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I got a bad feeling


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that a bunch of games are gonna be rained out in this first week of games based on this:


After hinting Friday that he may switch Scott Schoeneweis and Jon Garland in the first two games in New York, Guillen said Saturday that Schoeneweis will pitch the first game in Yankee Stadium. The pitching order for the series in New York will be Schoeneweis, Garland, Mark Buehrle on Saturday and Dan Wright in Sunday's finale. … Of course those pitching plans are contingent on playing the games. Rain is in the forecast for Kansas City on Wednesday and New York on Thursday and Friday.


I'm also really worried about the part in bold. I know he won't last very long in that one.... The Yankees will love seeing Adkins come in after 3 innings of Scho. :puke

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that a bunch of games are gonna be rained out in this first week of games based on this:




I'm also really worried about the part in bold. I know he won't last very long in that one.... The Yankees will love seeing Adkins come in after 3 innings of Scho. :puke

UH O, that's the only thing I can really say about shoney pitching against the yanks.

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A day after the Sox opener is my high school opener! :headbang First game ever in HS and I'm excited. I'll hopefully be starting in center, but our coach hasn't told us the lineup yet. :unsure:

Good Luck.

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I'm only worried about what sort of precedent it sets... It kind of shows that Ozzie doesn't have the confidence in Jon that I thought he did...

It shows Guillen doesn't want to pitch Schoney and Buehrle back to back. By flopping Schoney with Garland, the Yanks will see L-R-L instead of two lefties on consecutive days.

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UH O, that's the only thing I can really say about shoney pitching against the yanks.

I'd pitch Garland AND Wright before Schoenweis.Hell,i'd start Mike Jackson before i'd start Schoenweis.This better not be the Neal Cotts experiment part 2.I don't trust Schoenweis and the pitches he's working on,We're at the point of the season where you're either ready or you ain't. :bringit :bringit

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