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Iraqis Drag Four Corpses Through Streets


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FALLUJAH, Iraq (AP) - Jubilant residents yanked the bodies of four foreigners - one a woman, at least one an American - out of their burning cars Wednesday, dragged the charred corpses through the streets, and hung them from the bridge spanning the Euphrates River. Five American troops died in a roadside bombing nearby.


The brutal treatment of the four corpses came after they were killed in a rebel attack on their SUVs in the Sunni Triangle city about 35 miles west of Baghdad, scene of some of the worst violence on both sides of the conflict since the beginning of the American occupation a year ago.


It was reminiscent of the 1993 scene in Somalia, when a mob dragged the corpse of a U.S. soldier through the streets of Mogadishu, eventually leading to the American withdrawal from the African nation.


In one of the bloodiest days for the U.S. military this year, five American troops died when their military vehicle ran over a bomb in a separate incident 12 miles to the northwest, among the reed-lined roads through some of Iraq's richest farmland.


Residents said the bomb attack occurred in Malahma, 12 miles northwest of Fallujah, where anti-U.S. insurgents are active. U.S. Marines operate in the area, but it was unclear whether the slain troops were Marines.


Chanting "Fallujah is the graveyard of Americans," residents cheered after the grisly assault on two four-wheel-drive civilian vehicles, which left both in flames. Others chanted, "We sacrifice our blood and souls for Islam."


Associated Press Television News pictures showed one man beating a charred corpse with a metal pole. Others tied a yellow rope to a body, hooked it to a car and dragged it down the main street of town. Two blackened and mangled corpses were hung from a green iron bridge across the Euphrates.


"The people of Fallujah hanged some of the bodies on the old bridge like slaughtered sheep," resident Abdul Aziz Mohammed said. Some of the corpses were dismembered, he said.


Beneath the bodies, a man held a printed sign with a skull and crossbones and the phrase "Fallujah is the cemetery for Americans."


(AP) Iraqis chant anti-American slogans as charred bodies hang from a bridge over the Euphrates River in...

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APTN showed the charred remains of three slain men. Some were wearing flak jackets, said resident Safa Mohammedi.


One resident displayed what appeared to be dog tags taken from one body. Residents also said there were weapons in the targeted cars. APTN showed one American passport near a body and a U.S. Department of Defense identification card belonging to another man.


U.S. military officials in Washington said the situation was still confused but they did not think the victims were American soldiers and believed the SUVs were not American military vehicles.


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A young boy beat one of the incinerated bodies after it was pulled down with his shoe as a crowd cheered.


"I am happy to see this. The Americans are occupying us so this is what will happen," said Mohammad, 12, looking on.


Nothing like more young kids learning to hate . . .

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It might be in reaction to this:




The paper was critical of the US, so we closed the paper and banned it. But I guess we're giving them freedom and democracy?


And to quote Jon Stewart:

"I guess the rocket propelled grenade is the Iraqi version of 'Aloha'."

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It might be in reaction to this:




The paper was critical of the US, so we closed the paper and banned it.  But I guess we're giving them freedom and democracy?


And to quote Jon Stewart:

"I guess the rocket propelled grenade is the Iraqi version of 'Aloha'."

People who would burn, hang, and mutilate corpses don't do so because a newspaper was shut down.


If the United States was a conquering power of historical times, Fallujah would be destroyed and salt sown into the soil. I wouldn't protest if that were to happen.

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:puke :ph34r:


Those are truly revolting pictures. I don't even think you could call the person in the third link a "body;" its more like a stump. What I want to know is where were the American and Israeli police forces when this atrocity occured?

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:puke  :ph34r:


Those are truly revolting pictures.  I don't even think you could call the person in the third link a "body;" its more like a stump.  What I want to know is where were the American and Israeli police forces when this atrocity occured?

I refuse to look at the pictures.

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I refuse to look at the pictures.

You aren't missing anything. I understand that not every Iraqi was enthusiastic about the liberation. But to do that to any human is disgusting. It is hard not remember we are trying to help these people. This looks more like we are against them.

