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When there are NO other alternatives, in times of war, you have to do what you have to do.


This is a war, NOT civil unrest!

Would you kill Israeli innocents if it meant taking out a Hamas leader or is it just ok to kill Palestinian innocents?

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Would you kill Israeli innocents if it meant taking out a Hamas leader or is it just ok to kill Palestinian innocents?

Interesting question.


Lets say a suicide bomber got past a checkpoint, and was heading toward a populous part of town; if he can be blown away causing only minimal civilian deaths, you gotta do it.


So, in that instance...yes. I would "sacrifice" Israeli civilians.

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Interesting question.


Lets say a suicide bomber got past a checkpoint, and was heading toward a populous part of town; if he can be blown away causing only minimal civilian deaths, you gotta do it.


So, in that instance...yes. I would "sacrifice" Israeli civilians.

Then is it justified if one Israeli soldier is standing at a bus stop and only a couple civilians get killed? Or is it only ok for Israel to kill civilians?


I cannot believe killing civilians is ever justified, but hey that's just me and International Law.

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Then is it justified if one Israeli soldier is standing at a bus stop and only a couple civilians get killed? Or is it only ok for Israel to kill civilians?


I cannot believe killing civilians is ever justified, but hey that's just me and International Law.

Here's the deal...you and the rest of the "bleeding hearts" keep thinking this is "civil unrest"...it's NOT! Palestinian militants have declared war on Israel.


In war, civilians get killed. The key goal is to try to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. That's what the IDF does.


The Palestinians, on the other hand, TARGET CIVILIANS! Their goal is to kill civilians. CAN YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE YET???

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Then is it justified if one Israeli soldier is standing at a bus stop and only a couple civilians get killed? Or is it only ok for Israel to kill civilians?


I cannot believe killing civilians is ever justified, but hey that's just me and International Law.

Civilians getting killed in war is not illegal or unusual. Targeting civilians is also not unusual, though it's legality is not clear to me. As William T. Sherman said during the Civil War, his goal was to make war so terrible for the population that they would be loathe to ever return to it.

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Civilians getting killed in war is not illegal or unusual. Targeting civilians is also not unusual, though it's legality is not clear to me. As William T. Sherman said during the Civil War, his goal was to make war so terrible for the population that they would be loathe to ever return to it.

Thanks for the "411"!


Now, Go Illini. Beat the Dookies!

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That shows I didn't make up those facts and/or opinions.


The b.s. that you, Apu, Steff, etc., comes right off of the tops of your heads.

Excuse me :dips*** .. I have YET to debate this, or ANY political topic, with you for EXACTLY this reason..


When you get called on something you tell LIES about others points of views.


I have NEVER given an opinion on this matter.. just called out your racism.

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Here's the deal...you and the rest of the "bleeding hearts" keep thinking this is "civil unrest"...it's NOT! Palestinian militants have declared war on Israel.


In war, civilians get killed. The key goal is to try to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. That's what the IDF does.


The Palestinians, on the other hand, TARGET CIVILIANS! Their goal is to kill civilians. CAN YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE YET???


Once again are the Palestinians the moral standard you are judging Israel by? Then yes, Israel is doing a very nice job. I cannot accept terrorists as a moral authority or standard.


I do not believe it is civil unrest, anymore than I believe Viet Nam was a police action. It is war and believe it or not, war has rules. Break the rules, and people will criticize. If you believe Israel should be treated like anyone else, then Israel is rightfully being condemned for an assassination. If you believe that Israel is above or below International Law, then please do not cpmplain that they are treated different.


Yes, I see the difference.


It is ok for Israel to kill civilians. It is not ok for Palestinians. If an Israeli civilian dies you will say they are targeted, when Palestinians die because a Hamas leader drives by them on the street, it is somehow the kid on the streets fault. If there is the possibility for innocent civilians to be killed, the action must not be taken. If it is taken then those civilian's blood is on the aggressors hands, regardless who they are.


You seem to believe if a Palestinian target is close by, anyone in the area may be killed.

If an Israeli soldier is close by, and since I have not been back to Israel in two years I do not know if they are still everywhere, it is not ok to kill the Israeli soldier because innocents may be killed.


