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I'm drinking the Kool-Aid


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Honestly though, I drink alot of Sprite here. It is one of the few things that doesnt taste too watered-down. :)

I'm more a Mountain Dew man. Although u can't pass it up for a good crab juice.

"Eeeewwwwww......... I'll take a crab juice."

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Holy crap...whats happened.  Tex is starting to believe...LOOK OUT  :D

I am cooly balancing attitude vs. talent. I think we lost some talent, but the attitude seems so much better. When Frank comes out and says he'll bat 4th, if that makes the team better, you know there has been a seismic shift in the club house.


I think the atitude will make up for the talent loss. Add some guys getting better, Crede, Lee, Olivo. Some guys hanging on as they get older, Frank, Valentin. Some guys getting back on track, Kong, Koch. Mags having another All-Star season, and we may have some post season fun.


Even without postseason fun, I think the team will be much more fun to watch. I may even buy the season long cable package. :lol:

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I am starting to get excited, I think. I think the attitude v. talent thing is right on the money. I also think that JM was nto very well liked at all. There just seems to be way to much normalcy going around there with Frank leading the charge. Everyday it is Frank this and Ozzie that with little tidbits from other guys.


Maybe it is not as bleek as I think although another starter is a must.


I just accepted my Opening Day ticket.

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