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Be Dubya for the day


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If you could be Dubya for the day and had the opportunity to either alter ONE amendment or add ONE, what would you choose to do?



I personally would add a new amendment that would add a luxury tax to those who made over a certain amount of money, since their superflouous funds could very well help this nation get back on its feet financially (we are so in debt). There is absolutely no need for individuals to have so muc h superflouous money! Say, cap it at 1 million dollars (anyone can live within the means of 1 million a year). Anyone making over 1 million would be taxed a certain percentage based on how much they made.

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If you could be Dubya for the day and had the opportunity to either alter ONE amendment or add ONE, what would you choose to do?



I personally would add a new amendment that would add a luxury tax to those who made over a certain amount of money, since their superflouous funds could very well help this nation get back on its feet financially (we are so in debt).  There is absolutely no need for individuals to have so muc h superflouous money!  Say, cap it at 1 million dollars (anyone can live within the means of 1 million a year).  Anyone making over 1 million would be taxed a certain percentage based on how much they made.

Enjoy your responses ;)


I would make a couple changes to the Executive Branch.


I would set the presidential term at 6 years without possibility of serving two consecutive terms.


I would eliminate the restriction on a state electing a Pres and VP from their state. For example, Dick had to change his residence from Texas to run as VP or else the great state of Texas would not have been able to elect them.


I would eliminate the electoral college.

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I would eliminate the restriction on a state electing a Pres and VP from their state. For example, Dick had to change his residence from Texas to run as VP or else the great state of Texas would not have been able to elect them.


I would eliminate the electoral college.

:headbang (Especially the eliminating the electoral college)

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Say, cap it at 1 million dollars (anyone can live within the means of 1 million a year).  Anyone making over 1 million would be taxed a certain percentage based on how much they made.



How in the heck will I pay my housekeeper???? :lol:

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I'd get rid of his horrible space idea and set that money to better uses, specifically researching for more efficient energy use as well as some implication of it.


A close 2nd would be to get rid of the marriage ammendment and leave it up to the states.


But the whole cap at a million idea..... :puke :)

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If you could be Dubya for the day and had the opportunity to either alter ONE amendment or add ONE, what would you choose to do?



I personally would add a new amendment that would add a luxury tax to those who made over a certain amount of money, since their superflouous funds could very well help this nation get back on its feet financially (we are so in debt).  There is absolutely no need for individuals to have so muc h superflouous money!  Say, cap it at 1 million dollars (anyone can live within the means of 1 million a year).  Anyone making over 1 million would be taxed a certain percentage based on how much they made.

are you kidding me?!?!? I hope that post is supposed to not be taken literally

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So if you would eliminate the electoral college how would you set up the voting process?

By nationwide popular vote. As it stands now, Kerry has no reason to visit Texas. He has zero shot of winning the state. Make the candidates campaign in all 50 states. The bigger states will still garner the most attention. The candidates basically divide up the states into three columns. Those they will win easily, those they will lose no matter what. and the battleground states. Those battleground states get all the attention from both candidates, gather in all the favors for the winning side. Don't think Daley wasn't reminding the Kennedy White House weekly about his "get out the vote" efforts on behalf of Kennedy.


We no longer have a worry about a few rogue states leaving the union.

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A constitutional ammendment is not the way to go about this, but I'll play...


I would completely do away with income tax and go entirely to sales tax als Fairtax. People woudl be taxed on how much they spend, not how much they make (Heather, your +1 mil luxury tax sends the wron message by punishing success and drive - not that I'm in danger of making your cutoff...). The rich buy more and thus pay more taxes, but only at a rate commensurate with what they purchase. Plus, mobsters, drug dealers, etc., don't pay income tax but they do buy stuff, and that will also be taxed. Finally, without the need for armies of auditors and tax income tax processors, the IRS can be pared down to like a tenth of its current size and they will be re-deployed to keep the Fairtax system running.

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A constitutional ammendment is not the way to go about this, but I'll play...


I would completely do away with income tax and go entirely to sales tax als Fairtax.  People woudl be taxed on how much they spend, not how much they make (Heather, your +1 mil luxury tax sends the wron message by punishing success and drive - not that I'm in danger of making your cutoff...).  The rich buy more and thus pay more taxes, but only at a rate commensurate with what they purchase.  Plus, mobsters, drug dealers, etc., don't pay income tax but they do buy stuff, and that will also be taxed. Finally, without the need for armies of auditors and tax income tax processors, the IRS can be pared down to like a tenth of its current size and they will be re-deployed to keep the Fairtax system running.

How would you solve the following:


Would grocery food items be taxed?

Prepared food?


Would houses, cars and everything be taxed at the same rate?


How would you help the small business owner who becomes an already bigger tax collector than he was before? I really dislike having to collect taxes for every town I may do work in. I have to know the tax rate in dozens of different localities.

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Subsidize higher education, but continuation is contingent upon grades (i.e. keeping a 2.0), otherwise you have to pay the full price. Do it by decriminalizing marijuana and taxing the heck out of it. ;)

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I would gaurantee the right of employment and fair housing to all GBLT people.


I would reinstitute ownership caps on broadcast license holders.


I would allow any pair of consenting adults hold marriage benefits regardless of sexuality.


I would apologize to the American people for failing to prevent the attacks of September 11th.


I would prevent drilling in ANWR.


I would encourage development of fuel cell technology and devise a carrot/stick method to improve the energy efficiency of energy consuming products in the United States.


Then I would make myself dictator for life and make Tony Hawk the Minister of Awesome.

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How would you solve the following:


Would grocery food items be taxed?

Prepared food?


Would houses, cars and everything be taxed at the same rate?


How would you help the small business owner who becomes an already bigger tax collector than he was before? I really dislike having to collect taxes for every town I may do work in. I have to know the tax rate in dozens of different localities.

That would be somebody else's problem, as my day as Dubya would be over. :D


FairTax needs to be seriously considered. About the only thing I give Baby Bush credit for as he has at least allowed some debate on this.

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That would be somebody else's problem, as my day as Dubya would be over.  :D


FairTax needs to be seriously considered.  About the only thing I give Baby Bush credit for as he has at least allowed some debate on this.

I like the idea, except the projections on what the tax rate would be. It would also be problematic for the border. Currently we pay zero sales tax in Mexico. When the Peso is weak we really have a field day. With a sales tax rate of 25-30%, people would really be fleeing to Mexico and the Mexicans who dislike the hassle of applying for a tax credit on their purchases will stop coming over to the US.


Just some small issues to work out.

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