Who then would be hiding around civilians? If it would be wrong for a Palestinian to kill innocents while taking out an Israeli solder, but it would be OK for an Israeli to take out civilians if a Palestinian target is close, doesn't that mean Palestinians cannot hide behind human shields but Israelis can?


Or is the Israeli army out in the open now and not on almost every street corner next to civilians?


You really need to visit Israel. I cannot believe a true freedom fighter like yourself hasn't coughed up the time and cash and went. I can offer you some excellent hotel choices and if they are still operating some great restaurants. Man, I've had some great meals there, and cheap. I've only been a couple times and each time I came away with a sense of wonder and awe for the rich religious history, regardless of your faith or lack there of.


I am a bleeding heart. I believe the bloodshed will continue until no one is left, if wise men of restraint do not act soon. You want to spill blood.


You are a war Hawk, hell bent on defending any destruction to Palestinians. Do you enjoy sounding like a blood thirsty hoodlum, intent on the destruction of an entire race? You complain that Israel is being treated different, yet claim Israel is somehow entitled to defy International Law because they've been wronged. Man that self righteous anger must keep you going.


I still think if you spent less time trying to atone for not going to Temple by going to Temple, you will feel better. You will get rid of that guilt and all will be right with the world. Will you be bringing up your child in the faith and taking him/her (sorry I do not like refering to children as its) to Temple?

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Once again are the Palestinians the moral standard you are judging Israel by? Then yes, Israel is doing a very nice job. I cannot accept terrorists as a moral authority or standard.


I do not believe it is civil unrest, anymore than I believe Viet Nam was a police action. It is war and believe it or not, war has rules. Break the rules, and people will criticize. If you believe Israel should be treated like anyone else, then Israel is rightfully being condemned for an assassination. If you believe that Israel is above or below International Law, then please do not cpmplain that they are treated different.


Yes, I see the difference.


It is ok for Israel to kill civilians. It is not ok for Palestinians. If an Israeli civilian dies you will say they are targeted, when Palestinians die because a Hamas leader drives by them on the street, it is somehow the kid on the streets fault. If there is the possibility for innocent civilians to be killed, the action must not be taken. If it is taken then those civilian's blood is on the aggressors hands, regardless who they are.


You seem to believe if a Palestinian target is close by, anyone in the area may be killed.

If an Israeli soldier is close by, and since I have not been back to Israel in two years I do not know if they are still everywhere, it is not ok to kill the Israeli soldier because innocents may be killed.


Who then would be hiding around civilians? If it would be wrong for a Palestinian to kill innocents while taking out an Israeli solder, but it would be OK for an Israeli to take out civilians if a Palestinian target is close, doesn't that mean Palestinians cannot hide behind human shields but Israelis can?


Or is the Israeli army out in the open now and not on almost every street corner next to civilians?


You really need to visit Israel. I cannot believe a true freedom fighter like yourself hasn't coughed up the time and cash and went. I can offer you some excellent hotel choices and if they are still operating some great restaurants. Man, I've had some great meals there, and cheap. I've only been a couple times and each time I came away with a sense of wonder and awe for the rich religious history, regardless of your faith or lack there of.


I am a bleeding heart. I believe the bloodshed will continue until no one is left, if wise men of restraint do not act soon. You want to spill blood.


You are a war Hawk, hell bent on defending any destruction to Palestinians. Do you enjoy sounding like a blood thirsty hoodlum, intent on the destruction of an entire race? You complain that Israel is being treated different, yet claim Israel is somehow entitled to defy International Law because they've been wronged. Man that self righteous anger must keep you going.


I still think if you spent less time trying to atone for not going to Temple by going to Temple, you will feel better. You will get rid of that guilt and all will be right with the world. Will you be bringing up your child in the faith and taking him/her (sorry I do not like refering to children as its) to Temple?

I do NOT wish to see all Palestinians die; I wish to see Israel (Jews) be allowed to live in peace and security. IF the Palestinians have to be put sown and/or destroyed for that to happen, so be it.


I don't need to apologize to you (or anyone else) for my love of the Israel and the Jewish people, nor will I.


