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There is no way we can survive with Harris leading off.  What is it about 250 OBP that tickles everyone's fancy?


If you think Jose is bad against the lefties (he was excellent in spring training against them, but now is simply way too greedy, chases everything), wait until you see Harris.


Uribe can't start at SS and 2B at the same time. Orioles were almost giving Roberts away for free.  A smart, ego-in-check GM jumps on the opportunity to improve the ballclub.   


KW will sit on his ass and on the eve of his firing it will dawn upon him that had he not been protecting his little pet projects and "bargains" like Harris, Uribe, Adkins, Koch, White and Shoenweiss, the team would have won in 2003 AND would be the best team in the divsion this year.

Do not forget Jimenez



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For one day? I'd probably make a deal with the Orioles to acquire Brian Roberts or Jerry Hairston Jr. If that couldn't be done I'd try to swing a deal and get Chone Figgins from Anaheim.


I'm not giving up on Willie yet, and yesterdays game was an improvement, but it's nice to have someone with experience leading off.


Now if we're talking about being a GM for a couple of years, than that would be a different story... :D


1 Roberts 2B

2 Rowand CF

3 Ordoñez RF

4 Thomas DH

5 Lee LF

6 Konerko 1B

7 Crede 3B

8 Valentin SS

9 Olivo


I would make no drastic changes to our pitching staff. I like what I've seen SO far from the rotation and the bullpen has been satisfactory.



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I wouldn't make any major deals at this point. I'd look for two things, a good veteran reliever and I'd try and get Amazega as another alternative to the infield situation.


Amazega is a slick fielder, whose fast, and has shown a little bit of offensive potential. I am patietn to finally give Willie Harris a shot where he can get consistent playing time for 3 weeks to a month. Never before has he gotten that and I believe once he gets that, you'll see him get comfortable, get in a groove, and get on base.


For a veteran reliever, I'd look to someone that made a decent some (this would be their contract year) so you wouldn't have to give up much. I'd be tempted to add a 5th starter, but at this point you have to have patience to let the guys you've brought in show what they can do.

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