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Selig might force Steroid issue


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That is not what I was even talking about. No s*** it is available over the counter. You actually have to ask for it though, you just cannot go into a GNC and get it off a shelf, it is locked in a case. It is still allowed in baseball, is it not? I asked if baseball would ban it if the USDA made it illegal, that was all I was asking. And you acted like a dochebag, you prick.

What the hell caused that response? I don't see where you asked that question and I responded to what you did actually type in.


EDIT: I went back and reread the exchange. I can see how you misinterpretted my posts. They weren't meant as a personal attack. I was only trying to make a point. I apologize for any misunderstandings.

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FlaSoxxJim. I agree with what you are saying. My point is that McGwire is seemingly always implicated as a cheater. Yet, at the time he was taking Andro, it wasn't banned nor illegal. It was an over the counter supplement as legal as one-a-day vitamins. He used them, yes. They are off limits now, yes. But Big Mac did not "cheat".

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