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I remember where I was when...


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How many different events ingrained so deep into you memory that even years later, you remember where you were.


For me. John Lennon's death, Ronald Reagans attempted assassination, the space shuttle Challenger and Columbia disasters, the Oaklahoma City bombings, and September 11th, right off the top of my head.

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I remember being upstairs at my raquetclub when I saw the news report that Reagan had been shot.


I was at a girlfriends when I heard Lennon had been killed.


At work for the shuttle disaster part 1

home for shuttle disaster part 2


Walking out the door for work when the first reports of 9/11 came on.


Huddled around a radio at work for the OJ verdict and watching a co worker claim those f*ckers in California can't confict anyone.


I was at my wife's side for both my kids


I was outside playing baseball when I heard the Vietnam "Police Action" had ended.


During operation Desert Storm I was watching the TV in my downstairs den, rivited to CNN and a telemarketer called. We're at war and you want to sell me new windows!

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Until Spetember 11 occured, I think the most indelible memory of a tragic event for my generation was the Challenger disaster. For me, the memory is as follows:


We were in science class in grade school watching it live. When the shuttle exploded...we knew. This girl next to me, Tracy, screamed. My science teacher exclaimed "Oh s***!!"


We had the only TV in the school, besides the teachers lounge and other classes kept flowing in...quietly...as the news spread.


Sad day.

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At work for the shuttle disaster part 1

home for shuttle disaster part 2


Walking out the door for work when the first reports of 9/11 came on.


I was at my wife's side for both my kids


During operation Desert Storm I was watching the TV in my downstairs den, rivited to CNN and a telemarketer called. We're at war and you want to sell me new windows!

In third grade for Challenger and at home for Columbia.


I was at work celebrating a co-workers' b-day when another co-worker came in and said two planes hit the WTC. It's amazing to me how much detail I remember that day in.


I was at home when I got the call my sister was in labor and my friend had her three girls (separate times, not triplets lol).


Desert Storm - freshman in high school.

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How many different events ingrained so deep into you memory that even years later, you remember where you were.


For me.  John Lennon's death, Ronald Reagans attempted assassination, the space shuttle Challenger and Columbia disasters, the Oaklahoma City bombings, and September 11th, right off the top of my head.

I'll add details like Tex did.


Lennon-Setting up the Christmas tree. It never got done. My birthday was also days later, and it was the worst one ever


Reagan- I was on a plane for the first time in my life getting ready to land at Houston Hobby airport


Challenger-In 7th grade math class


Columbia-In line for Maggs autograph at Soxfest


9-11- I was down stairs in the cafeteria waiting for the trading day to start at the CBOE. We all went upstairs and watched the horrors on TV.



OK City- Coming back to my dorm from class, I saw it on the big screen TV in the lobby.

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I don't remember Oklahoma City.


I remember where I was when the Bulls won the title in 1992


At the Stadium :headbang :snr


Miracle on Ice, I was working at Foot Locker in Lakehurst Mall and I posted the final result on our scoreboard above the register.

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Only one of those events that I have a memory for was 9/11


I was asleep and my mom pounded on my door waking me up to tell me what had just happened (it was around 6:45 Pacific Time). I immediately turned on the TV and was just in aw.


I can remember driving down the freeway and I had such an eery feeling.

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O.J. Chase- watched it on tv.


O.J. verdict- Lunch ladies were watching it in the school cafeteria.


Oklahoma City- Came home from school, saw it on the news.


Columbine- Came home from school saw it on tv.


Walter Payton's Death- saw it on TV when I came home from school.


9/11- 4th period biology class, we watched the towers fall. I will never forget seeing the kids leave school early in tears (many kids in my school lost family)


Bombs fall on Afghanistan- top of the empire state building (I have always thought that was ironic)


Columbia- Asleep, I got a phonecall from my dad to turn on the tv.


operation Iraqui freedom- on the couch.

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O.J. Chase- watched it on tv.


operation Iraqui freedom- on the couch.

OJ chase Interupted the NBA finals -- NBC didn't want to lose out on the ratings, as it was being played on all other channels, So they stopped the game in Houston, after the third quarter, and watched it on the Jumbotron until it's conclusion.


Iraqi "freedom" - Intereupted last years NCAA tourny coverage. :fyou

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the secret service guy who got shot in the reagan assasination attempt is now my home towns Police Cheif.


"On Monday, March 30, 1981, as president Reagan was getting into his car after a speech at the Washington Hilton Hotel, a young man armed with a .22 caliber revolver fired several shots in an attempt to assasssinate him. One bullet struck the President in the chest. Another inflicted a head wound on his press secretary, James S. Brady, and Timothy J. McCarthy, a Secret Service agent, was shot in the abdomen when he placed his body between the President and his assailant. A Washington police officer, Thomas K. Delahanty, was also wounded. . .


then Linky you have to click on meet the cheif of police, i cant link right to it

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For most I do not recall. However, 9/11 I do remember very vividly. I was in 8th grade, I was walking to my second period History class, and the TV was on. There it was on TV.


I also recall that day in football practice looking up at the sky and seeing a plane fly over head. That was crazy as hell because it was the last time I would see a plane fly for like 2 or 3 weeks. I also remember that there was a whole week of no sports, and really, that bummed me out.

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9/11 was prob the moment I most remember. Coming back from celebratin my b-day with a few m8es, I remember goin to bed and turnin on the TV, and all the local channels were on CNN, BBC etc., I just had a horrible feelin in my stomach. My mom wouldn't get on a plane for quite a while afta that.

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9/11 was the biggest thing in my life. It was crazy though; I was in the middle of taking the ISTEP test. It's a test that all Indiana students have to pass in the 10th grade to graduate. I remember hearing whispers about it during our break, but I just couldn't believe it. I just remember getting home that day and seeing it on EVERY channel. That was definitely an eye opener. It's crazy how the world will never be the same after that.

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9/11 is the only thing I remember from those.


I was in 6th grade at the time.

Sitting in my 1st period English, when the principal came over the PA stating that attacks had occured on the Pentagon and WTC, or something to that tune. Since I was relatively young at the time I didn't really realize what had happend until I got home from school and my mom and dad were just glued to to the TV, and I saw clips of a plane flying into the WTC. I was in awe. That is definately one day I will never foget.

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OJ Verdict: Was in, I think, 7th grade health class when they announced the verdict over the intercom system.


9/11: Woke up for my 9am class around 8:15 and saw the beginning of it. The analysts still thought it might have been an accident at that point, then the 2nd plane crashed and they were like holy s***. Went to my class where we all had computers and spend whole period surfing the Fark.com threads, which were the best source of information since cnn.com, msnbc.com, etc were all down from traffic overloads.

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