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f*** the whole lot of them.


I know if a family member of mine was killed I would want to mutilate every single Iraqi person.


Yet I see the other side. If I felt strongly against something I would revolt (though I think hitting a charred stump of a person is a waste of energy).


I don't think all Iraqis share the anti-american sentiment as those pictured.


I know that more people will die...hopefully victory will vindicate their deaths.


My prayers are also with all of those in Iraq, and the family members who have to hear their loved one's charred body was beaten with a shovel.


Btw, f*** any Iraqi that appears in those pictures, I hope they burn in hell.

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People who would burn, hang, and mutilate corpses don't do so because a newspaper was shut down.


If the United States was a conquering power of historical times, Fallujah would be destroyed and salt sown into the soil. I wouldn't protest if that were to happen.

You are 100% correct.


These "people" are wild f***ing animals...they need to be euthanized a.s.a.p.

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:fyou f*** those son of a b****es. They can not be helped. I don't think they even want to be helped, It is starting to turn into like f***ing Somalia and it is f***ing pissing me and a lot of others off. I know some aren't thrilled with the liberation like Texsox said, but god dammit show some f***ing desency. If they keep pulling this s*** I say we f***ing blow off their heads and drag them down the streets of chicago and have the crazy bastards kicked and run over with cars and have our kids laugh and cheer, but we are America and we can't go as low as the f***ing dumb asses over in that s***-hole of a counrty, so I say nuke the f*** out of those big b****es :fyou :fyou :fyou

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:fyou f*** those son of a b****es. They can not be helped. I don't think they even want to be helped, It is starting to turn into like f***ing Somalia and it is f***ing pissing me and a lot of others off. I know some aren't thrilled with the liberation like Texsox said, but god dammit show some f***ing desency. If they keep pulling this s*** I say we f***ing blow off their heads and drag them down the streets of chicago and have the crazy bastards kicked and run over with cars and have our kids laugh and cheer, but we are America and we can't go as low as the f***ing dumb asses over in that s***-hole of a counrty, so I say nuke the f*** out of those big b****es  :fyou  :fyou  :fyou

I understand your feelings. Too bad some posters on this site will ultimately blame this incident on Americans occupation of Iraq. Dumb ass Iraqis don't realize we're trying to create a civilized living environment in which there's no need to fear the government.


Muslims in the middle easy are fixated on their beliefs of American soldiers occupying Iraq soley to install western values and steal oil. There's no way of telling them otherwise because its like talking to a bunch of f***ing apes. I understand that Bush's WMD claim was baseless but everyone must agree the Iraqi people are better off without Saddam. Its a shame the citizens that call the pile of dirt home fail to realize it.

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I understand your feelings. Too bad some posters on this site will ultimately blame this incident on Americans occupation of Iraq.  Dumb ass Iraqis don't realize we're trying to create a civilized living environment in which there's no need to fear the government.


Muslims in the middle easy are fixated on their beliefs of American soldiers occupying Iraq soley to install western values and steal oil.  There's no way of telling them otherwise because its like talking to a bunch of f***ing apes.  I understand that Bush's WMD claim was baseless but everyone must agree the Iraqi people are better off without Saddam. Its a shame the citizens that call the pile of dirt home fail to realize it.

Most Iraqi's are glad that there is no more Saddam, but there is the still the minority that will always be his loyal supporters, and the U.S, British and Aussie troops jobs over there won't be finished, until Iraq can prove it can survive by itself.

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Seeing as how I originally posted the images....


Here's some others who have "fought" in Iraq from a soldiers website.... WARNING: these are HIGH_RESOLUTION & very graphic, maybe even moreso than the Yahoo pictures....




Also ask yourself this question? why were such graphic images posted on the fron tpage of Yahoo? How many dead Iraqi's have you seen in such graphic fashion flashed across the front page of major media outlets?


Rule #1 when trying to raise moral and raise support for a war is to dehumanize the opposition. Make them seem like savages... It seems to have worked...



