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Gay Prince Book


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Public schools are funded by many people who support and don't support alternative lifestyles.



Shouldn't those who don't support it have as much of a voice as those who do?

Public schools are funded by many people who support and don't support Christian values.


Shouldn't those who don't support it have as much of a voice as those who do?

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Public schools are funded by many people who support and don't support alternative lifestyles.



Shouldn't those who don't support it have as much of a voice as those who do?

Thank you! That's what I'm saying.

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What's so inappropriate about my lifestyle? Is it that I go to bed early? That I like drinking PBR beer? That I kinda like watching A Different World?

Look, you can have sex with animals for all I care, but PBR? That's crossing the line! :puke

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Here's the thing dude. Chances are, the love of my life will be a guy. When I find that person, I want to spend the rest of my life in a committed, mutual, monogamous respectful relationship. Or as breeders often refer to it - marriage. I don't think that I should not be allowed to be in one because we're two guys. If the state recognizes it - I don't care. I pray and hope that God will. You may say otherwise, but I do what I need to in order to make my peace with God. And hope you'd respect it.

What you say is cool by me. I don't have time right now to go and quote a whole bunch of things (I don't memorize versus of the bible to spew forth when it's convenient, I go and look for everything that's applicable when I am confronted with a situation that I want to know what the Bible says). The only couple that pops in my mind quickly (paraphrasing here) is Genesis and the whole bit of a man and a woman... and also the versus that talk about a woman and man leaving their parents to become united in one flesh... those are the obvious ones, and those are the general ones that I begin to form my beliefs from.


I completely hope that you can find peace, yet I disagree with your lifestyle (you correctly point out that it may not be a "choice"... although I'd like to hear more about your views on this). I would never condone it, yet I would support your quest to find peace with your situation. You've got to be strong to stand up for your beliefs and I always find it applaudable, even if it goes against my personal set of beliefs, that you stand up for what you believe in. You have my respect instead of flaming those who disagree with you.

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Thank you! That's what I'm saying.

Public schools are funded by many people who support and don't support right wing protestant values or conservative Roman Catholic ones either.


Shouldn't those who don't support it have as much of a voice as those who do?



and of all the hundreds of thousands of titles in school and public libraries that present one view, what is the scary part about having 1 or 5 or 10 books that present annother view?


the highest rates of suicide in teenagers is by gay kids who feel ostracized, condemned, hated, beaten up, and every other measure of rejection - and young people, struggling with identity issues, are going to hear so much gay bashing from society and friends, you begrudge the 1 or 5 or 10 books that the kid can find shelter in? Is that such a threat to anyone?


if one kid's life is saved by finding a book that says what he feels inside as natural and normal (although not normative, I'll agree) is ok, then God's richest blessings on that kid and book


and exactly how many straight kids do you think will find their lives shattered, shattered, by that book being around? You'll be there for your daughter. A lot of kids with orientation issues have no one. Don't begrudge them a book or a few books. It may be the only solace they have that they are evil, alone, or condemned, that it is ok to feel the way they feel.


The original separation of church and state in school case in Illinois was in the 1920s and it was by Catholic parents who sued to stop having protestant values taught in the class room - the need remains - you have your home and your church to teach a child your values but the schools and libraries are for ALL - including and in America what makes s America especially is for those who hold a different or minority position


That is what makes this country worth having

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Here's my question, isn't six in general just a little young to be reading about this?


I mean what type of understanding are they going to have. After reading this, don't you then have to teach them about the birds and the bee's, etc.


Just let kids be kids, why always the pressure on young kids. Just let them have fun and let them read things that interest them.


One of the things that ruined my interest for reading was being forced crapp ass books down my throat by my teachers. Why not let us read things were interested in at least some of the time. Maybe then I'd actually enjoy reading today.


When I was young I used to read 2 books a week (at least) then after about sixth grade, when we stopped being able to read at least some books that interested us (We'd get a list and could pick a few books from it) then that was it. I basically stopped reading cause almost all the books I read sucked completely. It just made reading awful.


As far as the right or wrong thing, as long as it is something you are born with then I got no problem. I don't know what to say about marriage, but I do think if two men love each other, they aren't hurting anyone, nor do two women loving each other. They aren't going out creating this horrible crimes or doing this horrible things.


Now if all of a sudden everyone wanted to become gay and the population really started decreasing, then I'd say it would be a another story, but until then, let those born that way be that way, imo. And last I looked the majority of the population isn't gay. Just think of it this way, maybe a lot of those people that stay single their entire life (not having kids) may actually be gay. So how does it hurt if those single people end up marrying other single people (not being capable of having kids, but maybe they could raise a kid...adopting someone and giving them a good life). Isn't that not a benefit of the society.


Note: I'm not implying everyone that is single is gay, thats far from the truth, but I just want to use it as an example for some that say if we promote homosexuality then it means the world will come to an end. Plus, last I looked the population is still increasing, not decreasing.


Gay isn't something that is contagious, or at least I don't think it is. I got a friend thats gay, doesn't mean they are going to turn you that way.


It took me time to realize that, but why prevent people from being happy when they aren't hurting anyone.

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What you say is cool by me.  I don't have time right now to go and quote a whole bunch of things (I don't memorize versus of the bible to spew forth when it's convenient, I go and look for everything that's applicable when I am confronted with a situation that I want to know what the Bible says).  The only couple that pops in my mind quickly (paraphrasing here) is Genesis and the whole bit of a man and a woman... and also the versus that talk about a woman and man leaving their parents to become united in one flesh... those are the obvious ones, and those are the general ones that I begin to form my beliefs from.


I completely hope that you can find peace, yet I disagree with your lifestyle (you correctly point out that it may not be a "choice"... although I'd like to hear more about your views on this).  I would never condone it, yet I would support your quest to find peace with your situation.  You've got to be strong to stand up for your beliefs and I always find it applaudable, even if it goes against my personal set of beliefs, that you stand up for what you believe in.  You  have my respect instead of flaming those who disagree with you.

No offense, but I don't wanna hear bible quotes. I'm not asking you to marry me here. And given the number of people I know whove attempted suicide because they can't not be gay - given the fact that I spent years trying to hide my sexuality and change and all that myself, I'm pretty sure this ain't a choice.

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No offense, but I don't wanna hear bible quotes. I'm not asking you to marry me here. And given the number of people I know whove attempted suicide because they can't not be gay - given the fact that I spent years trying to hide my sexuality and change and all that myself, I'm pretty sure this ain't a choice.

I only meant this to say that is where I form my beliefs from and that's where I was questioned from the beginning of my little rant. I'm not trying to say that I'm preaching to you. That's all I have meant pretty much from the beginning - and I certainly am not one to judge you because I do enough messed up things, and to me this is just another example of things that go "wrong" (I use this term only because that's what I've been using throughout the whole thread). My principles say it's "wrong", but I do "wrong" crap all the time, so to each situation is a different issue and we all have to reconcile our "wrongs" - and how each person does that is of their own matter.


If it's right for you, that's what's right for you. And that's cool. If you feel it's not a choice and that's how you are, that's your character and I sure as heck am not one to judge you on that. Have I beat the crap out of this horse enough for you to understand what I mean?

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