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Free Hippy Shit


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Drugs are bad because if you do

drugs you're a hippie and hippies suck.

Cartman, South Park


A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan,

walks like Jane and smells like Cheetah.

Ronald Reagan.








:fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou




And remember Hippy , liberals [ see below ]






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Have you forgotten about this ?


Crazy Middle-eastern f***s with f***ed up minds !


Stomp Saddam and you'll flush out all the Terrorists and then KILL THEM !

Obviously, you've been misinformed JoeBatters. We brought 09/11 on ourselves. Also remember, all of that information given by the Great Colin Powell on Wednesday is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. The United States and the United Kingdom fabricated all of it. Were going into Iraq for the oil..... just the oil.

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Have you forgotten about this ?


Crazy Middle-eastern f***s with f***ed up minds !


Stomp Saddam and you'll flush out all the Terrorists and then KILL THEM !

Obviously, you've been misinformed JoeBatters. We brought 09/11 on ourselves. Also remember, all of that information given by the Great Colin Powell on Wednesday is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. The United States and the United Kingdom fabricated all of it. Were going into Iraq for the oil..... just the oil.

With all due respect cubkilla, we did not bring 9/11 on ourselves. Im not like JB saying we should go kill every camel jockey we find but all cultures have some evil people. Bin laden should be brought to justice, given a fair trial and when found guilty (he is guilty, but he must be given a trial) and then punished for bein the evil son of a b**** he truly is. But dont kill all middle easterners or people who dissent. Thats not justice...

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Have you forgotten about this ?


Crazy Middle-eastern f***s with f***ed up minds !


Stomp Saddam and you'll flush out all the Terrorists and then KILL THEM !

Obviously, you've been misinformed JoeBatters. We brought 09/11 on ourselves. Also remember, all of that information given by the Great Colin Powell on Wednesday is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. The United States and the United Kingdom fabricated all of it. Were going into Iraq for the oil..... just the oil.

With all due respect cubkilla, we did not bring 9/11 on ourselves. Im not like JB saying we should go kill every camel jockey we find but all cultures have some evil people. Bin laden should be brought to justice, given a fair trial and when found guilty (he is guilty, but he must be given a trial) and then punished for bein the evil son of a b**** he truly is. But dont kill all middle easterners or people who dissent. Thats not justice...

Green is the color of sarcasm OldRoman

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Have you forgotten about this ?


Crazy Middle-eastern f***s with f***ed up minds !


Stomp Saddam and you'll flush out all the Terrorists and then KILL THEM !

The War on Terror is a joke. There is no way that you are going to be able to kill every person who objects to American standards. You kill a person, their family and friends hate America so we kill them and it just keeps going continuously. So I guess we'd have to kill more people? And more people? That's genocide. That's what we condemned Hitler for doing.


If you guys would like a fun read, here are a couple articles by Francis A. Boyle, Harvard law graduate and professor at the University of Illinois who used to do World Court (International Criminal Court) work in the Hague prosecuting war criminals.


U.S. War Crimes In Iraq


Bush's Illegal War


On Behalf of Iraq's Children


Also, Al-Qaeda perpetrated the attacks on 9/11. Why not use our resources getting them instead of going after a 3rd world dictator who couldn't hurt us even if he wanted to? (that assertion is according to world and U.S. intelligence) Let the inspections work.


And if we do invade, we break the U.S. Resolution of 1990, so we'd also break a U.N. resolution so I guess some other force could have U.N. inspectors come in and look at our weapons and have a pre-emptive attack on us since the U.S. is housing Cuban terrorists in Florida?

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No one is saying you have to kill everyone who hates America. Thats like saying kill everyone who hates the White Sox.


The key is kill those with the intent to damage America or any other country. I'm not thinking all should die, but if someone is a terrorist, then they get no sympathy from me.


People can have there opinions, thats whats great about this country and you may disagree with policy or whats going on or simply say you hate the president. THere isn't a thing wrong with that. Its becomes wrong when those people that hate the country fly planes into Civilian buildings or blowup tunnells or simply walk into a place with explosives strapped to you. Those people get no sympathy. If they are trying to change something by killing innocent people, then they have it all wrong.


Many can counter that comment by saying how are we any better, we will be killing people too and in war innocent people will die, its why war sucks, and one of the reasons I hope in my lifetime I will see a peaceful world. What the US is wanting to do isn't killing innocent people it is killing or going to war with those that are making devices, harboring terrorist or doing both. Iraq definately has the weapons and a vendetta against the US. Their people are starving and Saddam can care less. He must go, whether war is the best way, I don't know, but no way can you let him continue running things the way he has been for such a long time. It would be an attrocity to do so. Heck, a war, and a new regime, would mean that the people there could finally get food, as trade embargoes would cease if Sadam was out (I'm assuming they would).

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Have you forgotten about this ?


Crazy Middle-eastern f***s with f***ed up minds !


Stomp Saddam and you'll flush out all the Terrorists and then KILL THEM !

Obviously, you've been misinformed JoeBatters. We brought 09/11 on ourselves. Also remember, all of that information given by the Great Colin Powell on Wednesday is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. The United States and the United Kingdom fabricated all of it. Were going into Iraq for the oil..... just the oil.

With all due respect cubkilla, we did not bring 9/11 on ourselves. Im not like JB saying we should go kill every camel jockey we find but all cultures have some evil people. Bin laden should be brought to justice, given a fair trial and when found guilty (he is guilty, but he must be given a trial) and then punished for bein the evil son of a b**** he truly is. But dont kill all middle easterners or people who dissent. Thats not justice...

