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Once again it's Baseball season and i'll be watching the sox lose , lose , lose . Now i know where i can go to rub your wounds with salt and laughter . So to all of you sox fans , i wish you BAD LUCK and a speedy decent to last place .

Im sending you a collective "up your nose with a rubber hose" from everyone here at soxtalk.com......... and btw thanks for Bartolo.........ouch thats gotta hurt!

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Murc, if the dude can't spell "descent" properly and confuses that with "decent" (which the Tribe is not), then shouldn't the troll be tossed off the board?

I don't know, I think we'll be speedy and decent this year, don't you? :rolleyes: As for the Indians, I think their fans will be feeling like this :headbang long before the all star break. The days of contending teams and perennial sell outs at the Jake are long gone. Makes me so sad.

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Yeah, I remember all the bragging from the Indians fans about the consecutive sellouts. They used to say that Sox fans were horrible for not supporting our team like they did. Let's see how many sellout crowds they get the next few years.

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Once again it's Baseball season and i'll be watching the sox lose , lose , lose . Now i know where i can go to rub your wounds with salt and laughter . So to all of you sox fans , i wish you BAD LUCK and a speedy decent to last place .

OK, with all the improvements weve made even a Twins fan has to have some guts to come here, but a tribe fan? Whoa. Cleveland is just the newest member of the terrible trio, along with KC and Detroit. And as for the rubbing our wounds with salt and laughter, I dont think youll have the opportunity. But when the season starts Im sure the winners deserve some moron to bully, so please, make yourself at home...

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Well, you can at least watch our Sox and hope that the Indians can one day reach there old level. They could be fun to watch this year though, if your one of those people that enjoys seeing young players develop.


Of course, I'm ready to watch the Sox and Twins battle it out and then playoff games, etc.



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Once again it's Baseball season and i'll be watching the sox lose , lose , lose . Now i know where i can go to rub your wounds with salt and laughter . So to all of you sox fans , i wish you BAD LUCK and a speedy decent to last place .

An Indians troll? I am glad that you got away from letting your mom stuff your juicy red starfruit with her 9 inch dick for a little bit to post here. I am wondering though how you would rub laughter into our wounds. :huh: Maybe swallowing so much cum, like you have, might have clogged your neural connections just a bit.


Listen, asspope, why don't you go watch your incredibly s***-tastic team who will be dwelling in the basement of the division with such talented teams as the Royals and Tigers. Thanks so much for Bartolo as well, it will be quite amusing to watch him and the rest of the White Sox beat the redneck dumbf*** s***eating son of a he-whore sisterf***ing cocksmoking b****es (aka the Cleveland Indians)


So, sir, with all due respect, Go suck a f*** and choke while eating a tampon, you goddamn douchebag.


:) K thx.

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Once again it's Baseball season and i'll be watching the sox lose , lose , lose . Now i know where i can go to rub your wounds with salt and laughter . So to all of you sox fans , i wish you BAD LUCK and a speedy decent to last place .

An Indians troll? I am glad that you got away from letting your mom stuff your juicy red starfruit with her 9 inch dick for a little bit to post here. I am wondering though how you would rub laughter into our wounds. :huh: Maybe swallowing so much cum, like you have, might have clogged your neural connections just a bit.


Listen, asspope, why don't you go watch your incredibly s***-tastic team who will be dwelling in the basement of the division with such talented teams as the Royals and Tigers. Thanks so much for Bartolo as well, it will be quite amusing to watch him and the rest of the White Sox beat the redneck dumbf*** s***eating son of a he-whore sisterf***ing cocksmoking b****es (aka the Cleveland Indians)


So, sir, with all due respect, Go suck a f*** and choke while eating a tampon, you goddamn douchebag.


:) K thx.

OK.. that was completely disgusting. Don't be like the troll. Have some class.

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Once again it's Baseball season and i'll be watching the sox lose , lose , lose . Now i know where i can go to rub your wounds with salt and laughter . So to all of you sox fans , i wish you BAD LUCK and a speedy decent to last place .

An Indians troll? I am glad that you got away from letting your mom stuff your juicy red starfruit with her 9 inch dick for a little bit to post here. I am wondering though how you would rub laughter into our wounds. :huh: Maybe swallowing so much cum, like you have, might have clogged your neural connections just a bit.


Listen, asspope, why don't you go watch your incredibly s***-tastic team who will be dwelling in the basement of the division with such talented teams as the Royals and Tigers. Thanks so much for Bartolo as well, it will be quite amusing to watch him and the rest of the White Sox beat the redneck dumbf*** s***eating son of a he-whore sisterf***ing cocksmoking b****es (aka the Cleveland Indians)


So, sir, with all due respect, Go suck a f*** and choke while eating a tampon, you goddamn douchebag.


