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What a coquincedence. I was in a band myself (we broke up though..) We were more like a heavy metal, alternative, emo type. My friend's band is going to go far I believe. They are really good. Look for this name: their band is called "Skylit Ignition." They play around Chicago now. I wish good luck to your band as well Loaiza 21. Very nice cover btw.

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I play bass. :)


Does anyone know a good place to upload music? We'll be doing alot of work next week during our spring break.


I made this cover just for fun. It's for a single called "take off your pants and boxers" kind of about mooning lol hence the name.

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What a coquincedence. I was in a band myself (we broke up though..) We were more like a heavy metal, alternative, emo type. My friend's band is going to go far I believe. They are really good. Look for this name: their band is called "Skylit Ignition." They play around Chicago now. I wish good luck to your band as well Loaiza 21. Very nice cover btw.

Ah, Emo. The guy who's dog shops in Downtown Downer's Grove, right?


No, Emo, the genre that signle-handedly started a long-winded and sometimes ugly music critiquing/mudslinging thread here a few months back. I sworn to my D.C. musician friends not to listen to the genre because they blame it for the demise of the D.C. live music scene back in the 80s.


Keep up the playing, though, all y'all music-heads. :headbang :snr :drink

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Ah, Emo.  The guy who's dog shops in Downtown Downer's Grove, right?


No, Emo, the genre that signle-handedly started a long-winded and sometimes ugly music critiquing/mudslinging thread here a few months back.  I sworn to my D.C. musician friends not to listen to the genre because they blame it for the demise of the D.C. live music scene back in the 80s.


Keep up the playing, though, all y'all music-heads.  :headbang :snr :drink

shut it jim...you wouldn't know music if it bit you in the @ss

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shut it jim...you wouldn't know music if it bit you in the @ss

:bang :bang :bang


Actually has bitten me on the ass. You ever forget to make your pick of the month selections in the Columbia House record club and they send you some crap music of their choice and they don't let you return it. Ouch, right in the ass.


What am I saying - of course that's happened to you, I've seen some of the crap you must have gotten stuck with and now have in your collection... :D

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:bang  :bang  :bang


Actually has bitten me on the ass.  You ever forget to make your pick of the month selections in the Columbia House record club and they send you some crap music of their choice and they don't let you return it.  Ouch, right in the ass.


What am I saying - of course that's happened to you, I've seen some of the crap you must have gotten stuck with and now have in your collection... :D

ah...take it up the...


bite on the....


I understand now...



jim, ever play mandolin? I'm learning and wow, it's pretty derned easy

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jim, ever play mandolin? I'm learning and wow, it's pretty derned easy

I've had a bash now and again, but I don't have any mandolin-bearing friends close by these days. If I recall, standard tuning had the four strings as basically the four lowest strings on a guitar but ordered in revers, and the paird strings were octaves at the low end and doubled tones at the high end. Or am I imagining all that?


I wish I did have a mandolin around as I started getting more into Irish trad folk stuff, but I was able to use a friend's bazouki for a while and that filled the bill. Odd how an Eastern European instrument like that got so totally absorbed and accepted in Celtic folk circles.


I want to get a tenor (4 string) banjo now. I had a 5-string bluegrass bamjo for several years but I sold it during one of the whacky instrument sell-off periods we all seem to go through. I've developed an appreciation for the Narvin Kimball-Preservation Hall type of jazz banjo accompaniment of late.

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Ah, Emo.  The guy who's dog shops in Downtown Downer's Grove, right?


No, Emo, the genre that signle-handedly started a long-winded and sometimes ugly music critiquing/mudslinging thread here a few months back.  I sworn to my D.C. musician friends not to listen to the genre because they blame it for the demise of the D.C. live music scene back in the 80s.


Keep up the playing, though, all y'all music-heads.  :headbang :snr :drink

What now about Downer's Grove?

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Sorry.  It's a very obscure reference to a bit by comedian Emo Phillips, aka "Emo the Magnificant - the World's Greatest Trombone Player."


I'v enever been accused of being in any way hip or current... :bang

Hmm, well just asking because thats where I live (kinda).

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Hmm, well just asking because thats where I live (kinda).

s***, It's supposed to be your anthem then.


I used to sell hotdogs in one of them carts at Buckingham foiuntain and North Ave. Beach back in high school, and a bunch of my co-workers were from around Downer's Grove. They're the ones that learned me the song. Apparently Downtown Downers Grove had some exceptional shopping in the early to mid 80s?

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