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Urbina Signed by Detroit.


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Detroit was feeling very, very shaky about its pen and IRod was demanding this signing - just got finished reading about it in the Freep (Detroit Free Press) at lunch


and since the dude was asking to be overpaid and Ilyich is turning his spending ways to the Tigers.... it was almost guarenteed it would shake this way

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Detroit was feeling very, very shaky about its pen and IRod was demanding this signing - just got finished reading about it in the Freep (Detroit Free Press) at lunch


and since the dude was asking to be overpaid and Ilyich is turning his spending ways to the Tigers.... it was almost guarenteed it would shake this way

No question. This is the first I have heard of this, but I am sure I will get to hear a ton more soon, great. :unsure:

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You just can't figure on what JR will authorize. Colon is overpaid by the Angels and now the Tigers overpay Urbina, but whether they overpaid or not they and not the Sox have the pitchers. I was surprised for instance when Harold Reynolds rated Colon as his #1 power pitcher. Urbina is a very good relief pitcher, but only time will tell if he is what the Tigers need to compete, or if Colon is what te Angels lacked. The Sox meanwhile apparently will settle for the retreads trying to rebound. But, then again we might get lucky... :huh

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You just can't figure on what JR will authorize. Colon is overpaid by the Angels and now the Tigers overpay Urbina, but whether they overpaid or not they and not the Sox have the pitchers. I was surprised for instance when Harold Reynolds rated Colon as his #1 power pitcher.  Urbina is a very good relief pitcher, but only time will tell if he is what the Tigers need to compete, or if Colon is what te Angels lacked. The Sox meanwhile apparently will settle for the retreads trying to rebound. But, then again we might get lucky... :huh

Last two WS winning team starting rotations:




Beckett -- cheap, young, unproven talent drafted by team


Penny -- cheap, solid starter drafted by team


Willis -- cheap, young unproven talent traded for while still in minors


Redman -- cheap Detroit cast-off


Pavano -- cheap Montreal cast-off




Ortiz -- slightly above-average guy drafted by team


Washburn -- unproven guy at time, brought up through system


Sele -- Seattle cast-off


Appier -- old Oakland/NY Mets cast-off


Lackey -- cheap unproven rookie



Where are all the high-priced FA pitchers????????????

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It was two weeks ago that we found out Uggie wanted to play here, and we haven't heard the first inkling of a rumor that the front office was even considering signing him. He's too good of a pitcher. You new someone was going to. I'd rather it be the Kitties than the Twinkies.

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I am wondering how we "overpaid" Urbina. He got 3.5 million for one year. The deal isn't even worth that in present day terms, because he's only getting $1 million this year with the rest deferred. We needed help in our bullpen and this is great tradebait come July.

Oh, it is definitely a good move for the Motor City Kitties. :D

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I am wondering how we "overpaid" Urbina. He got 3.5 million for one year. The deal isn't even worth that in present day terms, because he's only getting $1 million this year with the rest deferred. We needed help in our bullpen and this is great tradebait come July.

Oh I agree, I wish we had overpaid like that.


Btw, why wait til July, I'll trade you the Japanese all-time saves leader for him right now. :D :D :D

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I am wondering how we "overpaid" Urbina. He got 3.5 million for one year. The deal isn't even worth that in present day terms, because he's only getting $1 million this year with the rest deferred. We needed help in our bullpen and this is great tradebait come July.

I think I spoke to quickly by saying Urbina was overpaid. I didn't see that he signed for only $3.5M. Heck that's only a slight bit higher than what I get in my job. Something slightly more like $3.499999M more than I make, but for a guy of Urbina's quality that's not a bad signing for the Tigers. I think it's just a statement by JR that he is getting ready to battle the player's union on salaries along with his idol Bud Selig. We have let several of our FA's go for salaries I think we could have afforded. But, ST has been ok and hopefully we will have the horses to win. I feel pretty good about the starting pitching, but on occassion I sweat that bullpen.

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