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Beltre angered by move to the seventh spot


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Dodgers: Beltre angered by move to the seventh spot


by Fanball Staff - Fanball.com

Tuesday, April 6, 2004



The acquisition of Milton Bradley on the day before the opener meant Dodgers manager Jim Tracy had some shuffling to do. Shawn Green moved from right field to first base, David Roberts switched from center field to left field, and Juan Encarnacion moved from left to right field. The trade also resulted in a change in the batting order—one that did not sit well with third baseman Adrian Beltre, who found out Monday that he was dropping from third to seventh. "I'm not happy about this," Beltre told the Los Angeles Times. "I was told I was hitting third the whole spring, then I get here this morning and find out I'm hitting seventh." Beltre reportedly had a heated exchange with Tracy during batting practice. "I've been waiting for this day for four months. I get out of my house, and I'm happy. I've been thinking all this time about this. This is how he tells me? Like I said, I'm not happy."

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