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03/26/04 Sox vs. Rockies


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Per ESPN Radio 1000, Dan Wright is on the hill today. Still 2-0 Sox.



On a side note, Gary Glover started for the Northsiders against the Rangers, and are currently losing 5-0 in the 3rd inning.

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Looks like Wright had a good game. The thing that really impressed me when I saw Wright pitch this spring was that his delivery seemed much more fluid and consistent and it was resulting in more strikes in spring. I still think he has a ways to go when it comes to control, but it wouldn't take much for his control to get better then its been and he has the stuff to be a good pitcher.


Great outing Danny :headbang

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Gettin a bit worried bout Koch. I don't like seeing no K's and 2 BB's. Man, Tsao their #1 prospect hasn't pitched too well this spring, and today was no exception. Nice to see Cotts giv up no runs as well. But if Wright can pitch like this for the whole year, it will help our chances of winnin da division SO much. Shoe and him are big keys this year.

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Billy Koch is definitely still a concern. I wouldn't hang with him too long, if I was Ozzie.  In fact, Manuel did that last yaer and it cost us in the end.

I think if Mr. Zero can show he can handle bein the lefty setup man, and if Koch continues to struggle, Marte will close.

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I'm not worried about our lefties in the pen.  Wunsch and Marte are solid.  I am concerned about Takatsu and Koch.  Very concerned.

Likewise. It seems as if Takatsu is only good for getting out righties right now, and ROOGYs aren't exactly people you want in your pen.

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