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Dude, your getting...... arrested on drug charges


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Guest hotsoxchick1

ok so how stupid is this... you can get busted for carrying an ammount enough to roll several joints .. but if you only carry enough to roll lets say 1 or 2 you wont get busted.... i mean thats not several right?......and then for him to go to court and have the judge say.. as long as you behave for the next year and dont do any drugs (or at least dont get caught) this whole ordeal will come off your permanent record and you wont have to do any time??? wtf.. what a total waste of our tax payer dollars on that whole day he just spent in court.....not to mention the cops time of filling out arrest package on the little asshole and such... geez us......this definately screams our justice system is f***ed up .................dude, you just got very freakin lucky............

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every state has provisions like that - you can't be giving every kid who gets busted on a felony possession of a few joints real jail time (no room and not safe) or even a criminal record because there but for luck go any of us - we process kids like that in our county court all the time - the law kind of assumes that you get busted once, learn your lesson, the second time you get caught, you are stupid and it sticks - but to get the deal, you have to have a clean record first


most states also let a person have a single conviction expunged if you stay conviction free for some period of time after that - and the big push for expungements these days is from people who want to carry concealed weapons - amazing how many felons want to carry weapons - and we take their money and file their court papers and get their record expunged.

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every state has provisions like that - you can't be giving every kid who gets busted on a felony possession of a few joints real jail time (no room and not safe) or even a criminal record because there but for luck go any of us - we process kids like that in our county court all the time - the law kind of assumes that you get busted once, learn your lesson, the second time you get caught, you are stupid and it sticks - but to get the deal, you have to have a clean record first


most states also let a person have a single conviction expunged if you stay conviction free for some period of time after that - and the big push for expungements these days is from people who want to carry concealed weapons - amazing how many felons want to carry weapons - and we take their money and file their court papers and get their record expunged.

Good god, I couldn't even imagine if I got caught for something like that and actually had to go to jail.


Of course I'm clean so I don't worry about it. But think, you tried on joint and went to the slammer. I'd so scared. My plan would be to act like I was suicidal so I could get my own cell


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Guest hotsoxchick1

well thats kinda what im saying rps.. i mean hell you can have two or three but you cant have several.....wtf is that? either you can have them or you cant.......1 or 10 whats the difference....geez........

jas lol its not like its oz or something where they let you sit in protective custody for saying your going to off yourself.. you have to show a real will to do it first before they react to it...............

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Why should anyone get busted for a few joints anyway? It's harmless and if you belive ANY of those "anti-marajuana comrecials" you are truly clueless.

I agree with you -


the whole thing should be de-criminalized and sold legally in stores

Hell ya, that would cut the price in half :D

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the only problem i have with legalizing drugs is doesnt just stop at that...its not going to remove the bad guys from the picture...the push will then be for harder drugs on younger kids...if you take away what they do now they will create another market...its hard enoughtrying to raise kids with all the crap going on in this world...


i dont like the idea of jailing someone just for drugs because if youre not hurting anyone else i dont see why that would warrant jail time...but i dont know if anyone can really see all the ramifications if we legalized drugs...i dont know how far the bad guys would go to stay in business...

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