on what I think Harris is doing wrong.

Grounding the ball to second base doesn't utilize your speed.

Grounding the ball between short and third will get you some infield hits.

Also, he seriously needs to take some pitches. Not even talking about walks - I just want to see him work the freaking count a little. Let the 2-5 hitters see what their guy is throwing, ad maybe if he gets ahead in the count, he can drop a bunt or see a good fat fastball and slap it on the ground and run.


He's just not giving himself much of a chance to succeed. If he doesn't snap out of it, Uribe's gonna be the starting 2B and Willie's gonna end up on the bench or in Charlotte.

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I can give MY opinion on what I think Harris is doing wrong.

Grounding the ball to second base doesn't utilize your speed.

Grounding the ball between short and third will get you some infield hits.

Also, he seriously needs to take some pitches. Not even talking about walks - I just want to see him work the freaking count a little. Let the 2-5 hitters see what their guy is throwing, ad maybe if he gets ahead in the count, he can drop a bunt or see a good fat fastball and slap it on the ground and run.


He's just not giving himself much of a chance to succeed. If he doesn't snap out of it, Uribe's gonna be the starting 2B and Willie's gonna end up on the bench or in Charlotte.

Do you think it's something that he can fix, is it something Ozzie can work on with him?

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I'd think there has to be something Oz can do as far as where he stands in the box, or body positioning, but I think it's really up to Willie. He needs to go up there with a plan, and it doesn't look like he does that at all.

But only Willie can make Willie take pitches - he let Psycho Zambrano off the hook twice, swinging at the first or second pitch twice and grounding to Walker both times. Makes me wanna pull out my hair.

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Jas, what do you think Willie's problem is?  Or could you not tell from the little you saw of him...

He looked brutal in bp as well. He pulls almost everything and when your fast, you'd like for him to be hitting the ball into the hole between short and 2nd or opposite field more. Plus if he's alwasy pulling the ball, it makes it a lot easier for the 3rd baseman to play in to prevent bunts.


At least he had a hit. I'll give Harris time though, he still only has like 15 at bats, but Uribe impressed me. His stature is very similar to Jimenez and he wears the same number.


Of course to most people thats a horrible thing, but we all know my feelings on DJ.


AFter reading this, I fully agree with Critic's post on Willie.

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Jason, tell me you weren't one of the idiots that just had to walk down the stairs right behind home plate while talking on their cell phone so they could wave to someone watching at home on TV? ;)

Lol, only thing I did was yell Check it for Cork after Sammy broke his bat. And then after Sosa's homer, when the crowd died down I yelled "Throw it Back" :D


Although most of the people around me asked what my hat was...Whether it was a Boston hat or a Detroit hat...and my reply would be nope, its a Baron's hat...the best damn AA team out there :headbang

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You know the one thing left out in this whole discussion is I thought the cubs pitching staff was suppose to be the ultimate, greatest pitching staff ever. And I thought Carlos Zambrano was suppose to be this all mighty number 3 pitcher who could easily be a number 1 on any other team. To me it seemed like our number 5 pitcher had better control, more movement, and was more mentally prepared then this great number 3 pitcher.


I loved the fact that Zambrano thrusted his fist out of anger when he walked Konerko and then Gload followed with a homer.


And to all who say Wright should be in the bullpen, he is having a very good spring training. And he did face the all powerful hitting starting lineup for the cubbies. All their starters, excluding Gruz but he's injured, played the first 5 innings. And he seemed to pitch mighty well. He has always had good stuff, it was just a matter of him actually going out and producing. Hopefully this year he will.


Sox lost this game because of their young inexperienced fielders, just like it seems they have been losing all spring training games. These guys won't make the club this year, but it kind of worries me about the future. These youngsters they put in the late innings aren't making smart plays on the field nor are hitting. I am primarily talking about their infield. I think Anderson, Sweeney, and Reed are doing a great job.


Another note given for this game should be the Sox only started 4 of their opening day starters. Olivo, Ordonez, Thomas, Lee, and Crede did not play. But I don't want to give that as an excuse, they still should have won that game.


But all in all, I was happy with the game, except for the end result. But when the cubs scored it was garbage time anyways. I wasn't at all impressed with Zambrano, though I've never been, nor impressed with this great cubs hitting lineup that has no speed and features 5 righties in a row who all average between 100 and 150 ks. Not to say we don't have similar problems of course.


Oh and one more thing, I was forced to listen to chip caray because my roomate wanted to. That guy is a complete moron. Besides basically saying that everyone on the cubs have a good chance at making the allstar team (Even Marty Barrett!!!) and not following the game (saying wrong calls), his annoying voice made me kringe every time he spoke. The worst though was when him and Ron Santo were talking about how they expect big things from AGonz. They expect him to hit over .270 and have close to 30 HRs. Yeah.... At least our anouncers are a little more practicle. The only thing that saves cubs announcing from being just a total farce is the knowledge of Steve Stone. I admit he is a very baseball savy person and respect him even though he does anounce for the cubs...

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Danny Wright looked like a major leaguer. After Sammy's home run he came right after Alou and K'd him.


As soon as Cotts hit Jackson he seemed to go into his 'deer in the headlights' mode, trying make his pitches better than perfect. He got Hubbard but a veteren, Tom Goodwin, stayed with him and got the game winning single. Who knows how long it would have went on without the caught stealing.


For a guy who will be 24 this month, he looked awfully young. He sure as heck has the arm, I hope that all he needs is to go through these situations repeatedly against good hitters to develop better moxie and coolness when the game is on the line.


He needs pitch every 5th day, and he's not ready for prime time. He's proved he can dominate AA but can't survive in the bigs yet. Destination: Charlotte.

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