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Mariotti column today


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Notice, no other media outlet paid any attention to the Southtown article with more than a whiff and a glance. But Mariotti went absolutely out of his way to single out Frank and cause dissension in a clubhouse that's exhibiting a winning attitude. I've finally come to the conclusion that Mariotti doesn't want to see the Sox successful. Anything he can do to undermine Reinsdorf, he'll try to do.



Newsflash, Jay: It ain't working.

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Notice, no other media outlet paid any attention to the Southtown article with more than a whiff and a glance.  But Mariotti went absolutely out of his way to single out Frank and cause dissension in a clubhouse that's exhibiting a winning attitude.  I've finally come to the conclusion that Mariotti doesn't want to see the Sox successful.  Anything he can do to undermine Reinsdorf, he'll try to do. 



Newsflash, Jay: It ain't working.

That's not true....... the Trib went to Kenny for a response to the article. That's paying attention to it to me.


Guys I just don't see the problem here. Yas I usually agree with you, but here I think you are off. Set aside your hatred for Mariotti and look at what he wrote. What he wrote makes perfect sense. The timing made sense.


The article, while negative on Frank's comments, was pretty positive about the Sox as a whole. Basically he was praising the Sox and questioning why Frank should jeopardize that by being jealous. He's right! Frank should have kept his trap shut.


This goes back to the sometimes prevailing attitude on here that people on this board can bash a Sox player or Sox management, but as soon as a reporter does it, the group must lash out. Even when he is writing what most people on this board are posting..... From an objective point of view, it doesn't make any sense.

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The problem I have with Mariotti writing this article is he only focuses on the negative when he decides to write about the White Sox one of his 5 times a year. I mean the Cubs aren't off to the great start they were expected to, and the recent titles of Mariotti's columns have been: Part-time Prior may be enough for Cubs, State of the Cubs a pressing issue at highest levels, Maddux cool despite a ragged re-debut, Baker needs to dust off Prior problem, etc..etc.....


He somehow can write positive articles for a fourth place team...

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The problem I have with Mariotti writing this article is he only focuses on the negative when he decides to write about the White Sox one of his 5 times a year.  I mean the Cubs aren't off to the great start they were expected to, and the recent titles of Mariotti's columns have been:  Part-time Prior may be enough for Cubs, State of the Cubs a pressing issue at highest levels, Maddux cool despite a ragged re-debut, Baker needs to dust off Prior problem, etc..etc.....


He somehow can write positive articles for a fourth place team...

Didn't he just write a positive article stating the Sox should do what it takes to re-sign Maggs?


I still look at this article as positive. He is saying the same thing that many people on here have said. "Hey, things are going good. Why do you have to open your big fat mouth, Frank?" You can dwell on his calling Frank out, or his calling Frank out because everything is going well and he thinks it is dumb to upset the applecart. I prefer to focus on the fact that he is acknowledging the Sox early season success.

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Didn't he just write a positive article stating the Sox should do what it takes to re-sign Maggs?


NO! He went off on a tangent on Reinsdorf, saying how he should've announced right then and there that Reinsdorf should've offered a contract extension right there on the spot. Then he lamented about the trade that almost happened with Boston saying the players union was the only thing that saved KW from "another boneheaded deal".


The day after Frank reported to ST with no problems, Mariotti wrote it wouldn't last. Yeah, lots of positive vibes from Mariotti there. The man is an ill-informed jackass.

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I wish Frank would kick the s*** out of Mariotti.


Violence never solves anything.


That impotent, bilous toad has been getting his comuppance for 4 decades now. Let him publish his third-rate sensationalistic scribblings all his wants. *Snore*

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