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how did everyone miss this tidbit


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I think you all know that I get my Trib my mail and it comes late and I read it later


tonught I am reading the 6 March edition, the one where on the front page it reports that 716,000 people have dropped out of the looking for a job market since November and that we have gone 43 consecutive months with declines in manufacturing jobs and I know why the Monica Republicans (those who kneel in front of G W Bush) didn't want to talk about that front page story because the economy is improving, the same reason they didn't talk about Greenspan and Bush saying that social security benefts must be cut to make up for the tax cuts for the rich.


But how did they miss this?


Federal grand jury subpoenas for transcripts from Air Force One on blowing the cover of a CIA agent - do we try Bush for treason now or later? Come, ye Monica Republicans, explain this - or at least explain why in all the things that you catch from the news and post about, why this one was missed. Explain it in light of how a blow job was so terrible but blowing the cover of a CIA agent for political revenge is so ho hum you can't bother to note it.



Transcript: Bush staff went after ambassador:[Chicago Final Edition]

Tom Brune, Tribune Newspapers: Newsday. Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Ill.: Mar 6, 2004. pg. 9

Full Text (259 words)


Copyright 2004 by the Chicago Tribune)


A transcript subpoenaed in the CIA leak investigation reveals the White House press operation began trying to discredit former Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV days before a columnist blew the cover of his CIA-officer wife.


A federal grand jury served three subpoenas on the White House in January for Air Force One telephone records and a transcript of a news briefing during the presidential trip to Africa the week before Robert Novak's July 14 column identifying CIA officer Valerie Plame.


The grand jury also subpoenaed White House records of staff contacts with more than two dozen reporters who wrote or broadcast about administration concerns over Plame, Wilson and his CIA report that rejected rumors that Iraq tried to buy uranium in Niger.


The White House confirmed it had received subpoenas.


The efforts to discredit Wilson came after he went public July 6 with criticism of President Bush for mentioning the uranium rumor in his State of the Union address in January 2003. The information was part of the administration's case for the Iraq war.


In the subpoenaed July 12 transcript of a briefing in Nigeria, then-press secretary Ari Fleischer called Wilson a "lower-level official" and said Wilson had made flawed and incomplete statements. Fleischer did not return calls seeking comment Friday.


Many of the journalists listed in a subpoena have reported various attempts by the Bush administration last year to discredit Wilson. For example, Time magazine reported three days after Novak's column that administration officials had described Plame's relationship to Wilson and suggested she had gotten him the Niger mission.


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.


Section: News

ISSN/ISBN: 10856706

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manufacturing jobs will be decling for the rest of our lives. We will never see a net increase in manufacturing jobs again. Intellectual jobs and service will continue to grow. Technology is replacing workers. Low skilled positions are migrating. The challenge for America is to improve our education systems to train workers for higher skilled jobs. I cannot see manufacturing jobs increasing. But look at industries that have been created. The Internet has created jobs. People will not pay more to buy American.


We have lost agriculture jobs for the same reasons. Technology allows production of foods in far off places and getting them to market.


We need to evaluate the economy in term of total jobs and the total wages they pay.

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manufacturing jobs will be decling for the rest of our lives. We will never see a net increase in manufacturing jobs again. Intellectual jobs and service will continue to grow. Technology is replacing workers. Low skilled positions are migrating. The challenge for America is to improve our education systems to train workers for higher skilled jobs. I cannot see manufacturing jobs increasing. But look at industries that have been created. The Internet has created jobs. People will not pay more to buy American.


We have lost agriculture jobs for the same reasons. Technology allows production of foods in far off places and getting them to market.


We need to evaluate the economy in term of total jobs and the total wages they pay.

Plus one of the first things your taught at most business schools now is outsourcing and how big it is. The US economy is turning into a service economy. We base things on efficiency and whether we like it or not, it isn't efficient or economically wise to be paying people big bucks to do work that others will gladly do for less.


While we still have to keep some of the jobs here, we are constantly educating more and more and some people do have to go back and retrain and get skills in new areas, its just part of the economy and technological growth.


While I think all of us try to buy US when we can (assuming it doesn't cost a lot more) the realistic perspective is, not much anything is made in America and most of the stuff that claims to be made in america is really put together somewhere else.


For many of Gm's vehicles they are assembled in Mexico or elsewhere. Now I do think that the government should do something about people sheltering themselves for tax benefits and stuff like that. I also think Bush is way too business and republicans are as a whole...just like I think democrats are way too anti business.


I am sick of parties trying to keep their core happy, I'd rather see people go out and actually do thinks for the country. The republicans ensure they get votes from their base and make some stupid ass policies that are just ridiculously pro big business. Then you have the democrats making policies to ensure the minorities and other people swarm out and vote. Now this country was built on minorities, but there are standards to everything and some policies are absolutely freaking ridiculous and cost so much money.

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And looking at auto manufacturers as an industry, no one manufacturers a car anymore. They are assembly plants. A transmission from this company, a complete dash assembly from this over company, some plastic parts from here, some seats from there. Alps down by me produces the wireless openers for 6 different auto brands.

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