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Bulls Must Be Tired


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This is there 2nd straight over time game, on the road, and on back to back days.


They looked pretty good in the 2nd half. I still think Jamaal is a far superior player to Jay Williams, but I'm going to be more patient.


I remember how bad Baron Davis was his first year. Then he worked his tail off in the offseason and come back a superior player and one of the best point guards in the league. I think Williams has the heart and talent and I do believe the work ethic is there. If he can make a big step this offseason and over the rest of the season, then I think the Bulls will be ready to compete next year.


I also believe Eddie Robinson should become the starting 2 guard with Jamaal Crawford getting plenty of minutes there as well, ocassionally playing with Jay Will. It would be nice having a lineup with Rose, Jwill, and Crawford. All can handle the ball, create there own shot, and create shots for others.


Scrap the triangle too. The Bulls should become a running team.


Curry is getting way too big and looks like he needs to get more cut and in better shape. Tyson is looking good, but still needs to add muscle this offseason. Next year will be fun to watch, mainly because I think Jwill, Jamaal, and Tyson will all really improve.


I'm holding out that we acquire Kwame for Eddy before the deadline.

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They are being coached very poorly right now, BC is playing the wrong players and calling the wrong plays.


I say play the Kids, if we must suck, let's at least suck with a purpose.

I'm so sick of seeing the so called vet Corie Blount out there. The guy makes so many freakin mistakes.

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This team will win nothing with Jalen Rose as their "leader". He takes stupid shots, and takes way too many. he is shooting less than 40% from the field.


Chandler is a sally, although I'm really rooting for this kid to turn it up.


Curry is a waste of a big body.


Jay Williams is being wasted in the stupid triangle offense. They need to run an offense that works for what they have, instead of trying to change players into a system. This team is not set up for the triangle.


Jamal is definitly NOT far superior to Jay. Crawford can shoot when there is no-one around him, but he is a terrible point gaurd. He makes bad decisions, and tries to street ball way too much. he is more suited for a shooting gaurd spot.


Donyell is awesome. The lone bright spot on the team.


Losing Fizer is going to hurt this team more than we think. He was finally showing all that talent we've been hearing about.


Hassle is a good defensive player, but is more of a liability on O than he was last year.


E-Rob is a waste in this Org and should be traded somewhere that he can actually play. If such a team exists.


And to think I was actually looking forward to this season. :angry:

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Blunt has no business on the floor.


The problem this team has, is that there aren't enough shots to go around. People wonder why Trent doesn't score more, he hardly touches the ball. When he does, Jalen is calling for it.


I like Rose, but he has to start passing the ball when its' clear he's having a bad night.

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