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Gay Prince Book


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Man, my mouth is full from all these extra words.




Where did I say this?


I said :


That's a lot different.




Who is anybody? Is incest wrong? Pedophilia? Who are we or society to say it's wrong? Before I get more words put in my mouth - No, I'm not comparing gays to these.

If something is not right or okay what else would it be but wrong. :huh:



As far as the "Anybody" I'm talking Homosexuals, like 99% of this thread.

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**No, people that call things "wrong" without a SHRED of indisputable evidence are what's wrong with this country


Because a majority doesn't do it, it must be wrong?  That's the most idiotic statement I've ever heard.

You're very good at taking things out of context.


I only raise that the majority doesn't beleive that same sex marriages are proper - and I only say that there would be a whole lot more same sex marriages if it were "right". I'm not basing my entire argument on that, I'm only using that as a point to say that if it were "ok" or morally "right", it would be much more prevelent and wouldn't be the hot topic that it is.


Also, just as a point, take a poll, out of a newspaper, and depending on what region in the country you are polling, the results change drastically.


Take all 265,000,000 people in this country, I guarantee you that if you have a straight "yes/no gay marriage is wrong" question, a greater majority will say it's not proper. Leave that crap out about how it will effect their lives out of the question that you used, and the results become drastically different.


OF COURSE, it won't effect my life one iota. I just think it's wrong based on my belief system. And to each his own... I may think people are wrong on a lot of things, I think my wife's wrong on a lot of things, but I certainly don't think any less of her. And I don't gay people either. I've had a couple of people that I would consider friends that were gay, and they knew that I thought they were wrong but our friendship was based on more then just that, I can overlook that and still think they're wrong.


So do you still think I'm a big intolerant Christian jerk? ;)

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If something is not right or okay what else would it be but wrong. :huh:



As far as the "Anybody" I'm talking Homosexuals, like 99% of this thread.

Try again.


You said this:


If it's THEIR (not yours) lifechoice then how can it be wrong?


I take this as if it's someone's lifechoice that automatically makes it not wrong. I was just pointing out that it's not true.

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Our college campus chapter of PRIDE hooked me up with a copy of it and I posted it on my web page.

We're reading another fabulous Wink book in my Ethics course that is relevent here, The Powers that Be. It's about how Jesus subverted the conventional power systems that thrived on oppressing minorities (women, lepers, etc). Anyway, I would go so far as to say that in the modern day that would be extended to homosexuals. I highly recommend this book.

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I dont know how old most of you all are, but when i was in grade school there was this HUGE rush of kids to go get all of those books called GOOSEBUMPS! now i thought they were cool when i was that young! but after about a month of them being out they wouldnt even let kids bring them to school to read on their own!!!! but yet that princeple goes on to say that what one family sees as unacceptable another doesnt!!! and that makes this book about a gay guy okay but goosebumps not okay, this is what i think :fyou !!! let the kids choose the books dont force somthing like this on them!!!


and personally i think if i had a kid and they gave him/her this book to read i would burn it!!

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let the kids choose the books dont force somthing like this on them!!!


Hmmm....isn't this what happened in the first place?



and personally i think if i had a kid and they gave him/her this book to read i would burn it!!


Way to let the kids choose. :headbang :headshake

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The same people that encourage these types of books on the basis of nondiscrimination and diversity are the same that won't allow a teacher to even offer abstinence as an option to preventing diseases and pregnancies. This isn't just accepting homosexuality and being tolerant of it, it's encouraging it. I wonder how many bibles are in this school's library. I would bet not one. Diversity? Ha!

DING DING DING!!! Right on the money!



Liberals in America seem to have no problem trying to stamp out every single reference to Christianity they can find but they are just as quick to promote the teaching of a deviant lifestyle under the banner of diversity.


Diversity means being all inclusive not just what one side wants to see.

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(Note:  I don't hate, dislike, or anything else people who practice homosexuality, but I would say that they're in the wrong for it anyway.  It's their lifestyle choice.  So please don't take this post that I hate folks like that).

Funny it wasn't a choice for me. I tried to choose to be straight. Never worked though.

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I can choose to cheat on my wife, and that is a wrong choice.  Period.  See: 10 commandments, thou shalt not commit adultry.


People can have same sex marriages, and it's wrong, period.  See: marriage is between man and woman references in Bible. 


But I will not hate someone for doing something wrong.  That was my point.


All I am saying is they are wrong for what they are doing, but I don't hate for their wrong choices.

Here's the thing dude. Chances are, the love of my life will be a guy. When I find that person, I want to spend the rest of my life in a committed, mutual, monogamous respectful relationship. Or as breeders often refer to it - marriage. I don't think that I should not be allowed to be in one because we're two guys. If the state recognizes it - I don't care. I pray and hope that God will. You may say otherwise, but I do what I need to in order to make my peace with God. And hope you'd respect it.

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But I certainly won't resort to hating gays even though I think their lifestyle is innapproriate.  Does that sound better then the way you took what I originally said?

What's so inappropriate about my lifestyle? Is it that I go to bed early? That I like drinking PBR beer? That I kinda like watching A Different World?

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Liberals in America seem to have no problem trying to stamp out every single reference to Christianity they can find but they are just as quick to promote the teaching of a deviant lifestyle under the banner of diversity.


Diversity means being all inclusive not just what one side wants to see.



Teach all you want about Christianity, I have no issue. But here's where you're wrong about diversity Nuke. Teaching about these deviant lifestyles might make it less of a risk for me to reveal who I am to people.


I take a risk by posting on this board. If my boss discovers who I am, there is the distinct possibility I might be fired. If people in my town discover who I am, there is the distinct possibility I might have my ass kicked for no reason other than I'm not like them. Why? Because people don't understand what it's like to be anything other than what they are. Education breeds tolerance. Education breeds acceptance. You don't have to like what I do - but you do have let me lead my life.

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Teach all you want about Christianity, I have no issue. But here's where you're wrong about diversity Nuke. Teaching about these deviant lifestyles might make it less of a risk for me to reveal who I am to people.


I take a risk by posting on this board. If my boss discovers who I am, there is the distinct possibility I might be fired. If people in my town discover who I am, there is the distinct possibility I might have my ass kicked for no reason other than I'm not like them. Why? Because people don't understand what it's like to be anything other than what they are. Education breeds tolerance. Education breeds acceptance. You don't have to like what I do - but you do have let me lead my life.

nuke knows little about Christianity or its message other than that in some "I don't go to church" way


Jesus never says one word about homosexuality, a point that has been made repeatedly but gets ignored repeatedly by those who place their word over God


Yet Jesus condemns violence repeatedly


so the deviant lifestyle would be those who serve in the military


oh wait, the legions will be out because I said that -


my son is in the Marines, in Korea now, on active duty as I believe Nuke is -


but the point will be missed by many who choose to miss it


but then again whatever Jesus says is a religious matter, not one of the US Constitution which has a Bill of Rights and an Equal Protection Clause to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority


and the point of that is missed by many who chose to miss it


and some will be outraged because I disagree with them


but they miss they point of that too

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That I like drinking PBR beer?

PBR is teh nizzle fo shizzle.


I've spent my night dirnking PBR honeywiess and af jager... W00t.. Big ups to to Brooklyn...




You gy guys rrock :headbang ... It's cool to get hit on by a chick, but to get hit on by a gay buy is teh ultimate compliment... They have taste. :ph34r:

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