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Interesting Trade Idea from Rosenthal.


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I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm not a huge Benson fan, but when healthy he can be pretty solid. Its no secret I don't like Rauch and while Stewart is solid, I don't see him becoming an ace so I say why not.


But I think there are better options out there then Kris Benson.

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No.  We don't need ANOTHER $5-6 million risk.  We already have two on board in Koch and Konerko.

But it's only a one-year risk.


Would we really need to give up both Stewart and Rauch to get Benson, though? Hell, look at what the Cubs got, and all they really gave up was Bobby Hill. I'd do it for Stewart.


Benson, when healthy in 2000, was very good. Plus, he wouldn't be relied upon as a number 1, hell not even a top 3 guy. He could be placed in that fourth or fifth spot, a spot where he could thrive without much pressure.


I'd like to see KW get another starter; I'd be happy to get Benson and cash, as long as we don't give up too much.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but Benson's 6.3 million salary comes off the books at the end of this season. U lose Koch, Benson and Maggs, that's a combined 25 million which would allow KW much more payroll flexibility to go afta free agents or to possibly resign Maggs. That's the only way I can see KW's logic for this possible deal. Although if we only have to pay 3 mill, since Pittsburgh pays the rest, I'm all for it. Coops could do sumthin with him like he did with Loaiza I think.

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I'd do it in a heartbeat.  I'm not a huge Benson fan, but when healthy he can be pretty solid.  Its no secret I don't like Rauch and while Stewart is solid, I don't see him becoming an ace so I say why not. 


But I think there are better options out there then Kris Benson.

Damn Jason, is there a trade you wouldn't make right now? You would trade for Griffey, Benson and pick up Singleton today?


Are you just itchin to make a move or do you really think all of these would make good moves? :P


Edit: I didn't read far enough.... You would also trade Konerko for Perez or Ishii and Ventura? And for Junior Spivey?


You must have caught some baseball virus in Arizona. LOL

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i'd go for it


at the beginning of last season this guy really showed that there is some untapped potential. Coop did a great job with E-Lo and i'd love to give him a shot with benson since so far Rauch and Stewart havent really panned out

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Damn Jason, is there a trade you wouldn't make right now?  You would trade for Griffey, Benson and pick up Singleton today?


Are you just itchin to make a move or do you really think all of these would make good moves? :P


Edit:  I didn't read far enough....    You would also trade Konerko for Perez or Ishii and Ventura? And for Junior Spivey? 


You must have caught some baseball virus in Arizona.  LOL

Lol, I'm just not very pleased with relying on two unknowns in a sense for our 4th and 5th spot.


But I don't think I'd actually make the Benson deal because the Sox have a budget, and I think there would be better options.


But I'm up for any deal that gets the Sox extra starting pitching, assuming its good and assuming we aren't giving up any top prospects.


And if Spivey is on the block for cheap, why not get him cause Harris sure as hell isn't opening up many eyes :D


But your right, I'd like to see a few changes made if they are actually improvements and don't cost much.

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Wow, about 3 years ago today there's no way in hell any of us would make that trade. Hell, it wouldn't even have been mentioned w/ Rauch being our top prospect at the time. Funny how things can change in such a short time. Too bad we have to be on the bad end of this change. Rauch looked so good and I really thought at the time that he'd be our #1 or 2 starter for many years to come. Now he's just fighting for the last spot in our rotation, and probably won't get it.

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I like Benson, he always kicks the Cubs asses, though he does have a bad arm. On the plus side, it's his free agent year, and he might want to go out and impress to get a big contract. I don't want to give up both pitchers mentioned, however, you haven't heard much from spring training other than Rauch. In regards to Junior Spivey, I would rather have Junior Griffey, but I don't think I want to go into the season with Willie Harris as my starting second basemen, Rowand would be better as a 4th outfielder, and I think Griff would have an outstanding season, coming back to the AL with something to prove. If Cincy would pick up most of the contract as Pittsburgh, and I don't have to give up a major prospect, then I would do both. But again, its not my $$$.

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i think i would do this trade because its not like this guy has had major shoulder problems. in the article it said he was coming off "shoulder trouble" i think it would be worth the risk because rauch hasnt done much for us, plus if benson is healthy he has good potential.

But he has had major shoulder problems. IIRC, he's had a major surgery or two on probably his labrums and his elbows, and is not worth the risk at $6 mill.


He can be a solid pitcher when healthy...but I'd rather have a mediocre and sometimes bad pitcher in Rauch who could still be a pretty solid starter then Benson.

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But it's only a one-year risk.


Would we really need to give up both Stewart and Rauch to get Benson, though?  Hell, look at what the Cubs got, and all they really gave up was Bobby Hill.  I'd do it for Stewart.


Benson, when healthy in 2000, was very good.  Plus, he wouldn't be relied upon as a number 1, hell not even a top 3 guy.  He could be placed in that fourth or fifth spot, a spot where he could thrive without much pressure.


I'd like to see KW get another starter; I'd be happy to get Benson and cash, as long as we don't give up too much.

2 words....



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Griffey stated that he will be traded somewhere. Cinci's trying to get out from under that contract. I've always liked Benson, but he's a major risk at $6M, even for one year. Though, I haven't heard anything about how he's feeling this spring.


On a final note, Rowand's gonna rock!

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