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Free Music Provider


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I've tried Kazaa, and I've tried WinMX. I like Kazaa a lot, but I dont want to download it because it usually gives my computer a ton of ads and it just messes up my computer totally. WinMX is alright, but I never am able to actually download the songs - it usually fails.


Do any of you guys know of a provider that has both videos and music, won't mess up my computer, and is pretty good?



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DO IT LEGALLY! USE I TUNES!!! seriously though... these artists deserve to make money for their trade. I feel it on a personal level since im hoping to be in the performance industry... honestly, i tunes is a lot cheaper than regular CDs and it's legal and the MORAL thing to do. You're essentially robbing the artists... and last time i checked that's not a very nice thing to do

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