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Missing College Student


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If she is seriously mentally ill, she's either been hiding it from her family & friends or they are all in denial.

You might be underestimating the power of denial...


She WAS diagnosed as dehydrated and whatever else. You have to be sick to do that to yourself....If I were the cops I'd be getting her in for a psych eval right now...

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I am sure they are especially since they suspect she made it up, or so it sounds.


I know about denial and mental illness. When I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, my mother didn't believe it nor would she talk about it.

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I'm beginning to wonder if she's just not some attention starved brat.

She was attacked a month ago, I wonder if that was accurate?


Who were the couple from Wheaton College that faked their abducation to find the perfect love in California? Does anyone remember that story?

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Madison Police just reported that they have video of this girl going into a local store to purchase the items she said the abductor used against her.....duct tape, rope, cold medicene. :headshake

I hope she apologizes to the media because her life is RUINED.


Crazy broad probably wanted to teach her friends/parents a lesson (for whatever reason) and had no idea it would become a national story.

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I hope she apologizes to the media because her life is RUINED.


Crazy broad proably wanted to scare her parents (for whatever reason) and had no idea it would become a story on a national level.

For having a 4.0 at the U of Wisconsin she is not very bright. Just goes to show book smarts mean dick if you don't have common sense. :rolleyes:

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She should get some jail time, 30 days or so, just to dissuade potential copy cats.  Then she needs some substantial and verifiable psychiatric help.

In effect she was a copy cat herself. I can think of a few cases of faked kidnappings through the years.

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