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From today's Daily Herald

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This is by Scott Gregor, the Daily Herald's Sox beat guy.


TEMPE, Ariz. - At the moment, White Sox GM Kenny Williams doesn't feel like messing with a starting rotation that features Mark Buehrle, Esteban Loaiza, Jon Garland, Scott Schoeneweis and, most likely, Dan Wright.

There's not a legitimate ace in the bunch, and only Buehrle has a somewhat proven track record.

Loaiza, who came from out of nowhere last season to finish second in Cy Young Award voting with a 21-9 record, has been hit hard in his last 2 spring starts and is becoming more of a question mark than sure thing.

But as the days before the 4/5 regular season opener at KC continue to dwindle, it's not like Williams is lacking outside options.

For months there have been rumors of a trade with the pitching rich Dodgers, but Williams has been reluctant to send a power hitter like Frank Thomas or Paul Konerko to LA in exchange for a marginal starter like Odalis Perez.

Before spring training opened, the typically covert Williams acknowledged talking trade with LA.

"It's quite possible," he said, "i know they've been looking for a hitter for a long time and the market certainly has gotten very thin. It's possible."

While the rumors linking the Sox with LA have cooled considerably, Williams just might have an even better trade partner with the Angels.

Ironically, the Sox played against Anaheim on Tuesday and faced Bartolo Colon.

Colon's departure left a gaping hole in the Sox rotation, but there is a chance an Anaheim starter could fill a void.

"If Kenny thinks we need some help in the starting rotation, I'm sure he'll go out and get somebody," said Ozzie Guillen.

How does Jarrod Washburn sound?

If the White Sox are willing to part with a quality minor-league prospect like Jeremy Reed, Joe Borchard or Jon Rauch, Washburn could be had, according to sources.

The 29 year old Washburn pitches a lot like Buehrle and had a big season (18-6, 3.15 ERA) in 2002 while helping win the World Series.

He tailed off last year, going 10-15 with a 4.43 ERA. The lefty is slated to make $5.45 million this season.

If Washburn doesn't appeal to the Sox, righty Ramon Ortiz is also available.

Like Washburn, Ortiz was solid in 2002 (15-9, 3.77 ERA) before falling to 16-13 with a 5.20 ERA in 32 starts last year. The 30 year old carries a $3.1 million salary this year.

ANd if that's not enough, Anaheim is willing to part with 33 year old Aaron Sele, a disappointing 7-11 (5.77ERA) in 25 starts last year...The veteran is still trying to make a complete recovery from rotator cuff surgery he had following the '02 season. If the Sox agreed to take a gamble on Sele, the Angels would have to pick up a significan chunk of his $8.5 million salary.




If KW trades Jeremy Reed....well he just can't trade Jeremy Reed!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sweeney and Anderson should stay in the minors for another 2 to 3 years. That would put Sweeney in the bigs at age 22 .... plenty of time for him yet. With Magglio's expected departure, I believe we are going to need Joe Borchard's power next year. Joe should be ready to make the jump now.

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I'd let Borchard go in a heartbeat for Washburn.

Look at how many one-year stopgap outfielders have been available via free agency the past couple seasons.

If the Sox needed someone to fill a hole until Reed or Sweeney is ready, that's a WHOLE lot easier to get than a quality starter.

If that trade's really out there, KW would be insane not to get it done.

Of course, there's always "salary constraints" to consider..... :puke

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I'd let Borchard go in a heartbeat for Washburn.

Look at how many one-year stopgap outfielders have been available via free agency the past couple seasons.

If the Sox needed someone to fill a hole until Reed or Sweeney is ready, that's a WHOLE lot easier to get than a quality starter.

If that trade's really out there, KW would be insane not to get it done.

Of course, there's always "salary constraints" to consider..... :puke

I agree 100%.

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Taking a look at the track record of the three Angel pitchers mentioned makes me wonder if it is worth the loss of top prospects. I don't see us needing the additional pitcher at least right now and with our youngsters performing well. The story is written as if our staff is in complete shambles. It is not and Loaiza showed he is making the needed adjustments on Tuesday. I like these story headlines: "Could Help Be on the Way?" Well, yeah it could, but then it could not be. Plus why do the writers think we need help anyway? Just gets the fans riled up.

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Yeah, we're going to need another starter. Scott Schoenwies is not going to be able to hold his own, and I don't think Cotts is ready yet either. That, or Grilli or Rauch or Diaz is going to have to fill that fourth spot, and Wright behind the fourth starter, that's kind of iffy...


Borchard for Washburn, they eat a lot of Wash's salary. Hell, let's give 'em back Schoenwies while we're at it...


EDIT: Why the hell did Kenny give this guy 1.3 (is that right) million dollars? It's pitiful, I'd rather pay a guy to go fetch baseballs that money than Schoenweis.... :puke

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Yeah, we're going to need another starter.  Scott Schoenwies is not going to be able to hold his own, and I don't think Cotts is ready yet either.  That, or Grilli or Rauch or Diaz is going to have to fill that fourth spot, and Wright behind the fourth starter, that's kind of iffy...

My money is on Rausch. I agree that Scoenneweis is just nt showing us he can be a starter. Maybe it's just too early, but I would like to see Jon given the chance. Move Wright up to #4 starter and Rausch #5.

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Personally I feel if the Sox have to count on Rauch and Wright or Scho then this team is in deep crap. Luckily they are in a pathetic division so they could still end up getting away with it.


The Sox are so lucky that they aren't in the East or West this year, cause they'd be finishing dead last.


Of course they could also come out and pitch well. I liked what I saw from Scho in the one game I saw him pitch this spring.

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