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A G W Bush Top Ten List!


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"Here are the lies you remember and the lies you don't. Get ready to get mad. Corn has cut through the spin and crafted an important and powerful challenge to Bush and his crew."


Molly Ivins



That's it. I guess I'll have to vote for the ALWAYS honest, John Kerry.

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Quotes from Molly Ivans the Terrible?  Who needs to read the article now?  I'll summarize.


Bad, evil mean Mr Bush.


Any questions?

Both sides say things like that (from one the mean guy is Bush, from the other side the nasty guy is Kerry).


Just once I wish the parties would can the BS and present a clear and concise case why I should vote for their guy, not tell me why I shouldn't vote for the other guy.

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Both sides say things like that (from one the mean guy is Bush, from the other side the nasty guy is Kerry).


Just once I wish the parties would can the BS and present a clear and concise case why I should vote for their guy, not tell me why I shouldn't vote for the other guy.

Don't we all. I am sooooo sick of the BS that gets put out by both sides. 99% of it is lies and exaggerations. You have to have a microscope to get the fact out of it.

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Don't we all.  I am sooooo sick of the BS that gets put out by both sides.  99% of it is lies and exaggerations.  You have to have a microscope to get the fact out of it.

But it can't be done. Even on this site if I were to post something good that Bush has done, it will immediately be followed by attack posts completely off the subject.

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But it can't be done. Even on this site if I were to post something good that Bush has done, it will immediately be followed by attack posts completely off the subject.

Fact of the matter is that the Pro Bush folks and the Pro Democrat folks are quite set in their beliefs and nothing written here is going to change anybody's mind. It's still fun to spar over the issues though. :)

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Fact of the matter is that the Pro Bush folks and the Pro Democrat folks are quite set in their beliefs and nothing written here is going to change anybody's mind.  It's still fun to spar over the issues though. :)

I didn't say it wasn't fun. :D

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Don't we all.  I am sooooo sick of the BS that gets put out by both sides.  99% of it is lies and exaggerations.  You have to have a microscope to get the fact out of it.

I never see your comments about both sides, just one side. Other than poor Mr Eye feeling oh so sorry for himself in the post after yours, the only other type of comemnts we get is that Kerry=bad, Kerry=victory for al quada, Kerrry=anti militray, Kerry=flip flops. To paraphrase Mr Eye, you all see no imperfections in Bush (other than Tex) and you see no good in Kerry or the Democrats so forgive me for not taking some of these "alas..." comments as totally supported or any of the "no matter what..." statements as anything but hypocrasy.


Full disclosure - Saturday I posted a few of my disagreements with Kerry. I have never hid that he was not my first choice (nor 2nd nor 3rd nor 4th) but then again he has my total support, and why.


I have not seen any opbjectivity from the republican whiners about how every body is so mean and nasty to poor Georgie or any criticisms of the perfect realm of G W.


So I am not buying your comment nor Mr Eye's, not buying them at all.


Give me your descriptions of the 99% bulls*** put out by Bush and then I could maybe hear you when you talk about Kerry or the Dems. All I ever read from you is attacks on Kerry and the Dems and defense of Bush in everything he says he does and criticisms of those weho criticize Bush.


And Mr Eye, the only poster we have who on his stuff on the site identifies himself as a memeber of a party, in your case, a Republican, owhat criticisms of Bush can you post to show that any of your comments are antything other than partisan rhetoric?

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And Mr Eye, the only poster we have who on his stuff on the site identifies himself as a memeber of a party, in your case, a Republican, owhat criticisms of Bush can you post to show that any of your comments are antything other than partisan rhetoric?

There's a lot I disagree with Bush on. Where woulf you like me to start? Steel tarriffs? Gay Marriage ban amendment? Amnesty for illegals? HIm signing campaign finance reform?


I can be critical of him, and I'm doing this on a Tuesday when traffic in here is much higher than Saturday.

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I never see your comments about both sides, just one side.  Other than poor Mr Eye feeling oh so sorry for himself in the post after yours, the only other type of comemnts we get is that Kerry=bad, Kerry=victory for al quada, Kerrry=anti militray, Kerry=flip flops.  To paraphrase Mr Eye, you all see no imperfections in Bush (other than Tex) and you see no good in Kerry or the Democrats so forgive me for not taking some of these "alas..." comments as totally supported or any of the "no matter what..." statements as anything but hypocrasy.


Full disclosure - Saturday I posted a few of my disagreements with Kerry.  I have never hid that he was not my first choice (nor 2nd nor 3rd nor 4th) but then again he has my total support, and why.


I have not seen any opbjectivity from the republican whiners about how every body is so mean and nasty to poor Georgie or any criticisms of the perfect realm of G W. 


So I am not buying your comment nor Mr Eye's, not buying them at all.


Give me your descriptions of the 99% bulls*** put out by Bush and then I could maybe hear you when you talk about Kerry or the Dems.  All I ever read from you is attacks on Kerry and the Dems and defense of Bush in everything he says he does and criticisms of those weho criticize Bush.


And Mr Eye, the only poster we have who on his stuff on the site identifies himself as a memeber of a party, in your case, a Republican, owhat criticisms of Bush can you post to show that any of your comments are antything other than partisan rhetoric?

The reason it has looked like that, is because I get sick of only seeing one side posted on here, much like good old Israel4ever with his rants. If you have read my comments much more closely, there are many times where I say BOTH sides deserve lots of blame, and I wouldn't be voting for George Bush if someone else had fielded a moderate canditiate. I have ranted on Bush many times. There is no really need to lately because that is done plenty by many people on here.