You, on the other hand, don't need to tell me how to live my life. I am doing VERY WELL without your "sage" words. Thank you.

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You, on the other hand, don't need to tell me how to live my life. I am doing VERY WELL without your "sage" words. Thank you.

Naaa... heaven for bid someone do it to you, right? But it's OK for you to post all over the place about everyone who doesn't agree with you being a racist, and that what they think is wrong, right? You can tell them what's right and wrong to think.. :rolleyes:


You are unreal.. and likely have less sense than that 8 week old you claim to have. You are so quick to cut others off at the knees.. but you can't take a look in the mirror and see that your HATE and RACISM is just as bad. You are a sick hypocrite. I feel sorry for "the Jews" that have to listen to your vile, disgusting, sick, words. :headshake

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Naaa... heaven for bid someone do it to you, right? But it's OK for you to post all over the place about everyone who doesn't agree with you being a racist, and that what they think is wrong, right? You can tell them what's right and wrong to think..  :rolleyes:


You are unreal.. and likely have less sense than that 8 week old you claim to have. You are so quick to cut others off at the knees.. but you can't take a look in the mirror and see that your HATE and RACISM is just as bad. You are a sick hypocrite. I feel sorry for "the Jews" that have to listen to your vile, disgusting, sick, words.  :headshake

I NEVER told anyone how to live their lives.


I just try to enlighten people on the dispute in Israel.


I don't give a rat's ass what you or anyone else thinks or does; I don't care enough about most of you to give a damn!


And, if you don't like or agree with what I say/write...DON'T f***ING READ IT!

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You enlighten people by calling them racist.


Of course you don't care about anyone here.. I don't think anyone here agrees with your racist views so that makes sense.


You're thoughts and ideas would be so much better recepted if you weren't such an asshole.... ya see how many people disagree with Apu...? But at least he doesn't run around calling people names to try to make his point.

But, of course, you don't care.. right..? So what's with the 3000 word posts shoving your opinions down others throats... Strange mission for someone who doesn't care. :rolleyes:


And finally.. don't tell me what to, or not to, read... :nono

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Tex...IDF soldiers occupy Israeli towns and patrol among Israeli civilians TO PROTECT THEM, NOT TO HIDE AMONGST THEM!


There's a big difference!

Yeah like when they bulldozed twenty houses and a mosque because they heard a gun shot in a palestian town.


Here are some facts that may pertain to this discussion:


16% of arabs are christian

4% are jewish

1 of 8 muslims are not arabic


How bout this, What is Arafat and Sharon both steped down and left the peace process to a council of citizens, Then an election process would elect leaders that represented all of Israel. Instead of being seperate how about we establish one state with equal rights for all.

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Good luck Steff. Now you see why that part of the world will never change. Throw a rock at someone and you get a missile right back at ya. :bang

I only pray that the innocent little child(ren) will not be effected by his hate... :unsure:

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You enlighten people by calling them racist.


Of course you don't care about anyone here.. I don't think anyone here agrees with your racist views so that makes sense.


You're thoughts and ideas would be so much better recepted if you weren't such an asshole.... ya see how many people disagree with Apu...? But at least he doesn't run around calling people names to try to make his point.

But, of course, you don't care.. right..? So what's with the 3000 word posts shoving your opinions down others throats... Strange mission for someone who doesn't care.  :rolleyes:


And finally.. don't tell me what to, or not to, read...  :nono

I never called anyone racist, who didn't express racist views.


I also apologized for calling individuals racists on several occasions. (I have also apologized to you on one or more occasions!)


I am pro-choice, Steff...you go ahead and believe what you want, I don't care.


I do not believe in censorship, that's why I said not to read my posts if you don't like me/them. I don't read Apu's anymore, cuz I don't like fiction, and I believe that reading them is a waste of my time. I would never tell you or anyone else not to read Apu's postings though!


If you don't like me cuz you think I'm an asshole...fine. Lots of people probably agree with you. But, if you don't like me cuz I'm a Jew (I'm NOT saying that that's what you feel!), then I am offended.


Either way, have a nice day, Steff!



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