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Thomas opens his yap again.

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Frank is the one who has opened his mouth about this stuff.  Now he has the reputation to back it up.  HE created this, no one else did.  That's why some of get pissed off when we start seeing this OVER and OVER and OVER again.  It gets old.  If he'd just go play ball, it would be fine.

Agree... which is why I have my doubts that this was an out of the blue comment by Frank. They are winning.. things are good.. boooorrr-iiinnnggg. IMO, this is an old story brought up to stir things up.

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Frank is the one who has opened his mouth about this stuff.  Now he has the reputation to back it up.  HE created this, no one else did.  That's why some of get pissed off when we start seeing this OVER and OVER and OVER again.  It gets old.  If he'd just go play ball, it would be fine.

DING DONG!!! Somebody got it!!!!!!!!


The fans are so sick and tired of Skirts incessant whining about money. This has been going on for 4 years now. Enough already. Nobody likes a crybaby.

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Isn't that what he is doing? Sounds like all he wants to do is discuss the contract when the year is over. Is that so unreasonable that you have to spew such venom at him?


Thomas was adamant in pointing out that winning the World Series this year is atop his priority list, with the hope that the club will talk to him at the end of the year about a new deal as they said they would.

"Right now that's what they're saying. That's fine with me, because I'm going to go

out and have a good year anyway, and then hopefully we'll talk again. My job is to pull these guys together, keep a happy face and keep this thing going for us because I have a feeling it's going to be a special year. All I'mlooking of now is a ring. All the individual stuff, I could care less about, and for the 1st time it comes from my heart when I say that. I could care less when it comes to my numbers."

I agree. There is nothing wrong with what he said at all. He basically said his agent and Reinsdorf are talking about an extension. What the hell is the big deal. He said everything respectfully. Stop jumping on the guy's back already. I know it is all so easy for everyone to do because the "media" presents it a certain way, but damn some people just look for things, anything, to jump on him about.

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Frank could be hitting .310, with 50 HR's and 130 rbi's and some folks would still s*** on him cause they have nothing better to do.

I diasgree...


Everytime someone is defending Frank they usually say something along those lines, but I don't see that happening....maybe Frank will hit 50 HR and 130 RBI and we can test it out. I hope so....I just hope he does it quietly.

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NUKE I hope I'm not comming across as fighting.. I'm just thing that the detest you have for Frank is a bit harsh considering there's someone else on this team who appears to be just as - if not a tab bit more - greedy.

No way. It's all good. I enjoy a spirited debate as much as the next poster and if I overdo the Skirt hating I apologise but there's nothing I hate more than a guy who gets paid millions of dollars a year to play a game crying to the media about money, especially for as long as he has been.

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DING DONG!!! Somebody got it!!!!!!!!


The fans are so sick and tired of Skirts incessant whining about money.  This has been going on for 4 years now.  Enough already.  Nobody likes a crybaby.



We all get it. :bang


And you're right...


"Nobody likes a crybaby..." :rolleyes:

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Maggs hasn't done s***. No awards. No MVP's. No nothing. But since he's hitting well now... he has the right to add to the financial distress of this orginization...?


Gotcha.  :rolleyes:

What financial distress???


Reinsdorf and his investors have made (and continue to make) MILLIONS off of the Whitesox.


Check out what they paid for the team, and try to estimate it's current worth, and tell me how financially distressed they are.


We should all be so "financially distressed"!

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No way.  It's all good.  I enjoy a spirited debate as much as the next poster and if I overdo the Skirt hating I apologise but there's nothing I hate more than a guy who gets paid millions of dollars a year to play a game crying to the media about money, especially for as long as he has been.

Maggs.... ?? :huh



"I want Vlad $$..." (paraphrasing).

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Just for fun type in Frank Thomas complains in your favorite search engine.


A complaint from Frank is instant front page news. A complaint from Crede might be buried somewhere in the game notes.


Frank made this bed. He knows what will happen when he makes these types of statements. When the light shined on Maggs, Frank gets some headlines.

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What financial distress???


Reinsdorf and his investors have made (and continue to make) MILLIONS off of the Whitesox.


Check out what they paid for the team, and try to estimate it's current worth, and tell me how financially distressed they are.


We should all be so "financially distressed"!

Reinsey is no better about the money thing. He blatantly misleads the fans when stating he's losing money by basing his revenue on Tix only and excluding cash machines like Merchandise, Parking and Concessions. He is living rent-free at the Cell too. He and skirt can both go to hell.

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What financial distress???


Reinsdorf and his investors have made (and continue to make) MILLIONS off of the Whitesox.


Check out what they paid for the team, and try to estimate it's current worth, and tell me how financially distressed they are.


We should all be so "financially distressed"!

Move along pot stirrer... it was sarcasm. :P

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No offense steff, but I think your blind love for Frank is clouding your thoughts...


Maggs is in a contract year....and awards or not...he is a top player in this league...I mean you are now ripping on Mags to defend Franks comments...


you see what Frank has brought us too....


Just shut up and play the contract YOU signed....


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CC.. I don't have a blind love for Frank. I think he should shut his mouth. However I don't think this is as big of a deal as it's being made, and I think if you're going to s*** on Frank you should s*** on ANYONE who asks for money in the media. They are all idiots.

God knows I agree with you 100% there....Leave the media out of your contract talks...


Us common folk don't want to hear about your + 6 million problems.


I am of the mindset if ya sign a contract...you should play it out....so I guess that's what gets me the most....that and the fact that it was even discussed right now. Let's get minds off this s*** and back on to winning.


Frank isn't a rookie...he shouldn't have let a reporter bait him in to this talk IF indeed that was the case....Oh well...none of us will ever know....

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Maggs is on the last year of his contract. Frank isnt. Maggs is the best player in the last 4 seasons in this team.


A lot of teams want Maggs and all the interviews are basically about his situation on the team or where he will end up. With Frank, the reporters arent worried of where he will end up, Frank just search troubles with the reporters.

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Maggs is on the last year of his contract. Frank isnt. Maggs is the best player in the last 4 seasons in this team.


A lot of teams want Maggs and all the interviews are basically about his situation on the team or where he will end up. With Frank, the reporters arent worried of where he will end up, Frank just search troubles with the reporters.

Raf.. no offense here.. but Frank does not just stand in front of his locker and say.. "OK.. who wants to hear me b**** about my contract..?" He's egged on because they know he's an easy target.

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