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Nossek big Sox Void


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Of the candidates listed, from a PR point of view, hiring Fisk would do wonders for the Sox. I wouldn't mind Torborg since he as the experience and has history with the team. Baines would be another plus on the PR side. All three definately have great baseball minds, it's just a matter of experience for 2 of the 3. We'll find out this weekend it seems.

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can anyone honestly, putting aside everything else, picture Fisk sitting quietly in the dugout as a bench coach on the bench submitting to the decisions of the manager?


there can only be one manager and Fisk would not play second fiddle to anyone, for good or for bad


its not a knock a Fisk - he is one of my alltime favorites


but personality - he is not a bench coach type at all, never was and never will be

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can anyone honestly, putting aside everything else, picture Fisk sitting quietly in the dugout as a bench coach on the bench submitting to the decisions of the manager?


there can only be one manager and Fisk would not play second fiddle to anyone, for good or for bad


its not a knock a Fisk - he is one of my alltime favorites


but personality - he is not a bench coach type at all, never was and never will be

I'd be inclined to agree with you. Especially a little pipsqueek like Ozzie. :lol:

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This is what happens when a buffoon like Ozzie becomes manager. All of a sudden, just sitting in a dugout, stealing signs becomes too much of a burden to bear. If Manuel was still the manager, Nossek would still be bench coach and we wouldn't be hearing anything about aches and pains.



JM should be the new bench coach. At least we'd have a voice of experience and sanity sitting next to Ozzie.

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I'd think it would be an upset if Baines doesn't get the job. He already is on the payroll.

We need someone with experience at managing and coaching. You need at least one old baseball mind (like Zimmer, Nossek) on the bench.

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It has been my impression that Joe Nossek was Reinsdorf's "spy" on the Bench; he would relay everything said and heard by players right "upstairs".


If this is the case, forget about Fisk. Baines could get the job; he's always been a Reinsdorf ass-kisser. Maybe Torborg, but don't bet on Pudge.

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I don't see this as a huge loss.

Having Nossek there didn't seem to help Manuel.

I'm interested in seeing how Guillen does on his own, and I'm willing to take the growing pains that go along with it.

I can see the concern about not having a "veteran coaching presence" on the bench, but I think Oz has good baseball instincts, and I'm ready to see him prove if he does or not.

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I don't see this as a huge loss.

Having Nossek there didn't seem to help Manuel.

I'm interested in seeing how Guillen does on his own, and I'm willing to take the growing pains that go along with it.

I can see the concern about not having a "veteran coaching presence" on the bench, but I think Oz has good baseball instincts, and I'm ready to see him prove if he does or not.

Ozzie's baseball insticts as manager still remains to be seen. I just know that I'd feel much better with a seasoned coach/manager type, not named Bevington, on the bench with Ozzie.

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I think it is a huge loss. I also think any suggestions that Nossek was a JR 'spy' are bull. of the 3 named replacement possibilities, I think Torborg sgould get the job based on his years in the game, managerial experience, and personality versus someone like Fisk.

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We need someone with experience at managing and coaching.  You need at least one old baseball mind (like Zimmer, Nossek) on the bench.

I agree with you, especially with a manager with no experience. I have just felt the team has been grooming Harold for something the past year or so, and will probably offer him this job. Whether or not that is a wise choice remains to be seen.

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Nossek was not KW's spy and JR never had one that I heard anything real about


Nossek was fantastic, the best, at stealing signs and knowing the game and running the team in the manager's absense


I hope we have a Joe Nossek day because I would like to say goodbye and thank you

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This is what happens when a buffoon like Ozzie becomes manager.  All of a sudden, just sitting in a dugout, stealing signs becomes too much of a burden to bear.  If Manuel was still the manager, Nossek would still be bench coach and we wouldn't be hearing anything about aches and pains.



JM should be the new bench coach.  At least we'd have a voice of experience and sanity sitting next to Ozzie.

Ya, afterall Ozzie made him have injuries. Almost all the coaches have said the new attitude has been great. The coaches are going out to dinner together and everything is "team oriented".


Just cause you don't like Ozzie, doesn't mean you have to blame him. I don't know whether Ozzie will be good or bad, but Nossek is staying in the organization, but has health issues. I don't think their is another meaning behind this.


As far as the candidates. Fisk could be a high reward guy, but he could also be a total jackass looking soley to put himself first and that wouldn't be good. Torborg has tons of experience and while he wasn't the most sucessful manager, he does do some things I like and as a catcher (like Fisk) has a lot of knowledge that could help Olivo. I like Torborgs agressive style and he would fit in nice with Ozzie, especially with them being buddies. Its not like being buds would be Torborgs only qualification, cause he has plenty of experience and thats what Ozzie needs.

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This a.m. on The Score, Murph (who sucks!) and Fred were critical of the Harold Baines as Bench Coach move. They said that there should be an experienced bench coach if you're going to have a rookie manager (and a rookie coaching staff), and that since Baines spent most of his career as a DH, that he probably doesn't know much about baseball strategy.


I tend to agree with these criticisms...another bad hire by the Sox!

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Just because management requires a certain coach, do not think it is all bad. Didn't Halas Hall require Dikta to keep Buddy Ryan? That worked pretty well for a season. And as well as those two got along, you know that Da Coach would never have hired Buddy.


Fisk is one of my All-Time favorite players. As an ex-catcher, I always regard the players at the most important position in a favorable light. :D

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Just because management requires a certain coach, do not think it is all bad. Didn't Halas Hall require Dikta to keep Buddy Ryan? That worked pretty well for a season. And as well as those two got along, you know that Da Coach would never have hired Buddy.


Fisk is one of my All-Time favorite players. As an ex-catcher, I always regard the players at the most important position in a favorable light.  :D

Actually wasn't it 5 yrs they were together?

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This a.m. on The Score, Murph (who sucks!) and Fred were critical of the Harold Baines as Bench Coach move. They said that there should be an experienced bench coach if you're going to have a rookie manager (and a rookie coaching staff), and that since Baines spent most of his career as a DH, that he probably doesn't know much about baseball strategy.


I tend to agree with these criticisms...another bad hire by the Sox!

I think a "risky hire" is a more appropriate description. When taking risks, sometimes the reward is high. Other times, it fails. We won't know if it was a "bad hire" for a while.

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and that since Baines spent most of his career as a DH, that he probably doesn't know much about baseball strategy.

Next to catchers, I would think DH would have the best handle on strategy. Isn't it always the bench warmers that really study the game and make the better coaches and managers?

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