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Thomas opens his yap again.

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Apparently waiting for his first homer of the season, Frank is quoted in Friday's Southtown talking about one of his favorite subjects - the lack of "respect" his contract shows him.


"For now, Frank Thomas has no problem keeping a happy face.

Make no mistake about it though. The 35 year old veteran would like the organization to tear up his contract as soon as the season is over and give him one that he says would show him the 'respect' he believes he has earned as a long-time, productive member of the team.

Thomas told the Southtown on Thursday that his agent Arn Tellem has approached the team within the last few weeks and relayed that message. Thomas is seeking a 4 year contract to replace his current deal, which runs through 2006, with options each year. Thomas said he'd like to end his career with the White Sox.

THomas was told the club would discuss his contract with him as soon as the season is over.

"I've already discussed it with Arn and the club" Thomas said. "They both know how I feel. I've earned my way here, they're not giving me nothing. After the year I had last year, it's a little disappointing come the 1st and the 15th, but I'm going to keep on ticking. It's not a challenge to me, because I'm used to proving myself."


The article goes on to say


"I look at it a little different from everybody else" said Thomas. "I think a lot of guys got their job to do, but I've earned my way here. It's one of those things that I really hope management will take a long look at what I've done over such a long period of time and try and keep me here. I don't want to go anywhere else.

"On the other hand, I don't want to sit here and outperform 80% of the league and be paid like the bottom 1/3 of the league, either. It's one of those things where money isn't everything, but I would like to be treated fairly and be here for the rest of my career."


Thomas also said

"I remember what I've done. It's easy to forget because I think people just really go year to year but it's been a long grind for me and I take it serious. Money is not an issue right now, but I think I've made the organization a lot of money over the years. So show the respect that I've shown them. I've always been a company guy and stuck up for them. I'm going to continue to bust my ass and do things so that I can find a way to stay here."

Thomas was adamant in pointing out that winning the World Series this year is atop his priority list, with the hope that the club will talk to him at the end of the year about a new deal as they said they would.

"Right now that's what they're saying. That's fine with me, because I'm going to go

out and have a good year anyway, and then hopefully we'll talk again. My job is to pull these guys together, keep a happy face and keep this thing going for us because I have a feeling it's going to be a special year. All I'mlooking of now is a ring. All the individual stuff, I could care less about, and for the 1st time it comes from my heart when I say that. I could care less when it comes to my numbers."





SO, you think Frank will be ok with Maggs gettting Vlad money if Frank stays at $8 million a year?

You think maybe Frank could keep this s*** out of the papers when the team is going well?

You think Ozzie will let Frank pout?


The answer is no, no, and no.


Vive Ozzie!

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SO, you think Frank will be ok with Maggs gettting Vlad money if Frank stays at $8 million a year?

You think maybe Frank could keep this s*** out of the papers when the team is going well?

You think Ozzie will let Frank pout?


The answer is no, no, and no.


Vive Ozzie!



Damn, Frank. To an extent, it's about what has happened in the past. But a player on the decline should not be paid as a #1 star in the league CURRENTLY. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.


/off soapbox

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"On the other hand, I don't want to sit here and outperform 80% of the league and be paid like the bottom 1/3 of the league, either.


Hmm I think Frank should leave the math to his agent. If the average is like $2.4 million (IIRC) and he is making $6 million, it is pretty hard to imagine that he is in the bottom 1/3 of the league. :bang


And the other thing is, we all know how often Jerry renogitates contracts. Let me put it this way, Franks was the first EVER. He wouldn't for MJ, and he wouldn't for Pippen, it isn't going to happen again.


But it is nice to see Frank still is thinking about himself first. :headshake

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This guy never seizes to amaze me. He's making millions of dollars, we're winning so far and he still finds a way to complain about his contract. If he wasn't such a great guy with the fans like I saw out in AZ I'd be tempted to rip him big time, but I guess you've just gotta let him run his mouth from time to time. I can't feel sorry for someone who's making 6 million a year though. Sorry Franklin.

