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A buddie's Ex-Wife's topless photo


Do you phone, email, or not tell him?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you phone, email, or not tell him?

    • Phone
    • Email with link
    • Do nothing

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I just heard from a friend who visits towview.com and in their amateur section saw what is almost undoubtably an old classmates ex-wife. He was wondering if he should call him and share the laugh.


I don't think it is a good idea, except maybe he posted it. They have been divorced about 5 years and the divorce was less than amicable.

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I know a girl who sent naked pictures to her boyfriend, and the kid posted them on the internet, so damn funny. :lol: I know a few people that has happen to, needless to say I know quite a few open girls who do not mind naked pictures, but I would never put any on the internet.



I would just leave it, although I did vote for sending him the link. I just think it would be funny, although it probably is best if he never knows.

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Hell ya I'd send it.  If that was one of my friends it would be the first thing I'd do. 


But thats cause we all rip on each other and are all about the laugh

But none of you guys have been in the position to be laughing about your buddies ex-wife just yet...

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I decided I wasn't that good of friends with him. The guy that pointed me towards the pictures sent him an email with a link. Asking if it's his ex and if he sent the photos.

If their divorce was messy and it was 5 years ago, why would he care about it in the least? :huh: Maybe to get a laugh? :huh

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