Hell you want to hear about my 99% bulls*** statement for the day? Dick Cheney's speeches yesterday was some of the most blatant propoganda I have heard in a long time, that was until John Kerry gave his speech to answer it. 350 votes for tax increases? Sure, and I'll bet about 10 of them actually fell under what a layperson would call a REAL vote for a tax increase. Sorry letting tax cuts expire naturally, is not voting for a tax increase. Try again Dick.


Then Kerry's BS about "cutting" taxes for 98% of Americans. Sure what he didn't tell you is that he would simultaniously "raise" taxes for about 98% of American's because all his plan is, is to reshuffle how we collect the same dollars. Kerry's plan is literally cutting taxes for the richest people, while raising taxes for the riches people. He is just going to take it from their "business" instead of their "personal".


You want my disclosure. I am fiscally an old fashioned republican who really believes in small government. This country was founded on the the ideals of the utopian farmer, not the social baby sitter. The private sector is the most effecient dollar voter in our society in 99.9% of cases. What is left over, is what government should take care of. And no retirement isn't something the government should worry about, nor health care. Yet I am social liberal who believes that people will die for our freedoms. And yes I would rather die in a terrorist attack, than to give away my privacy and live. How many other people will stand with me and say that? The government also shouldn't be deciding my morals.

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You want my disclosure.  I am fiscally an old fashioned republican who really believes in small government.  This country was founded on the the ideals of the utopian farmer, not the social baby sitter. The private sector is the most effecient dollar voter in our society in 99.9% of cases.  What is left over, is what government should take care of.  And no retirement isn't something the government should worry about, nor health care.  Yet I am social liberal who believes that people will die for our freedoms.  And yes I would rather die in a terrorist attack, than to give away my privacy and live.  How many other people will stand with me and say that?  The government also shouldn't be deciding my morals.

I agree 100% with this. I wish the Libertarian party got more support, because you just described their views.

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I agree 100% with this. I wish the Libertarian party got more support, because you just described their views.

I wish that this country could get a legitimate 3rd party, just for this reason. All of the canditiates have to follow the party line on all of the issues, and it is just ignorant. Why can't canditates pick and choose the issues? Because their parties hold them for ransom with the necesary funding to get elected. And there in, is another reason I hate the way we finance campaigns now.

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There's a lot I disagree with Bush on. Where woulf you like me to start? Steel tarriffs? Gay Marriage ban amendment? Amnesty for illegals? HIm signing campaign finance reform?


I can be critical of him, and I'm doing this on a Tuesday when traffic in here is much higher than Saturday.

Let me add The Patriot Act to that. I'm with SS2K4 on refusing to give up my rights for the appearence of "safety."

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I agree that the Patriot Act, in theory, can be dangerous, But I personally don't understand the hubbub. Just looking for info here, but are Stormtroopers swarming the cities and countryside ramming down doors and dragging people away? I've heard over and over again that we don't have the resources to keep track of illegal aliens and such, but is Average Joe Citizen being dragged from his home in the wee hours and getting wisked off and never heard from again? I just ask because I hear all this angst about the PA, both here and elsewhere, but have never once heard of any abuses of it. I'm not saying it isn't happening, just that I haven't heard of it and am not worried about it. I just kind of think of this as I do about flag burning. People want an amendment forbidding it, but is there an epidemic of people running around burning flags?

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I agree that the Patriot Act, in theory, can be dangerous, But I personally don't understand the hubbub. Just looking for info here, but are Stormtroopers swarming the cities and countryside ramming down doors and dragging people away? I've heard over and over again that we don't have the resources to keep track of illegal aliens and such, but is Average Joe Citizen being dragged from his home in the wee hours and getting wisked off and never heard from again? I just ask because I hear all this angst about the PA, both here and elsewhere, but have never once heard of any abuses of it. I'm not saying it isn't happening, just that I haven't heard of it and am not worried about it. I just kind of think of this as I do about flag burning. People want an amendment forbidding it, but is there an epidemic of people running around burning flags?

It's not about Stormtroopers right now. It's that, as with everything, this is just the start. The tobacco industry was told to put a warning label on the product and everything wll be OK, then they weren't allowed to advertise on Tv, then they couldn't advertise on bilboards, etc. Next thing they know, they're being sued for billions by the same government that allowed them to exist for years. Once the goverment regulates something, it never goes away, it only gets bigger.

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Let me add The Patriot Act to that. I'm with SS2K4 on refusing to give up my rights for the appearence of "safety."

Hell yeah! Did you hear about PATRIOT II or the VICTORY Act that they're trying to push through now?




Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) told the Washington Times that no member of Congress was allowed to read the first Patriot Act that was passed by the House on October 27, 2001. The first Patriot Act was universally decried by civil libertarians and Constitutional scholars from across the political spectrum. William Safire, while writing for the New York Times, described the first Patriot Act's powers by saying that President Bush was seizing dictatorial control. Patriot II and the VICTORY Act are Patriot I on steroids.


USA PATRIOT Act: Unneeded Safeguard Abolition Preparing Americans To Readily Ignore Overt Totalitarianism


Those who would give up essential liberty to attain temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin

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Those who would give up essential liberty to attain temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security. -- Benjamin Franklin

I realize that that quote has become the rage, but with all due respect, I wonder if you would tell that to the widows and children who lost parents on 9/11. I doubt they would find it a sage quote.


Also, good old Ben didn't live in the era of airplanes flying into buildings, dirty bombs, or nuclear warheads.

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I realize that that quote has become the rage, but with all due respect, I wonder if you would tell that to the widows and children who lost parents on 9/11. I doubt they would find it a sage quote.


Also, good old Ben didn't live in the era of airplanes flying into buildings, dirty bombs, or nuclear warheads.

No, he lived in the era when the King would not allow him to own a firearm or practice his religion or have a right to a trial by jury, etc.

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