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Must read political book


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Dick Morris, who served as the head pollster for the Clinton Administration wrote a book that is totally on the money about a lot of issues that face us.


The book title is "Off With Their Heads: Traitors, Crooks & Obstuctionists in American Politics, Business and Media".


He goes on to totally slam the following


Bill Clinton for being asleep at the switch on the growing threat of terrorism


The NY Times for basically being the mouthpiece of the American Left


Enron, Arthur Andersen, politicaians of both parties and others for royally screwing a lot of people out of a lot of money.


France for stabbing us in the back over Iraq to serve its own selfish monetary interests.


Government in general for allowing corruption, hypocrasy and money to rule the day rather that good honest legislative action.




As I said, something for everybody from an unbiased source. ENJOY!

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