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Mars Rover Stuck


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THE Opportunity rover slipped down a sandy uphill slope as it tried to leave the crater it has explored since landing on Mars nearly two months ago, mission scientists said.


The six-wheeled robot tried driving out of the crater yesterday, but the soft martian terrain prevented it from doing so, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory said. Controllers planned to try a second way out of the crater today.


Opportunity landed inside the 21-metre diameter crater on January 24.


Halfway around Mars, Opportunity's twin rover, Spirit, has been exploring the rim of a far larger crater.


NASA launched the $US820 million ($1.1 billion) mission to search Mars for evidence the planet once was a wetter place. Opportunity already has uncovered such evidence.


NASA scheduled a news conference in Washington for tomorrow to announce what it called another "major scientific finding" by the mission

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The Rover has mede it out of the hole, according to info on the mars rover jpl site:


OPPORTUNITY UPDATE: Opportunity Leaves the Nest - sol 57, Mar 22, 2004


After a slightly slippery start yestersol, Opportunity made it out of "Eagle Crater"on sol 57, which ends at 8:45 p.m. PST on March 22. The drive along the crater's inner slope that was initiated on the last sol continued this sol until Opportunity exited its landing-site crater. Images from the navigation camera confirm that the rover is about 9 meters (about 29.5 feet) outside of the crater.


The rover also conducted remote sensing observations between naps this sol. After completing the drive out of the crater, the navigation camera imaged Opportunity's brand new view of the plains of Meridiani Planum.


During the martian night, rover planners will awaken Opportunity to take miniature thermal emission spectrometer observations of the ground and the atmosphere.


The song chosen to motivate Opportunity to move up and out of the crater was "If You Don't Get it the First Time, Back Up and Try it Again" by the JBs and Fred Wesley.

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Damn, I was hoping they found Hoffa...


In all seriousness, good stuff coming from this exploration.

Apparently you have not heard that they recently DID find Hoffa. He was in a hospital delivery room of all places. Seems he was there to try to... organize labor!


Thanks, I'm here through Thursday. Try the veal.

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