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On that soldier that they showed on Arab tv - now let's make a prediction on the reaction if, God forbid, he dies at the hands of his captors.


The media is going to portray this soldier's death as Bush's failed policy. And where will the outrage be for the actual killers? ....................................................................................................



We'll hear NOTHING...........................................................


And I find that absolutely sickening.


Why don't people get that? I mean, yea, Bush's policies might be wrong, but these captors are smart enough to know that they are polarizing the country over here by doing what they are doing. Our media will portray this as I stated above, and the blood thirsty murders will not get the wrath they deserve.


I hope I'm wrong, but when I saw this on tv, that was my first thought, how gullible we are as Americans to let things happen this way.

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