You were warned agian: these are graphic images, you don't have to click the link.











This one is safe for all to click.(it's just really big)


Never forget

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Rule #1 when trying to raise moral and raise support for a war is to dehumanize the opposition.  Make them seem like savages... It seems to have worked...

Thats an interesting perspective of this incident. But don't you believe anti-war supporters could use this as a rallying cry that Americans (military and civilians) are not safe in Iraq?

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You were warned agian: these are graphic images, you don't have to click the link.








Showcasing wounded children will sure initiate American opposition. I've been duped into viewing far more gruesome images (video section in ebaums world is a terrible place) and those aren't bad, but it doens't need to be to stir emotion.

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Seeing as how I originally posted the images....


Here's some others who have "fought" in Iraq from a soldiers website.... WARNING: these are HIGH_RESOLUTION & very graphic, maybe even moreso than the Yahoo pictures....




Also ask yourself this question? why were such graphic images posted on the fron tpage of Yahoo?  How many dead Iraqi's have you seen in such graphic fashion flashed across the front page of major media outlets?


Rule #1 when trying to raise moral and raise support for a war is to dehumanize the opposition.  Make them seem like savages... It seems to have worked...



You were warned agian: these are graphic images, you don't have to click the link.











This one is safe for all to click.(it's just really big)


Never forget

I disagree with that 100%. Tell me, what effect did showing the American soldier dragged through the streets of Mogadishu have on the American public? We were out of Somalia within a week or so. Why did English kings put rebels' heads on the posts of London Bridge? As a warning to other rebels as to what their fate will be. Vlad the Impaler create a forest of corpses on Pikes for the Ottomans? Demoralize them. And it worked. I think the intended effectis just the opposite of what you think.

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I disagree with that 100%. Tell me, what effect did showing the American soldier dragged through the streets of Mogadishu have on the American public? We were out of Somalia within a week or so. Why did English kings put rebels' heads on the posts of London Bridge? As a warning to other rebels as to what their fate will be. Vlad the Impaler create a forest of corpses on Pikes for the Ottomans? Demoralize them. And it worked. I think the intended effectis just the opposite of what you think.

There was no political gain to be had in Somalia.




Illinibob's response made me read back through everyone elses responses. (I usually stay out of the political debates). I must say I was somewhat surprised by the responces here...


On a couple other sites I frequent most people were calling for the streets to run red with blood...Saying things like we should bomb them back to the stone age.


I posted pretty a legthy retort along with the pictures on both sites, I assumed there would be the same statements here, so I pretty much copied and pasted my post, but there was mostly the reaction IB alluded to.


I'm not fishing for a political debate. I just thought mine was a view that people were overlooking.

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I disagree with that 100%. Tell me, what effect did showing the American soldier dragged through the streets of Mogadishu have on the American public? We were out of Somalia within a week or so. Why did English kings put rebels' heads on the posts of London Bridge? As a warning to other rebels as to what their fate will be. Vlad the Impaler create a forest of corpses on Pikes for the Ottomans? Demoralize them. And it worked. I think the intended effectis just the opposite of what you think.


In ignorance I did some quick research on Vlad The Impaler; simply put, he had to be one of the most vile rulers I have ever read about. I know people think of Stalin, Milosevic, and Hitler as ruthless but Vlad is far more sadistic. Although this doesn't pertain to the discussion, here's some information (in particular the part of freightening advancing forces is mentioned):


Please remember that Vlad dipped bread in the blood of his victims


It was once reported that an invading Turkish army turned back in fright when it encountered thousands of rotting corpses impaled on the banks of the Danube


No one was immune to Vlad's attentions. His victims included women and children, peasants and great lords, ambassadors from foreign powers and merchants


Impalement was Vlad's favorite but by no means his only method of torture. The list of tortures employed by this cruel prince reads like an inventory of hell's tools: nails in heads, cutting off of limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, cutting off of noses and ears, mutilation of sexual organs (especially in the case of women), scalping, skinning, exposure to the elements or to wild animals and boiling alive.




Iraqis are not far off....

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