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Typical Typical Typical.....


I have no choice but to take back my prediction of MVP for Frank.  It is all down hill from here.  Dammit Frank... :nono always at the beginning of the year.

You notice when he sucks at the beginning of the year, he starts this crap? It's like, well, I can't get the money I'm due by PLAYING so I have to make a case by my HISTORY. This only comes up on years he sucks coming out of the gate. Pretty ironic. And the sad thing is, usually it means he's going to be dead weight the rest of the year. Let's all hope this year is different. Put the #'s you did last year up or better, and HMMMM the $$ will come! What a novel concept.

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Did Frank think player salries would stay constant the entire length of his contract? Sorry, Frank but at the ass end of the contract, others, on the front end of theirs, will be making more. I didn't hear him complaining when his contract jumped passed established stars in the league.


I agree with Steff, I wonder how old these quotes are and if Frank brought this up or the reporter pressed him on it for a story.

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I agree with Steff, I wonder how old these quotes are and if Frank brought this up or the reporter pressed him on it for a story.

Damon was just on Rome Wednesday talking about how they (the Red Sox) caught the Boston papers flat out printing lies - hidden behind the "source" and reprinting stories from 2001 to cause controversy...

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In case anyone wants the link to the article....





This doesn't seem like a cut and paste job to me. Just seems like he wants to end his career here and not have to worry about going anywhere else. He doesn't like the "pay as you go" agreement that he signed. Whether you agree with Frank or not...when will atheletes understand....DO NOT TALK TO REPORTERS REGARDING YOUR CONTRACTS!!!!! There are VERY VERY few fans who will feel any sense of sympathy towards a multi millionaire whining about more millions. In fact, all it usually brings is animosity and a sense of selfishness. Discuss it with your agent, discuss it with Kenny, Jerry whoever....DO NOT get yourself quoted in the paper.

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Did Frank think player salries would stay constant the entire length of his contract? Sorry, Frank but at the ass end of the contract, others, on the front end of theirs, will be making more. I didn't hear him complaining when his contract jumped passed established stars in the league.


I agree with Steff, I wonder how old these quotes are and if Frank brought this up or the reporter pressed him on it for a story.

Yeah I am sure it is a vast right wing conspiracy against Frank... :headshake

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Damon was just on Rome Wednesday talking about how they (the Red Sox) caught the Boston papers flat out printing lies - hidden behind the "source" and reprinting stories from 2001 to cause controversy...

I hope that's the case here, because otherwise that would really suck.

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With the numbers Frank puts up (i.e last season), he is grossly UNDERPAID.


Show me how many players put up 40+ hrs, and 130+ rbi, every year, and don't make $10+ million!

I'll start the list..


Frank Thomas..



:lol: :lol:

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With the numbers Frank puts up (i.e last season), he is grossly UNDERPAID.


Show me how many players put up 40+ hrs, and 130+ rbi, every year, and don't make $10+ million!

I agree if Frank was negatiating a contract today, he would be paid better. But he negotiated this contract already. If Frank wanted to be paid based on each year's numbers, why did he sign a multi-year contract? If his numbers went down, would he be demanding a new contract? Sorry, no one forced him to sign the contract. Was he expecting worse numbers when he signed?


Anything can happen in a multi-year contract.

Some players will subsequently sign for bigger and bigger contracts. (Frank knew that)

His number could go up, they could go down (Everyone knew that)

He could get hurt

There could be a strike

There could be a salary cap


In a multi-year deal, players trade security for possible future earnings. Sometimes the player wins (Koch) sometimes the player loses (Frank). A team cannot continue to turn their wins to losses and keep their losing contracts as well. Then teams would lose on every contract.

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With the numbers Frank puts up (i.e last season), he is grossly UNDERPAID.


Show me how many players put up 40+ hrs, and 130+ rbi, every year, and don't make $10+ million!

i'd would only be fair though to compare his to the salary of other DH's with the same offensive production to find out if he's underpaid...

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