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Why not Halladay?


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There is always Seattle to trade with.  1-5 so far, losing money, not hitting at all, could be looking for some bats.  Pinero, Franklin, Garcia, Meche, Moyer (assuming his last two starts are not going to be repeated for the rest of the year!).

I'll take one of Pinero, Meche or Garcia. But, from what I know, Garcia is the only one they'd be willing to part with. And what would the Sox ship as far as hitting? With the way Konerko is going, I want him to at least finish out the year here. Joe Borchard and others? Maybe?

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J.P Riccardi is the best GM in the businesss in my opinion, he's buildin the Blue Jays around pitchin. There's no way he's goin to trade their ace pitcher afta he just signed a long term deal. Delgado is prob walkin. afta the season so if any1's goin to get traded it will most likely be him. If we are loookin to trade for sum1 from Toronto, it should be one of their young stud prospects like Aaron Hill.

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There's no way he's goin to trade their ace pitcher afta he just signed a long term deal


Let's get real here: Halladay isn't exactly cheap long-term AND the market no longer rewards pitchers like Apprier with 13 Mill contracts,


It's not like I am asking for Vernon Wells here.


Will he do it for Pacheco, Diaz AND Wing?

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Let's get real here:  Hallday isn't exactly cheap long-term AND the market no longer rewards pitchers like Apprier with 13 Mill contracts,


It's like I am asking for Vernon Wells here.   


Will he do it for Pacheco, Diaz AND Wing?

He won't get traded in the 1st year of his long term deal. We're not talkin about a Mike Hampton type of situation here where Halladay just can't pitch at all. He started out slow last year, like he's doin this season, and he still won the AL Cy Young. If Toronto wants to remain competitive in that division for the next 5 years while they wait for their prospects to get used to the big leagues, then they hav to keep Halladay. Talkin bout pitchers from Seattle, I'd say if they are out of the hunt, they'll want to trade Jamie Moyer, not Gil Meche or Joel Pineiro. And Riccardi would want a Kris Honel type of pitching prospect if he would trade Halladay.

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What is it about 4th place that says "competitive"?

Brando, It's f***ING april...


where the team with the best record is a game over .500 -- If teams gave up because of April, last year the marlins wouldn't have won the WS, the Twins wouldn't have made teh playoffs, we wouldn't have made those move in early July. --By your logic, I guess the yankees should pack it in too.


I realize you're bored and need to construct some false conflict through dumb trade ideas, but do something constructive. Do something enriching. Do something FUN... Go do your taxes or something..

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Brando, It's f***ING april...


where the team with the best record is a game over .500 -- If teams gave up because of April, last year the marlins wouldn't have won the WS, the Twins wouldn't have made teh playoffs, we wouldn't have made those move in early July. --By your logic, I guess the yankees should pack it in too. 


I realize you're bored and need to construct some false conflict through dumb trade ideas, but do something constructive.  Do something enriching.  Do something FUN...  Go do your taxes or something..

Using this logic we should get Millwood.

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Using this logic we should get Millwood.

Don't want him even if he was available.


Nor is Phillies' situation in ANY way comparable to that of Blu Jz -- NLE is wide open while ALE is NOT.


And for the record....I didn't mean dealing for him in April. More like early June, before the rest have a chance to bid.


Personal attacks notwithstanding, Toronto Blue Jays will have as much chance to compete with Yankees, Carmines and O's 2 months from now as they do today.

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How about if Sox throw in Yofu and Mcarthy as well?

Brando, do you understand that this is not a video game? Not one of the pitchers you named is really a top notch prospect, all are quality prospects, but none of them really stand out (that doesnt mean that they won't in time).


In this dream scenario of yours, if we wanted to get Halladay - we'd have to trade at least one of the following, probably a few of these guys: Reed, Sweeney, Anderson, Honel, and to a lesser extent Borchard and Rauch.


No thanks to that....

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In this dream scenario of yours, if we wanted to get Halladay - we'd have to trade at least one of the following, probably a few of these guys: Reed, Sweeney, Anderson, Honel, and to a lesser extent Borchard and Rauch.


No thanks to that....


Actially, I wouldn't mind giving up Anderson, Pacheco and Rauch/Borch.


If you think a 42/4 pitcher on a team that can't really afford him and won't finish higher than 3rd is worth Cotts, Honel, Reed, I got news for you: he isn't.



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