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Johnny Damon


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Nothing could ever top Jackson at this years Oscars. It looked like we wore the same tux he had on at the Golden Globes and didn't wash it between the two events. The shirt was yellow, couldn't button all the way up, and untucked. His hair and beard were unkept and just nasty. I was thinking "who was this homeless man who is accepting all these Oscars?" I've said it before but he looks like the kind of person who should direct the LOTR movies...


I'm actually jealous of Damon, I wish I could grow a beard like that, or a beard of any kind. I had bad beard growing jeans passed on to me, I blame my father for that. I can grow the hair easily, but no luck on the beard....

Sucker...I just shaved my beard :D


I'm gifted in that area...except for the middle part of my mustache. If I grew a mustache there would be a bald spot in the middle :lol:


If I ever go to Europe to backpack, then there is no way I'm going to shave. I want to look like a total hippy :headbang

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Sucker...I just shaved my beard  :D


I'm gifted in that area...except for the middle part of my mustache.  If I grew a mustache there would be a bald spot in the middle  :lol:


If I ever go to Europe to backpack, then there is no way I'm going to shave.  I want to look like a total hippy  :headbang

I am of eastern European disent...I could grow a beard junior year of hs...and a real full one now if I wanted. I normally grow a beard over the summer and let it grow...dont shave until after nationals. I am growing one right now. :D

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They had a before and after shot of Damon on the game tonight, and his current picture makes him look like Charles Manson, he even had a crazy look in his eye.


Although this may just be jealousy since I'm 1/2 Irish any beard I attempt to grow comes in patchy and red!

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Nice work Johnny Damon, simply by not shaving or cutting your hair you are becoming one of the most recognizable faces in the game of baseball!!! Hell of a marketer really, I mean, if you think about it, he's simply an average to above average outfielder, but now he has the entire baseball world talking about him.

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If I were the coach or GM or owner of the team I wouldn't allow that.  Baseball is supposed to be a classy sport and he looks like a god damned fool.  s*** like this is why Boston will never win.

The Curse of the Facial Hair?

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I think it looks really cool, the "grungy" look is coming back in style. Admit it wouldn't you love to not have to shave for weeks at a time. I can't believe that Red Sox management is allowing him to do this but it may bring a whole new base of fans to the ball parks. (Hippies, avid hikers, bikers, etc.) Most of the world thinks of baseball players as these clean-cut nice looking guys. What Damon is doing strays far away from that and I think we should applaud him for doing this; gives baseball something good to talk about amidst the steroid crap.

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for those who don't know their history:

scroll down the page for the baseball stories and pics

Thanks for that link. I was going to mention something about how oldtimer BB players usually had some form of facial hair.


And since when was Baseball considered a "classy" sport? Oldtime players were usually looked down upon by society when not on the field. To be a pro-ball player was not a good thing in the eyes of many.


Ty Cobb? Yeah, there was class.


I say good one for Damon. IMO the game has gotten too out of touch with the real world. Too many players running around with the diamonds and gold chains. Damon looks like an everyday guy, and THAT is what made baseball the game it once was.

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im gona love to see it when he's playing center on a windy day. he'll stand under a high pop fly and his hair will blow into his eyes. If he was a yankee steinbrenner would nail him to a wall by his hair and cut it off so damon could see his hair just hanging on the wall.

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Just last week I cut about 15" of hair off of my head. I went from an extreme longhair to being a dopey crew-cut style in the blink of an eye. I only did it due to a horrible balding problem I am having. That was 20 years of hair gone. I speak from experience, a baseball hat keeps the hair from blowing in your eyes. Amazing how it works. ;)


The only problem Johnny will have is the heat and the fact that if he takes a deep breath while looking up at that fly, he might swallow a whole buncha hair! I hated when that would happen.


I find the beard more annoying actually.

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