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John Shoop blows


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Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG

Bah, where's a real O coord. when you need one?


Yeah, that pathetic excuse for a drive in OT was pitaful..but our D lost this game

And what's up with Train?? Did he have a run for more than 4 yards!?! I don't think he did. don't now his final #'s, but I'm sure there pathetic

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Originally posted by GASHWOUND
Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG

Bah, where's a real O coord. when you need one?


Yeah, that pathetic excuse for a drive in OT was pitaful..but our D lost this game

And what's up with Train?? Did he have a run for more than 4 yards!?! I don't think he did. don't now his final #'s, but I'm sure there pathetic


Right on. I hate Shoop though I will give him credit when he does well. I think he did a good job adjusting in the first game, but other than that I haven't seen much from him this year. But this game wasn't lost by Shoop. Our pathetic D lost this game. Our cornerbacks can't cover anyone. Thomas is running like crap this year. He just plows into the pile and tries to get 2 yards rather than bounce it outside.

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I have kept quiet on this subject but this week I was pissed.


Have the Bears ever learned of shifting up the runs. Every run is the same damn thing by the Train and no I don't think thats The Trains' decision I think it has to do with Shoops calls.


Oh ya, Terrell needs to start and Mrob should be the 3rd stringer cause both of them are now ready.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I have kept quiet on this subject but this week I was pissed.


Have the Bears ever learned of shifting up the runs.  Every run is the same damn thing by the Train and no I don't think thats The Trains' decision I think it has to do with Shoops calls.


Oh ya, Terrell needs to start and Mrob should be the 3rd stringer cause both of them are now ready.


Shoop is a moron. But Thomas still isn't running like he was last year. That said, they need to start throwing the ball. Jim Miller CAN throw! Let him throw the ball. I heard someone make a great point today. He said basically this...If the defense were to put 3 in the box and drop 9 in coverage, what would you do? Well you would run the ball. So, if the defense puts 9 in the box and drops 3 into coverage, what would you do? Well common sense says, throw the ball!


They need to run more out of a 3 WR set, and keep these defenses from stacking the box. Make them drop that 2nd safety in coverage.


They need to lose the mentality of always trying to get to 3rd and shorts. It IS possible to convert a 3rd and long. What they're doing is limiting the possiblity of a big play. They're trying to just get a few yards on 1st and 2nd so they can set up 3rd and short. But by far the most idiotic Shoop calls are the WR screens on 3rd and long. If you need 9 yards, throw the ball atleast 9 yards! This isn't a hard concept to understand.


I've been a supporter of Jauron and his players coach mentality. But if he is going to keep supporting Shoop's playcalling I can't see a reason to continue to support this guy. Blache's defense sucked yesterday. So today he ripped into them and said that there will be changes. Shoops offense sucks, and they stick with the same things.


I would like to see DT out there more, but the Bears are too stubborn. I don't care if David is the backup flanker. Right now hes been a clutch WR for us. He needs to be out there more.

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Originally posted by doubleM23

I just don't think the Bears are all that good.  But maybe it's just me.


Jim Miller?  Yeah..... You suck.


It better be just you and Ian and I hope your both wrong :P


Miller looked good most of the year, but against the Bills he sucked.


Oh ya, and Booker sucked too. He blew an easy touchdown catch that would of won the game while Terrell made some big catches as well as blocks. DT is clutch.

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