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Gene Honda Civic

Who should we give the ball to in the 9th?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should we give the ball to in the 9th?

    • Koch
    • Shingo (Japan's all-time saves leader)
    • Marte
    • Politte
    • Adkins
    • Cotts
    • Jackson
    • Wright
    • Closer by commitee

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I have been a "Wright as Closer" supporter for a while now.

Wright has the stuff to be a closer. He's got a 94+ heater (could be 97, like Gagne if allowed to air it out only one innning) a good change and a awesome knuckle curve.


The Dodgers never knew what they had in Gagne until they let him have at it due to an injury to Jeff Shaw.


Give Danny a shot. Could he do any worse than Koch?


The only downside is who will be our 5th starter? We need a quality pitcher in the rotation to make this move, I believe.

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It's amazing how everyone changed their mind so fast.  ;)


I made this poll last week after he helped to blow game #1 and Krotch still won it.

I Believe I voted Koch in your poll last week... It was the only time I've ever been supporting Koch... Last year, I never wanted him here (hated the foulke trade) --


I knew that Ozzie said he was stickin with Botch, so I decide to throw my suppoert his way... I never supported him last season. so in two years, I've had "confidence" in him as a closer for one game, and we saw how that worked out. I may have jumped ship, but I was never really on it.

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Koch deserves 1 or 2 more oppurtunities. We all know in all likelihood Marte will be the closer next year if we let Koch walk in FA, and we don't sign another closer, so he'll be given the next oppurtunity. Wright is an interestin option, one the team must look at if he continues to struggle as a starter. Politte is doin very well setting up in the 7th and 8th innings, I'd leave him where he is. He doesn't hav a good track record as a closer.

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It might not be too early to look a little down the road at what potential closers might become avaiable once June and July rolls around... I doubt the list will be cheap or stunning.


-Danny Graves: The Reds are riding high right now but who honestly expects them to stay in the hunt all year? Show of hands? Anyone? Plus with Ryan Wagner's stuff Graves is no longer needed. We'd probably have to give up a minor league starter. Price tag: 6 mil


-Matt Mantei: Depending on how the DBacks play in a weak divison they might find Mantei expendable with Jose Valverde in the pen. My guess is the snakes will want an outfield bat. Price tag: 7 mil


-Jose Mesa: Mesa comes cheaper, making $800,000 this year, but I don't htink he's even worth that. As such, he's always available and probably for not too much.


-Rocky Biddle: Montreal has a few arms they'd like to close out their games, so if we really wanted Rock back my guess is we can have him.


-Mike Williams: He's kind of a closer... I guess. :huh


I think Koch should get another shot. One more blown save within his next 5 or 6 opps should be the end of his tenure and the beginning of Marte's. Shingo's game isn't overpowering and Politte is not a closer. If Marte begins to look anything like he did in Game 1 then it's time to hit the panic button and begin some experiementation. We can NOT win this division without a closer, this fact has been proven by plenty of teams, Boston and Philadelphia most recently.

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If Koch's problem today was due to back to back appearances, then we have a problem there. We need a guy that can go back to back in that role and be effective. If he just lost his mechanics, then maybe it's just a bump in the road. That remains to be seen. But we need Koch to be the Koch of 2002.


We can't turn it over to Shingo, that's for sure. Politte would be awesome if he could get his head screwed on straight, but that may not be in the cards. Marte may or may not be closer material, he's basically untested in the role.


Mike Jackson might be able to hold down the fort, temporarily, while we sort out our options. But I wouldn't think we could count on him there all year.


Now, Danny Wright is an interesting option, but one that has potentially devastating risks for this years chances. You would be taking the guy that won the #5 starter's spot in spring training, and he's done nothing to lose it yet, and putting him in a crucial position while being totally untested. That means you are also eliminating what appears to be your best option as a number #5 starter from that role. Can Wright close? Maybe. Can Cotts hold down #5? Maybe. It may work great, but the potential is there for this to blow up in our faces.

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My vote is for Mike Jackson. I no longer have any faith that Koch will get things sorted out. He has a low-mid 90's fastball that doesn't move, and no breaking pitch he can thow strikes with. That's a real bad combination, regardless of which inning he pitches in. I think Jackson has the veteran presence of mind to get the job done. He's had some limited experience closing in the past, and his control has looked pretty good this year so far.


My second choice is Wright.

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Although I think the best potential closer is Danny, right now we really don't have anyone ready to step into the fifth starter role. Once Rauch, Diaz, or Cotts is ready to go to 115 pitches, it is a different story. But I would vote for Politte just because Dam is too valuable in the 6th, 7th, and 8th innings to pigeonhole into the 9th inning.

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I voted for Koch. He'll be given a few more opportunties until other guys are tried. Politte should be the first choice, as he's throwing the ball the best. Marte needs time but given a shot if Politte fails.


If Koch gives up the closers spot, he'll be in set up. By season's end, Danny Wright should be in the 'pen as well. He'll then be given chances in different positions, probably short set up first. He could eventually close, but I like him in Politte's role now, the 7th and 8th.


Nothing by way of bullpen help is coming until late June, early July. No team is going to trade away players unless they're going to write off the season.


The only options are in house, on the roster or the minors.

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Although I think the best potential closer is Danny, right now we really don't have anyone ready to step into the fifth starter role.  Once Rauch, Diaz, or Cotts is ready to go to 115 pitches, it is a different story. 

Rauch won his last game, and is now 2-0. I think he went 6 or 7 IP with only 1 run, 1 BB and like 6 k's.


It's always good to have options w/ starting pitching.

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Rauch would seem to be the leading guy if a starting pitcher is needed. I'd send Takatsu to AAA and have Wright in the 'pen.

Once again, I will say this much. They need to take whoever is next in line at AAA for the 5th starters job and have their starts mirror Danny Wright's, that way if a change is needed someone else is on the same schedule and can step in without missing a beat.

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