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In the Ritchie deal....


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Kip Wells.


Mark my words Fogg will never be more then an average pitcher on a bad team. His numbers will be much worse this year and I actually think at best he'll be a #5 pitcher, more likely a middle reliever.


Kip has a lot more talent and I think he'll do pretty good. I don't see either making the hall of fame and I doubt either make an all star game.

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Unless Fogg can pull a Buehrle(and really only one pitcher has pulled a Buehrle...I hope I don't have to tel you who it is), Wells will be the better potcher over time.


Wells threw a complete game earlier this year....and he struck a guy out with his last pitch...a fastball....that reached 97 MPH. That's Colon-esque without the blubber or afro.

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That trade represented the worst judgement of pitching ability I have ever seen. Kenny should have been fired and castrated. I will always wonder if his boss (JR) knew about the trade in advance, signed off on it, or what. No one tells. I wish I knew.


Before he hit the bigs, Wells was THE most promising pitcher in the minors. Then he came up to the Sox at the end of the year (1999) and won six, count 'em, six games. Then in 2000, he shut out the Indians at home on a three hitter and was a frigging stud. Then Nardi and Jerry did something to his brain and/or his arm. Fogg came up in 2001 when the Sox were struggling and he was fearless. He threw the ball over the plate and got guys out. Meanwhile, Biddle, Garland, and I don't remember who else were getting rocked. So we trade Wells and Fogg to the Pirates for a guy who was less than a .500 pitcher with a big salary. This is not second guessing; I was pissed from moment one. What do we need a general manager for?


I don't know who will be better between Fogg and Wells. Who cares? It (the trade) represents incompetence. Those two pitchers will both be first class players for years to come. They were great for Pittsburgh from day one. And now we have Ritchie's 2002 record to live with, and let's face it, that destroyed the team in 2002. Nice legacy, Kenny. But now we have Heredia and Loaiza wearing Ritchie's number. The beat goes on. How many of our stud pitching prospects will end up elsewhere before they throw a meaningful pitch for the Sox?

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Easily Kip Wells. He clearly had a great upswing that wasn't fully able to be viewed in 2001. He was just beginning to show what he was made of, and then he was traded. But now I'm thinking that if this trade never happened, would we have gone for Colon this offseason? I'm a firm believer of fate, knowing that things happen for a purpose.

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What ticked me off about the deal was that the Pirates were practically begging someone to take Ritchie from them, and give them ANYTHING in return. Giving them 2 pitching prospects, plus a third prospect (I forget his name, I think he was another pitcher?) in exchange for a poor-man's Rick Helling was completely unnecessary.

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If the Sox were as patient with Kip Wells as they have been with Garland and Wright, we would have three guys with the potential to really break out this year.


Wells is a solid pitcher and would be much better on a team other than Pittsburgh. Basically, if Kris Benson is not healthy, then Wells is their #1. That is a bit much to ask of him right now.


Wells has a much higher upside than Fogg and will become a solid starter in the big leagues. The jury is still out on Fogg as many of you have mentioned may end up in the bullpen.


I too hated this trade from the first time I read it. If it were for Todd Ritchie and Brian Giles, then that to me would have been more reasonable based on the timing of the trade.


Before you say i am nuts, remember that Giles was on the "block" and discussed heavily at that time as well. Also, Sean Lowe was coming off a great season for the Sox both as a spot starter and out of the pen. Combine that with the Pirates desire to get rid of Todd Ritche, and that trade would have not been out of the question. Rumors were flying at that time that the Sox were going after Giles.


In my mind, Ritchie was no better than Kip Wells at the time of the trade, so it made no sense to make the deal. Definitely KW's worst move (other than trading for the wrong guy -Barry/Berry- from the Dodgers).

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Guest hotsoxchick1

you mean i beat baggs to saying sean lowe???? geez us your slippin pal........ i dont miss kip "deer in the headlights" wells one bit.... and fogg wasnt here long enough to get fully attached to so i couldnt honestly miss him ... sean was a great work horse for us though, as i recall he ate through quite a few innings for us and did his best......and i fully believe he got jerked around by management up here...........so that is who i miss mostly out of that deal...........

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you mean i beat baggs to saying sean lowe???? geez us your slippin pal........ i dont miss kip "deer in the headlights" wells one bit.... and fogg wasnt here long enough to get fully attached to so i couldnt honestly miss him ... sean was a great work horse for us though, as i recall he ate through quite a few innings for us and did his best......and i fully believe he got jerked around by management up here...........so that is who i miss mostly out of that deal...........

it goes w/o saying ill always miss sean...glad he is back in the AL central..have to take in a royals game this year

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If the Sox were as patient with Kip Wells as they have been with Garland and Wright, we would have three guys with the potential to really break out this year. 


Wells is a solid pitcher and would be much better on a team other than Pittsburgh.  Basically, if Kris Benson is not healthy, then Wells is their #1.  That is a bit much to ask of him right now.


Wells has a much higher upside than Fogg and will become a solid starter in the big leagues.  The jury is still out on Fogg as many of you have mentioned may end up in the bullpen.


I too hated this trade from the first time I read it.  If it were for Todd Ritchie and Brian Giles, then that to me would have been more reasonable based on the timing of the trade. 


Before you say i am nuts, remember that Giles was on the "block" and discussed heavily at that time as well.  Also, Sean Lowe was coming off a great season for the Sox both as a spot starter and out of the pen.  Combine that with the Pirates desire to get rid of Todd Ritche, and that trade would have not been out of the question.  Rumors were flying at that time that the Sox were going after Giles.


In my mind, Ritchie was no better than Kip Wells at the time of the trade, so it made no sense to make the deal.  Definitely KW's worst move (other than trading for the wrong guy -Barry/Berry- from the Dodgers).

I don't think you're nuts. The first question I asked when I heard about the deal is "Where the hell is Brian Giles?"

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