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who's been through this?


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sorry for this depressing thread but it looks like me and my girlfriend of over 3 years are having to call it quits. i am moving to chicago when i graduate and she has to go to college about 8 hrs away from chicago. we both thought it would be way too hard to stay together this far away. i just feel like total s*** the last few days and don't really wanna do anything but sleep....everyone says it gets better but im just not believing it right now...just wondering if anyone who has been through this has any advice or just anything that might help me out. sorry to bring this to the board but it helps just to say things even if it is to people i dont really know :(

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Hey dude I know how you feel. Back then my Gf and I went out for 3 years as well. (6th to 8th.) I went on to High School and so did she but she had to move to Texas. I was depressed for a while but I have lots of friends and a great mother backing me up at that time. Things are going to look up for you in the future. Who knows, you'll probably meet someone else who you really like. Or maybe you'll see her again in the future. Here's to you. :cheers :) :drink :notworthy

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Hey dude I know how you feel. Back then my Gf and I went out for 3 years as well. (6th to 8th.) I went on to High School and so did she but she had to move to Texas. I was depressed for a while but I have lots of friends and a great mother backing me up at that time. Things are going to look up for you in the future. Who knows, you'll probably meet someone else who you really like. Or maybe you'll see her again in the future. Here's to you. :cheers  :)  :drink  :notworthy

I am sorry, but come on...that's a huge difference. The relationships I had in middle school were so damn funny. I do not know anyone who is still dating someone they dated in middle school, although I did get back together with one girl for sometime this year.


It is not the end of the world, you'll find someone else...just work through it and good luck.

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Ok...here's the deal...First off...you two have to be sure this is what you want...You have to be positive. After that...if you decide breaking is still your option...the only way to get over her is to stop talking to her. Stop calling her, Stop emailing her..If you have mutual friends, tell them you don't want to hear about her. and DUDE most importantly :nono NO DRUNK PHONE CALLS. The good thing is that she will be 8 hours away so ya can't really just bump into her...that saves a lot of problems.


You both need to know you will still be ending it as friends...and in like 6 months...you can write her and see how she is doing or whatever...but I'm telling you if you try to stay in contact and email all the time and try to be pen pals you will never get over her....and that is not something you want hanging over you when you start college. It's not fair to you or her. As hard as it probably is to believe...you both will enjoy your freedom for awhile. It's college man!! Live it up!


And down the road...if it was meant to be :wub: you two will find your way back to each other. Good Luck!!



If none of this s*** works go out with your friends and get f***ed up :cheers



Dr. Ben

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soxguy - nothing anyone can say can help -


time, the passing of time is what works


this is still too new and raw and exposed and expect to feel bad


progress is never steady, it is 2 steps forward, 1 step back


just let it roll with the time


in the meantime I am glad soxtalk is the type of communityt where you feel comfortable sharing and your brothers and sisters here are caring for you

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sorry for this depressing thread but it looks like me and my girlfriend of over 3 years are having to call it quits.  i am moving to chicago when i graduate and she has to go to college about 8 hrs away from chicago.  we both thought it would be way too hard to stay together this far away.  i just feel like total s*** the last few days and don't really wanna do anything but sleep....everyone says it gets better but im just not believing it right now...just wondering if anyone who has been through this has any advice or just anything that might help me out.  sorry to bring this to the board but it helps just to say things even if it is to people i dont really know :(



I won't tell you to not feel bad, because you should feel bad, sometimes doing the right thing hurts bad. However, you're certainly not alone, this kind of thing happens all the time. And, you are doing the right thing, believe me. Burn no bridges, and be open to anything being possible down the road.


In the meantime, take it easy, go getcherself a booty call when you feel up to it.


You'll be OK.

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Strip club.


Casual Sex ( protected, of course ).

Did I mention alcohol?




You're gonna feel really lousy for a while, and you'll feel a little lousy for a long time. You won't stop thinking about her, but you WILL think about her less as time goes on. You'll meet other girls who will occupy your time and make you feel good, and life will go on.


If not.....alcohol.

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While there's nothing that anyone can say that will totally help you, my theory is stay busy. Do something with friends, do homework, play videogames, post on soxtalk ;) , whatever.......

The busier you are, the less it comes into your mind.

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thanks for the support everyone, it really does help to hear these things. and she is the one starting a new college, i'm graduating this may so my crazy college days are over but i still know how to have fun and will go out and get out probly a few dozen times through this. the hardest part in all of this is concentrating on whats going on right now. I'm in my final semester of college and i have tons of work and i find myself doing crappy job lately because of this. and to make matters worse i have been going to job interviews and probly coming off horrible because of whats going on in all my life. its almost like i cant really function totally on what needs to be done, but it is very new still ...thanks again :)

oh yeah and i'm 23 and shes 21 so this is a bit different then those crushes in grade school ;)

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