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Cubs are getting their ass kicked

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Stats NOT in favor of the N. Siders:

RPG rankings early 2004:

#3 14.21 Dunn CIN

#6 13.66 Bagwell HOU

#7 12.07 Kendall PIT

#8 11.70 Biggio HOU

#10 11.13 Wilson PIT

#13 10.95 Hidalgo HOU

#16 10.23 Wilson PIT

#18 09.94 Rolen STL

#19 09.84 Barrett CHC

#24 08.82 Casey CIN

#26 08.50 Berkman HOU

#28 08.00 Mackowiak PIT

#29 07.89 Sosa CHC

#30 07.73 Pujols STL

#33 07.46 Griffey CIN


Hmmm .. let's see top 10 features CIN, HOU, PIT.

Hmmm .. let's see top 20 features PIT, HOU, STL & barely CHC.


Could it be that SI simply underestimated these other teams?


Hope for the N siders:

FLA won the World Series without a player in the top 10 or top 20.

However the did have a top 10 pitcher, a top 20 pitcher & a top 30 pitcher.

Of course if RPG was broken into halves FLA would certain be in the top in all categories :D

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O man this is great, Dusty is kicking everything in sight because the umps said some1 batted out of order on a double switch


o s*** now cubs fans are throwing s*** on the field  :headshake

I hope they take some s*** in the press, like we do every time someone does something stupid at a Sox game. Oh yeah, I forgot, that will never happen because Cub fans are lovable losers! :fthecubs

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Wait till they play someone who doesnt suck cock...while we are playing KC and NYY, they get the Reds and Bucs...

This is the part of the schedule they should be dominating. Giving up 9 runs to potential cellar dwelling ballclub is inexcusable.


EDIT: Make it 10 runs!

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I really like the Reds lineup, especially if Griffey is smack-dab right in the middle of it, with Griff, Kearns, Dunn, Casey. And, like it or not, D'Angelo Jiminez (sp?) sets the table nicely. Wily Mo Pena isn't a bad player there, either, he just homers.


Damn, If Kyle Farnsworth could ever figure himself out and not leave so many damn pitches right over the meat of the plate, he'd be one hell of a reliever...

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Can someone describe what happened earlier? Dusty submitted an illegal lineup or something, went berserk, and the bleacher bums threw garbage onto the field?


Wow, stupid play by Ramirez, makes a pretty good play on a hard hit ball, takes his time, throws to second and the guy is safe.

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I felt bad when we blew a 4 run lead to KC a week ago.

I felt bad when Koch blew a big lead 2 days ago.


But it has to be the worst feeling in the world to give up a 5 run lead with 9 outs to go the sCrubs at Wrigley. :huh:


This had better NOT happen in the chi-town series!


You hear me Billy? :ph34r:

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