Green is the color of sarcasm OldRoman

Oh, my bad. :lol:

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this is not the joeybatters I know and love- the joeybatters was a lot of fun, a true Sox fan, and that is where his passion went, not spilling over into such violent speech and attacks on people who view things differently than him- I don't recall in my my time with the real joeybatters that I saw ever this sort of thing. And also never saw JoeyBatters blow off his friends, failing to acknowledge them.


Whatever is up, I will be happier when my old friend JoeyBatters returns and this current incarnation goes far, far away.

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that is really sad - not that he is sober but that my friend, my dear friend who has yet to say hi to me, has taken such a different direction than the one he was on whe he was with me, and has gone the way he has. I thouhgt the rants and trashing of peoples and intolerance was a manistation of the lack of sobriety - although he never did that around me ever, he was the opposite - and not something that would further be developed in sobriety.

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Have you forgotten about this ?


Crazy Middle-eastern f***s with f***ed up minds !


Stomp Saddam and you'll flush out all the Terrorists and then KILL THEM !

The War on Terror is a joke. There is no way that you are going to be able to kill every person who objects to American standards. You kill a person, their family and friends hate America so we kill them and it just keeps going continuously. So I guess we'd have to kill more people? And more people? That's genocide. That's what we condemned Hitler for doing.


If you guys would like a fun read, here are a couple articles by Francis A. Boyle, Harvard law graduate and professor at the University of Illinois who used to do World Court (International Criminal Court) work in the Hague prosecuting war criminals.


U.S. War Crimes In Iraq


Bush's Illegal War


On Behalf of Iraq's Children


Also, Al-Qaeda perpetrated the attacks on 9/11. Why not use our resources getting them instead of going after a 3rd world dictator who couldn't hurt us even if he wanted to? (that assertion is according to world and U.S. intelligence) Let the inspections work.


And if we do invade, we break the U.S. Resolution of 1990, so we'd also break a U.N. resolution so I guess some other force could have U.N. inspectors come in and look at our weapons and have a pre-emptive attack on us since the U.S. is housing Cuban terrorists in Florida?

a harvard grad...and he's a liberal who is against the war???..im shocked...lmao...there is no brainwashing at that so called insitute of higher learning...


harvard has become a joke...atleast find someone to back your point thats not brainwashed fool...they are out there..you have to search hard though...

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And Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly or Ann Coulter are not brainwashed fools?


"We know who is attacking us. We need to invade their countries and convert them to Christianity."

-Ann Coulter


"Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."

-Rush Limbaugh


Why not bring up inconsistancies in his legalist approach to prove that he is wrong, Baggio? Why not show that his argument is flawed if you do not believe him? The simple fact remains that you cannot because FAB is right. So, you have to resort to petty name calling in order to dismiss him. Prove his legalist argument wrong and don't use ad hominem attacks...it'll make you a lot more believable. :)

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that is really sad - not that he is sober but that my friend, my dear friend who has yet to say hi to me, has taken such a different direction than the one he was on whe he was with me, and has gone the way he has.  I thouhgt the rants and trashing of peoples and intolerance was a manistation of the lack of sobriety - although he never did that around me ever, he was the opposite - and not something that would further be developed in sobriety.

cw....he hasnt said hi to me either..and we agree on alot of this s***...give him time

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Mary McGrory is a left wing Democrat who has written a national column since 1960. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1975. She loves Clinton and Al Gore and does not try to conceal her disdain for President Bush. However, there comes a point when you can't ignore reality, regardless of your political affiliations. This is what Mary has to say now. Thomas L Friedman is also a liberal of impeccable credentials. I'm pretty sure he has a Pulitzer to his credit too. I often disagree with him but I always read him and have the highest respect for his skills and intellect. His most recent column takes France to task for their arrogant obstructionism on the Iraq issue. It is too difficult to link this, the NY Times makes you jump through hoops to view their on line newspaper. I recommend you read it if you can get a copy. ENOUGH already of this demonization of the US in particular and this attempt to make George Bush the war criminal. No one wants war but sometimes it happens. You don't want to be living in this world if our side loses. Baggio is right, there is great hypocrisy among the Germans and the French who insisted that we bomb the hell out of the Serbs in 1999 but sit smugly on their hands now. Screw them!! If Saddam is deposed by US force don't necessarily expect a universal backlash against Americans. Clinton and Madeline Allbright are heroes to the Kosovar Albanians.

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And Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly or Ann Coulter are not brainwashed fools?


"We know who is attacking us.  We need to invade their countries and convert them to Christianity."

-Ann Coulter


"Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."

-Rush Limbaugh


Why not bring up inconsistancies in his legalist approach to prove that he is wrong, Baggio?  Why not show that his argument is flawed if you do not believe him? The simple fact remains that you cannot because FAB is right.  So, you have to resort to petty name calling in order to dismiss him.  Prove his legalist argument wrong and don't use ad hominem attacks...it'll make you a lot more believable.  :)

why do you do this???...everytime i question an author's motives of your's you throw up limbaugh in my face...do you ever hear me quote limbaugh??...i dont like the guy...ive watched his show a few times like 7 maybe 10 years ago and found him to be an obnoxious bore...im sure deep down he was pissed off that bush won the election because he would be a lot more popular with a democrat president to bash...limbaugh is an opportunist...im not a fan of his...


im not even bother reading some college professor's paper on his opinion of the war...if this guy , who you say now is employed at the university of chicago , came out in full support of bush what do you think that would do to his career???..do you honestly think these guys can support a conservative position at a liberal institution w/o putting their careers at risk???


honestly id rather hear your opinions then some guy who has alterior motives like keeping his job...


and before you go there, yes there are guys on the right who support positions for the same reason, i.e limbaugh...thats why you dont see me bringing up links to conservative papers....i try and do the best i can to sift through the bulls*** and form my own opinions...

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