:) K thx.

Apu...... you have such a way with words.......your so good...it makes me wanna cry.


I actually think i might

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OK.. that was completely disgusting. Don't be like the troll. Have some class.

Apu and class are like oil and water.

Thank you, thank you ::bows::


I love the personal attacks, CubKilla. To a person you don't even know and you never even met. Calm the f*** down, buddy. If you want me to change and not be so insulting, follow Gandhi and "Become the change you want to see."


Then again, I wasn't even insulting you so I don't exactly know why you got involved.

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Once again it's Baseball season and i'll be watching the sox lose , lose , lose . Now i know where i can go to rub your wounds with salt and laughter . So to all of you sox fans , i wish you BAD LUCK and a speedy decent to last place .

Here you are, coming to a White Sox fan site and proudly proclaiming yourself a fan of the Cleveland Indians. You should be ashamed to be a fan of that team, not proud of it. The logo of the laughing Indian is hideous and insulting to a whole race of proud people. That laughing Indian is disgusting, and every citizen of the city of Cleveland should be madder than hell that their city is represented in such racially slanderous manner.


Don't come back at me with anything about the Blackhawks or the Fighting Illini, either. In both cases, the American Indian is represented with pride and dignity, classfully. Class is something that franchise in Cleveland knows nothing about. Now take your pathetic attempt at trolling this board, crawl back to your beloved "Tribe", but do so knowing that your team is an embarrassment to you and your city.

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OK.. that was completely disgusting. Don't be like the troll. Have some class.

Apu and class are like oil and water.

Kinda like you and intellegence....... :lol:


Sorry Cubkilla.... apu's my bud

I can appreciate that and have no issue with him personally. IMO the post was disgusting and classless. The post. I don't know anything about the person.

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Once again it's Baseball season and i'll be watching the sox lose , lose , lose . Now i know where i can go to rub your wounds with salt and laughter . So to all of you sox fans , i wish you BAD LUCK and a speedy decent to last place .

Which Sox are you talking about? Is their some local high school team named the Sox?


The Indians blow....I hope you realized that. They'll be battling KC and Detroit for last place....how in the hell does that sound? Ellis Burks is your biggest power hitter....Burks wouldn't even start on the White Sox. The only players on the Indians that MIGHT get considerable playing time for the Sox would be Vizquel and Bradley....we don't want Vizquel, and Bradley can play CF...and that is something the Sox need....otherwise, everyone on the Indians is young and will suck this year.


I hope you enjoy last place...because you will be in it for atleast the next 2 years, probably 3 or more. Meanwhile, we are ready to take the division crown from the Twins.


And as many others have said....THANKS FOR BARTOLO! :bringit


You are also an idiot....just thought I'd point that out, in case you didn't realize it.

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Once again it's Baseball season and i'll be watching the sox lose , lose , lose . Now i know where i can go to rub your wounds with salt and laughter . So to all of you sox fans , i wish you BAD LUCK and a speedy decent to last place .

Here you are, coming to a White Sox fan site and proudly proclaiming yourself a fan of the Cleveland Indians. You should be ashamed to be a fan of that team, not proud of it. The logo of the laughing Indian is hideous and insulting to a whole race of proud people. That laughing Indian is disgusting, and every citizen of the city of Cleveland should be madder than hell that their city is represented in such racially slanderous manner.


Don't come back at me with anything about the Blackhawks or the Fighting Illini, either. In both cases, the American Indian is represented with pride and dignity, classfully. Class is something that franchise in Cleveland knows nothing about. Now take your pathetic attempt at trolling this board, crawl back to your beloved "Tribe", but do so knowing that your team is an embarrassment to you and your city.

Thats a good point yasny, but he should be ashamed just because the Tribe sucks.

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Eh, Indiansrule...All the little chicks with the crimson lips go "Cleveland Sucks! Cleveland Sucks!" Your ass is going to be in the same predicament as you were in the earlier portion of the 90s!!! And will the Jake look just as destitute as your former stadium? Really, Cleveland sports fans have the fewest things to croak about, as they haven't as a city won anything SINCE THE 1940S!!! Go crawl under a rug, s***head! Cuz we'll be walking all over you again, and damn, you're going to love it!!! You'll just have the pleasure of knowing that you got your ass kicked by a superior city!

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Guest hotsoxchick1
OK.. that was completely disgusting. Don't be like the troll. Have some class.

Apu and class are like oil and water.

you mean more like vinegar and water??? thats what most duches are made of...

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